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  1. When an AN keyboard warrior is not behind his keyboard😀
  2. The quickest way to embarrass yourself online
  3. Seems to me you are somewhat triggered, you've mentioned the name more that once, what minors are on this forum? You also previously said it was offensive.
  4. His heart will pop due to the pressure, it can't be healthy having all this emotional hatred pert up
  5. It just goes to show all this internet hatred is not actually real life. Trump is the worst man ever to exist, yet he beat your team twice, so what does that say about your team?
  6. How about all you armchair generals that want this war to continue untill Russia are defeated get off you bar stools in your Hooker wives bar and go and fight. You feel so strongly, put your money where your fingers are and go do your bit.... pussies won't do shiitte. Walter mittys, legends in your own flip flops
  7. But your views are defined byntje mainstream media, so you will never get a positive side to anything Trump does. Trump is the only US President in recent history that is actively and publically trying to end a war and all the left can do is attack him for it, I am sure Trump and his admin are privy to far more info than we asnthe public know, yet you all seem to know better then him. How about anyone that wants the war to continue has to do 3 months on the front line without question, I bet your puffy chest will soon retract.
  8. He is American, its his President, youre Australian.... how sad are you
  9. How did the Russian collusion hoax end? Trump is your President, that's hownits ended
  10. Are you actually banned from reporting comments?
  11. Hateful, nasty meanie.... I'm telling teacher,
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