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  1. I am fine, fit and healthy, You on the otherhand should possibly be worried about your heart and blood pressure. Grateful dead puts you at 65yrs mimimum
  2. I was, some friends however were not as amazing good looking or witty as me, so the bar scene was guaranteed๐Ÿ˜Ž, I also did a few months in Hua hin, the western chicks are very limited, Sam Sam bar was the only real place and 99% Thai chicks
  3. I did my toursit stuff 20yrs ago in my early 20's so know how it all works. But i'm still able to get westerns and prefer a bit of banter and conversation.
  4. Hateful language? Only if you are weak.
  5. Haha, yes, and i'm sure the girls are 'different' to the rest.
  6. No, it was naรฏve of Trump to speedball thoughts and questions regarding possible ways to deal with an potential pandemic in a room full of lying deceitful domocrat activist gutter press snakes. still to this day people like yourself still spread the lie, knowing full well its a lie.
  7. From the initial post it sounds like the bike rider is typical young <deleted> renting a big bike to look cool. How devistating to lose your husband while innocently crossing a road,
  8. Yes, I'm sure they would had he actually suggested it was something people should do, but it wasn't was it... it was a question he asked his medical advisors during a press briefing in the beginning of COVID. The words he said are there to hear, you can also see who is is addressing while speaking. It is not the press and it is not said as a statement, you are either purposely spreading misinformation or a ...
  9. You Joined Monday, my guess is you've found a bar with really 'friendly' girls working and you've been hanging out telling jokes they all find hilarious, bought them their favourite snacks before they start the night shift and These are the only Thai words you know.๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜€
  10. So, do you actually believe that the word 'disinfectant', in a medical/surgical context actually means house hold bleach or similar.
  11. you are changing you story in real time. Its clear to people with rational thinking and clear hearing what is said and how. You are as previously said, a clapping seal, repeating everything the MSM tells you. Even this thread about cutting aid totally is false.
  12. Every country should, but their leaders are weak and pandern to the woke for in fear, that's why the so called 'far right' are making gains everywhere in europe
  13. "Is there" come on, you know you're lying to yourself, purpoealy misrepresenting what was said and the context it was said in..
  14. I know what was said, you are not the first <removed>'er that's spouted the bleach BS. Why not play the video clip where you can clearly see he is asking the advisers sitting to his right. He is also clearly not saying this as a stamement, and at no point did he tell anyone to inject anything. You are purposly spreading lies and misinformation

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