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Posts posted by Dumbastheycome

  1. Contrary to the better interests of the "United States I believe Trump will insist on setting as many dogs loose as he  can purely in retaliation while  extracting as much  taxpayer funded time he  can in escaping to his  Golf courses while he still can. Creditors  may  lock the  gates  as of  21st January!

    It can only be hoped that the more rational and self preservative tactics of the  GOP members in general involves avoidance of  being dragged under by failing  to  accommodate a "flailing turtle" .

    Such a shame Trump  can not  concede to the fact that his 4 season long personal  pinnacle of "reality shows" has been rejected by a majority of the voting local  audience and the world in general.

    Even  the "Trump TV" becomes a reality late night entertainment  might do  well  with re-runs  of  " JR ".

    If it is a  cable platform  maybe  Stormy might be  a feature as an alternative  to Maria Bartiromo  on Fox?

    Paula White, Trump's so called  spiritual advisor  is in full on mode on the fringes in a  desperate  call  for last  minute salvation of the  nation  invoking  God to strike  down the enemy without evidence of considering God  already has that in progress !

    While the est of the world has probably experienced a  quiet  sigh of relief there  still remains the  risk Trump  may try to radically and spitefully inflict himself outside of the confines  of the US.

    Russia and China  have  not yet indicated recognition of  Biden  as POTUS Elect despite it seemingly being a  foregone. Perhaps not so much because they await  the  "Official "  confirmation but  in the knowledge Trump  has  60  odd  days to  create  havoc ? ( No pun or  secondary  inference in the use of   "odd ) (Much )lol





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  2. 2 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

    Now you a good boy and pay attention. Check out the time stamps of the fall and rise of the Yuan on my chart (chart in UTC). It corresponds to the time the last polls in the US closed and Trump was ahead, and then nearly a day later when the polls were showing Biden catching up or winning. Beijing is UTC +8 and the market in China FX market opens at UTC +1

    Would be interesting  to see a comparison of other  currencies .  lol

  3. 7 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Biden should already have asked the experts and gather info and made his mind up about how he intends to handle the virus .

       He should have had a strategy already in place .

    No one knows how Biden will react to the containing the virus , which is USA's current biggest issue , and yet they still voted for him 

    It is  very probable that Biden or his assistants have already been provided with the relevant science opinions from which to  formulate a comprehensive plan that takes into  account  ALL the  factors rather than the singular dedication to preserving  "self" as has been the  focus of Trump's attitude. Overcoming the bloody minded  resistance  of the ignorant ignorance Trump promoted makes it a more difficult  task.

    • Like 1
  4. There seems to be an overwhelming lack of  GOP Senator comments in support of Trump's furious threats of  legal challenges. With two run offs coming up in 2021 it may well be the GOP will be keen to not antagonize an  electorate that has been emboldened  enough to  dump Trump. For Biden and Harris to have a less difficult time applying policies even a  50/50 Senate would be an advantage with Harris having the deciding vote.

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  5. 15 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    Congratulations to Joe and Kamala.


    Time to get to work.


    The dark clouds have been lifted and we can again see the City on the Hill.


    trump inaugural address...Jan. 20, 2017


    "Every four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power, and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition. They have been magnificent."








    If those were Trump's  words  verbatim then he cursed himself !  A transfer of power every  4 years ?  lol

  6. 20 hours ago, VBF said:

    Well, I have some old 78 RPM records of my father's including this one which I've remastered to FLAC files, then down to MP3 to play on my phone

    Now THAT'S a generation jump!






    My earliest memories of hearing  music from a  machine  was  from a  wind up  phonograph that had the choice of  78  or  33 rpm playing speeds.

    My Mother had a small collection of some (to me) horrible fragile discs she would  play occasionally.

    They eventually  failed  to play despite the coin  placed on the arm to keep it in the  groove even as that coin  progressed  from  farthing to  halfpenny  then penny!

    The only one that I  have inherited  and which  still  plays  (mostly)  is a relatively   new one in her  collection that she  did not  like is  Stanley Holloway  reciting the  tale of Albert and the Lion and  on the  B side  Sam Joins the Army. Even as a  child I had  to  enjoy and  laugh at the  sardonic humour .

    Having  the  life  experience of  going  from watching a  crude  needle extract   sound to  emanate from an ornate  horn to now experiencing  sound of good  quality injected  via wireless ear buds from a  source  unseen

    is my personal equivalent  to the experience my  parents  had to witnessing the technology of  telephony, flying machines  becoming a standard means  of  military assignation and secondary  new form of  convenient public transport , nuclear weapons as the demonstrable incentive  to adhere to collective submission to a  select  agenda and onward  onward.

    Now it has all been incorporated into a hand held  device  or  smaller.

    The variables  of that  device   can now provide many of the wishes  of society bar  physical  flight (exceptions  being booking flights or announcing  one prior to  leaping  off a  building !)

    The progression of  such relatively  rapid progress  may be  implants that allow selectivity in application of  the practical, enjoyable  and the inevitable indoctrination  of ?

    How  strange is it that  which society  has been so  welcoming  to adopt in the  belief that it  somehow empowers them to  express themselves , participate in  social outcomes, resist manipulative  dominance etc they have enabled by funding exactly the  opposite of their  presumed  objectives.

    I  could  expand and  expound   further  but will relent except  to say that  if there be those who have objection  to my discourse  should  hark  back to the  response to my  much earlier  question to the  OP.

    That response removed any question as  to specifics of topic in the interest of  eliciting  comment  in the context of an open forum.

    Modern "Walkman" equivalent?  Why  not a  cheap  harmonica  and   blow  to  hearts  content ?????









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  7. 12 hours ago, ukrules said:

    What a load of rubbish, RSV is one of the most common childhood infections - we've all had it, every single one of us.


    In populations where general  good health is taken  for granted it  may not have a severe impact but in many places it is a significant  cause of  death in children and the elderly !

    Given the symptoms are not unlike Covid-19 the  current scrutiny of lower respiratory infections will probably lessen the mortality rate for RSV and Influenza. Win some, lose  some.

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  8. 7 hours ago, Venom said:

    Unfortunately there's zero motivation for them to stop, Most are completely ignorant of to the issue and not interested in the slightest. The only way it will stop is through trade sanctions for the polluters or in other words hitting them in the pocket book, that is the only way you will ever get their attention. ???? 

    Perhaps the opposite would be true. They are not entirely ignorant of the issue but continue customary practices in the  absence of viable or affordable alternatives. There is  not a lot to "hit" in the pockets of the vast number of poor rice farmers who collectively produce a major  global food source. Perhaps paying them better instead of extorting them would be an incentive to invest in solutions?

    It is interesting to note the allocation of blame for persistent air pollution is on very  seasonal agricultural practices while conveniently accommodating the more  permanent industrial and urban sources.


  9. I am wondering if the inferred proposal to  halve costs was related to the purchase price of new cultivar strains ?

    There seems to be no logical explanation of any way to  reduce actual cultivation  costs  by 50% .

    There is a lot of  development in Thailand for new rice strains in pursuit of  nutritional  value, disease resistance, export market  value, etc.

    My observation is the hardest part is  getting Farmers  to actively participate instead of simply re-sowing the same old seed from the  same old  annual crop .

  10. 1 minute ago, Venom said:


    South India for one, where stubble is not burnt as there is economic value as animal feed. Simply educate poor farmers and give them the option to convert rice stubble into income!


    Open stubble burning  exposes the peasantry to large amounts of toxic pollutants in the atmosphere which contain harmful gases like methane (CH4), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Volatile organic compound (VOC) and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.


    Clean it up Thailand! 





    South India  has initiated alternatives but sadly rice straw is actually  very poor stock feed. Is mostly  just  used as a filler or carrier for  better nutritional  additives.

    Northern India has introduced the use of an applied decomposition agent as an alternative.

    Rice straw and  stubble is notoriously resistant to decomposition and as  tough as  leather when it comes to shredding. That combined with limited use value compared to the sheer  volume is the  sad reason  burning has been an ancient method of removal.

    I have personally attempted  various  methods  to return it  into the soil with  amused Thai family assistance.

    Never achieved  much success.


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  11. 8 hours ago, teacherclaire said:


    This post's point is that dogs are in heat, and you can see plenty of them from other areas almost everywhere.

    Ride safe, that's all I wanted to say after I almost crashed. 



    A friend of mine who had only  left my place about five  minutes was taken  to hospital with broken ribs, punctured lung, multiple  abrasions, after a dog ran from behind a parked  vehicle directly under his front wheel. Not at speed, no sign of or reason to expect a dog to run out, no time at all to avoid.

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