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Everything posted by Jiggo

  1. Sounds like he is very upset snowflake, God this generation, wear cheap flip flops in future
  2. No Commercial Value, could work or gift, and no charge. Any one tried.
  3. Not to bright an individual or mental problem's
  4. They (Police) can not enforce the blatant non wearing of underware in public, let alone beach food sellers.
  5. Looks like outright "Poofery" to me.
  6. Operation Black Horse Down Dont you just love un-woke Thailand.
  7. Hardly news, a couple of dicks fighting in public.
  8. Hope they go to Phuket, well most of them.
  9. Normally they are only interested in catching "Low Hanging Fruit", and a few photos.
  10. German yesterday took out a Policeman
  11. Serious charges lead into Serious Sh*t,
  12. Yep, one holiday a year for some, who would waste it in Phuket
  13. Had a similar problem in London when a Black man approached me while I was withdrawing cash, funny how a very load Ferk Off works.
  14. Answered your own question there.
  15. How long do these people stay in luxury hotels, like most tourists are walking around temples or such like in the heat, laying on the beach, shopping or on the piss just like the rest of us.
  16. Not in England now young lady, you will get Named, Shamed and Prosecuted here.
  17. Demark is only one country, last time I looked.
  18. Hence the saying "That house 'ant worth the land it's built on".
  19. That's what the establishment want, complete control, if you don't conform you will be cancelled, that includes your cash flow. (And of course those who depend on tips etc. will pay tax)
  20. So they can go home earlier
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