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Everything posted by Jiggo

  1. A muti millionaire who has had more hot blonde chick's than your hot som tam's. Not that silly.
  2. Not true Seen Clapton, Sting, Santana, Elton John and Queen the Thais where we'll into the bands also Rod Stewart is coming will miss that one.
  3. They nearly did, had ticket's in 2003ish, cancelled due to technical problems on second aircraft from a gig in India, Mick was in the first. Off to BKK next day for refunds.
  4. Plus hold baggage can easily bump it up another 1000 baht
  5. I blame Dunkin Doughnuts, every time I buy 2 they ask if I want 3 and they will give me 6 for the same price, always decline the offer. Just sell them cheaper. Plenty of Thais seem to accept this deal.
  6. So alright to burn those Tyres then, absolute idiocrasy statement by the government minister.
  7. God those 50 something bald farangs playing solders, and that horrible pounding never ending em, music...
  8. heard it was the Jomtien Airport Bus is that correct.
  9. May be because they import quite a few from Pakistan.
  10. Must admit a lot better years ago, mainly Brit's and Jerry's happy days
  11. Where is this beach, looks like Pattaya 1989
  12. What a choice for them Ukraine or Gaza....Rock On.
  13. Yes, even so it's still an alleged crime, until/if he has been found guilty he's photos and name should not have been published. Seems guilty to found innocent prevails.
  14. And more exciting news, I ordered some more tea towels on Lazarda today. More to follow.
  15. Seems a Hot Story this one zzzzzz
  16. Filming a guy taking a pee, a little voyeuristic I think.
  17. Racist taxation lol
  18. So a lost wallet and it was not mine, interesting zzzzz
  19. Ironing One of the first things you are taught in the British Forces, I even do my own Shreddies. Saved me getting a wife
  20. Families of four or five on a motorscooter "Yes"
  21. A Pie on a piece of string down to the local Cop Shop, I imagine.
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