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Everything posted by Jiggo

  1. Some nice moves by the old guy in jeans lol
  2. Yes, but they do, Ukrainian forces captured quite a few conscripts in the Kherson district, please inform Mr Putin.
  3. So a "Red Sea Pedestrian" and a "Draft Dodger" this time....
  4. Just calling them "Bouncers" adds to the image of beating up punters. Reminds me of the UK in the 90s. They need awareness course's and licensing, but that's very unlikely.
  5. "My passion, GPS from Motorbike" Police reply "You have Motorbike" Lol Nicked.
  6. Seems to me they caught some more "Low Hanging Fruit" No Russian oligarch's or Australian Hells Angels this time.
  7. These days they will be videoing the assault, for "Likes"
  8. Had a slight problem myself with VietJet a jobsworth pulled me at check-in as slight damage on the next of kin page and they will have to contact my arrival immigration. I explained that it was Thailand Immigration that caused the damage do to all the staples they stick in it. Ended up being tracked though the Airport including a visit to the Immigration desk. No problem on the return journey
  9. Getting boring now, let them smoke the shyte.
  10. So what's a non binary one?
  11. Where are they now, need some washing done,
  12. It's no problem Most Thais have never heard of Mexico
  13. Keep puffin away brother, be OK in the morning
  14. Shouldn't that read the majority of Pot Heads and Pot Shops don't want cannabis re classified
  15. LOL You're joking right Some species of frog's
  16. How much of the 300 baht would have filtered down to the industry, my guess about 3 baht.
  17. Good to see Sweden making an effort and not just Brits and Ruskies etc.
  18. They beat their wife's with vests disgusting
  19. Take a look around, they are already here, colosseum on thepasset Road could be.
  20. Good for the Chinese and Russian Mafia Sihanoukville 2 the movie
  21. Not a reason it's just an excuse. How come it's frozen in Canada
  22. Means nothing just an excuse for not paying I understand Canada has but pension is frozen there.
  23. Not frozen if you live in The Philippines Work that one out
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