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Everything posted by roobaa01

  1. Gday My opinion Thailand is playing ball with OECD rules to receive some comfort from Europe visa policy etc. But in reality the join brics countries thus OECD crab can be forgotten about including Thai tax matters. Wbr Roobaa01
  2. Gday Today integrity legal on YouTube Title when should expats truly worry about Tax in Thailand. The CEO expressed explicitly again that 80% Of expat retirees in Thailand shouldn't worry about tax matters. Also that there is no intend by immigration to include tax matters into the visa etc.. process in the foreseeable future. That guy is the most credible source. Wbr Roobaa01
  3. Gday My tax income return after deduction of the 560000 is minus THB 22000 , how do they treat a negative income at the Thai revenue department? Is that rolled over like in Austria to the next tax return? Wbr Roobaa01
  4. Yes I m aware of that but there is also a tax rebate for thb 190000 when 65 plus hence I'm I entitled to Both tax rebate THB 100 k and THB 190 k= THB 290 k ? Who can clarify plus ? Wbr Roobaa01
  5. Gday I thought the 100 k pension allowance is only applicable if you work. Can someone here explain please ? Wbr Roobaa01
  6. Gday I would try Integrity Legal the CEO Is an us born with Thai citizenship Qualified lawyer and accountant. Wbr Roobaa01
  7. Gday Donald trump just took the us out of OECD dies it mean now tax matters are going back for us citizens in Thailand to the old AMI treaty? I figured out the following general threshold when married on pension older than 65 THB 190000 THB 120000 THB 150000 Total THB 460 k if I stay below that no tax hence why bother to file a return? Wbr Roobaa01
  8. Gday They the new TM 6 applies only to Tourists hence I assume the long-term expats are exempted from it ? Extension of stay with 12 months stay and re-entry permit. Same was said with the ETA only Tourists. Wbr Roobaa01
  9. Gday Like I thought no one sheds a light on globalism with the new prime ministress not Minister the Davis club can get lost. For god sake they sacked sretta. Now is Thailand sovereignty and also bla bla Reports No Investors demand Thai bath. Msg Peter1
  10. Good day Now the new prime ministeress has been installed and as it looks like the investors community is in favor with trust as the THB strengthened. Thereto the THB 10k digital wallet waste to be skipped I think also the income tax matter will be disappear in the drawer and all excitement was a waste . Wbr Roobaa01
  11. Good morning Pertaining the DTV validity 5 years, what happens if my passport has a remaining validity of only 4 years would receive a 5 year validity sticker? Wbr Roobaa01
  12. Gday Just watching Thai daily expat show explaining the new visa rules . Thus 60 days visa exemption can be extended by 30 days. Hence I can do two entries per year by existing to Cambodia 2 times in a year . Thus given I can obtain accummulated 270 days in Thailand as Tourist. Thus I'm liable to pay income tax as tourist? Wbr Roobaa01 //Edit by Maestro: Off topic. Should be discussed in one of the ongoing topics about income tax.
  13. Gday Just watching Thai expat daily news explaining the new DTV rules it is claimed 180 days per entry thus within 5 years . Hence I move out to Cambodia after 179 days re-enter next day thus easily gives me 1 year. Is this true ? Wbr Roobaa01
  14. Gday The new document a support for the Revenue department to later on push the button to accumulate financial information from you. Wbr Roobaa001
  15. Gday Today the new visa exemption rules comes into effect so anyone from the 93 countries entitled receives the 60 days stamp. 60 days plus 30 extension at the 1900 . So I can do that for 2 times more in one year reaching 270 days am I then a tax resident as being a tourist? Secondly a German pension receives age pension euro 1245 after deduction of health care he receives Euro 1104 net. The pensioner is still registered in Germany with a residential address thus makes him liable to file an income tax return and pay taxes. But euro 1104 is still within a threshold of euro 11680 so non taxable. However the pensioner stays more than 180 days in Thailand is he to file an income tax ? Wbr Roobaa01
  16. Gday This is the crux for my pension is too low to be taxed in Germany. However in Thailand it's a different story. The DTA stipulates that the German government is the tax sovereign if you are registered with a fixed address in the country. Maybe I'm wrong but this appears like a conondrum to me. PS my net pension after deductions of health insurance in Germany is the 525k Wbr Roobaa01
  17. Gday Another aspect pertaining the Thai tax horror the Global income taxation like mentioned in the Bangkok post article. There are foreigners who are still a resident of their home country i.e. Germany . German tax law stipulates as long as you maintain a legal address registration as first residence one is subject pay tax by law in Germany. So how would that play out if Thailand amending the law to global income . USA similar. Wbr Roobaa01
  18. Gday Another horror news about Thai taxation . As from the 1.1.2025 anyone having stayed in Thailand for 180 days , would be requested to present a Thai tax no-nif or Thai income tax certificate applying for extension of stay retirement/marriage. Source : mario swiss blogger on YouTube claimed to have been advised by his lawyers. His lawyers were advised by Thai immigration. Wbr Roobaa01
  19. Gday I would not contact my embassy instead to be on the safe side I would approach the consulate. The consulate is closer and advice or documents can be obtained through it. Less hassle than travel all the way to Bangkok. Wbr Roobaa01
  20. @johng You cannot update a fixed term deposit as there is no transaction. The fixed term deposit states clearly the date when it was lodged as well when it matures. When I break the TD it will appear as transaction in the TD passbook . Wbr Roobaa01
  21. Gday Jomtien allows for a fixed term deposit savings passbook with 400k Without update. Wbr Roobaa01
  22. Gday Im of the opinion his wife does not need to be present when by power of attorney a lawyer would act as her proxy. Wbr Roobaa01
  23. Gday In joimtien they would give u list with All requirements in English or Thai . I ask for it every year to make sure I don't miss out on anything. Wbr Roobaa01
  24. Gday I returned on the 31rst January 2024 and filed my TM 30 on the 1.2.2024. Question when do I need to do my 90 day report 30.4.24 ? Wbr Roobaa01
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