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Everything posted by parafareno

  1. wherei s that condo, it is not VT right? YOu can pm me so it is a secret and how much did you pay for it?
  2. beautiful condo...but this one goes for like 5 million for sure....and nobody complains about your music.....how the hell do i know if the walls will be paper thin and i will have a neighbour like you playing music all day and night....if the walls are decent and noiise insulation too that is not a problem....but I cant go bangking on walls and guessing how noise insulated tehy are
  3. probably a tiny tiny little condo where you cant stretch the middle guy
  4. better yet where can you build a house with pool for under 2 million in Thailand? I would prefer safety and some land and away from neighbours more or less, neqr the beach also....but there needs to be like a mall 20 minutes drive or something
  5. is it even possible to rent a condo near the beach to somebody because tehre are so many condos everywhere? I am targeting 50 sq meter condo so you are not like a fish in a bowl with that small space....50-60 sq m is the sweet point from my experience
  6. i was thinking of buying a condo, then I am thinking well what if i will not like it...what if some neighbour will annoy me....etc.... how are you investing ? I know I mde mistakes in the past not buying condos because the prices rose so much past few years but still I am afraid
  7. nirun is the dump of pattaya
  8. did they lower the cost because of corona? i am afraid to buy something in wifes name....
  9. ban suan lalana is the dump...they were selling condos for 1 million 10 years ago...the place is too crowded ...have no garage for bikes etc...
  10. you are right....i am aproaching my 50 infew years...so I have few years to party....but in my old years I am definately looking for some remote living, having a house and garden with fruit trees..that is my dream....may I ask where is your location aproximately?
  11. maybe people do not notice inflation in thailand...but everything goes up I think....so you are loosing money everyday....by keeping cash and investing in stocks is a big fail... so is investing in metals...for not the market is really bad cause the morons printed huge ammounts of money and the public wil pay for it.....
  12. i thought some sell off...but now it seems to be back to normal...from internet listings....that is just my opinion because I am looking for a condo in pattaya because inflation will eat your money away...sooner or later... if I would buy a house in pattaya 8 years ago for 1.5 million...semidetached in village....i could sell it today for over 2 mill I think....
  13. that is normal in pattaya...having barred windows even in the village with security...who wants to live somewhere away from all the fun, you probably need few hours to get to the big city
  14. how can you say condos will go down in value when we are on the urge of hyperinflation?
  15. so how much is not buying thoruhg company? Back then it was around 500 eur per year for lawyers and like 10000 bht for yearly maintenance....
  16. what? you mean what happens after leasing of the land is over?
  17. how many break ins did you have in last 10 years?
  18. look i almost bought 1.5 million semidetached 9 years ago in gated village, dark side.....but no agents...some village woman showed me when I was asking around....but she was not happy just showing it...she wanted a cut...damn.....so the non detached house were around 1 million...i dont remember exactly.....800 or 1 million......non detached....
  19. it is hard to remember, it was near the big fruit and veggie market..on dark side....chockchoi village? They were around 800 to 1 million if I remember.... one I almost bought on dark side...but it was not in the gated community and I was super scared of break ins...cause it was happening all the time.... but almost bought the 1 story for 1.5 million in some village....but i dont remember anymore, it was on dark side
  20. i was doing the same, 10 years ago i found semidetached house in dark side...for 1.5 million, but the neighbour was drunk and they would party every day....so I was afraid to buy it....because it was detached on one side only....but that was a good price I think...I could sell it now for 2.5 probably
  21. 10 years ago...the prices for small houses in pattaya dark side were 800k to 1 million....
  22. i know about the company yes....but so many people do it...they were saying the gov will carack down on those people who buy houses 10 years ago...till now nothing happed so I guess it will stay like that for ever....
  23. isnt buying a townhouse in pattaya a suicide, because of the robberies?
  24. what is the best site to search for houses? I would like a detached house I saw many houses like 2months ago, were they all sold now when tourists are coming back?
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