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Everything posted by parafareno

  1. teh agent says she asked the owner for DEED and he laughed...because he is afraid she might use his deed to sell a another property REALLY with a picture on the phone of the deed you can sell a property?
  2. I could be really scammed.....but it is a one of the biggest real estate agencies here in Pattaya....the girl is practically hungrly for the deposit.....can a big company scam somebody? I mean what about their reputation?
  3. something ouyou never experienced in thailand i guess
  4. yes for walking corpses...trust me i am not paying for a regular girl...it never happened and it will never happen....i rqther be alone..
  5. i guess your house is then, you must have a harem of girls, a guy with such confidence
  6. where in big c? You mean tofu in fridge?
  7. I am in process of buying and the seller is changing his mind etc.. he lowered the price but he wants me to pay the land office tax, so me 100 %. And I cant see the deed. He is foreign owner so the real estate agent said he does not want to give me a copy or just to show the deed. Is this normal? Or can there be financing on the deed or some extra costs? what else could be the signs to be careful? Also the agent pushed me to give 10 % deposit, so if I did then I would have to pay tax 100 % or they would take my deposit? How to protect myself...seems the agent was not very trusting..... she just was pushing for deposit and i did not even get any paper of the total costs etc....
  8. i saw in one condo the owner was away and i went to look to buy, the balcony was full of <deleted>, the walls were full of <deleted>, these pigeons are a pest, why wodlt they <deleted> vertiacally on teh wall?
  9. why are pigeons afraid of the hoot?
  10. yep that is what i saw today one guy installed.....but he oiled the freaking balcony rail too....does he think the birds will fall down for god sake?
  11. Is it affordable? Or super expensive....affordable I mean around 150 bht per meal or something. Please give me some samples of costs and where you eat
  12. is food more expensive in koh samui then in pattaya, because it is an island?
  13. are there mostly sex workers like in Pattaya, who pretend they are not? I cant date a woman like that. are girls in Samui same, or are they more like bangkok girls that have a job, dont want your money etc....in pattaya every girl say how much you give me
  14. I am watching webcams over youtube of samui and it rains all the time...can you even go to the beach? I mean I would just jump on a plane, rent a bungalow but hey, it is raining all the time.... so what you do in rain? you just stay inside? here in pattaya it is sunny everyday, no rain now for few weeks
  15. i hate nets, they are ugly
  16. i saw these metal spikes in one guy appartemnt i was looking to buy.....he put oil on th e<deleted>ing railing before i came, so the pigeons would slip or something? <deleted>
  17. where is condo for 6000 bht? 25 sq meter?
  18. eat in terminal 21, vegan plate is 40 bht only....so i take 2 plates plus some desert around 120 bht and I am fully full
  19. these disgusting birds shat all over the balcony....what to do? to prevent them return?
  20. I mean it shows rain and thunder each day? https://www.google.com/search?q=koh+samui+weather&rlz=1C2AVFC_enSI982SI982&source=hp&ei=U7dmY4OpO7e94-EP-qC-sAg&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAY2bFZJMrZjd-TBuD7OhJza6OMXrlDFuD&ved=0ahUKEwjDnvSW4Zf7AhW33jgGHXqQD4YQ4dUDCAg&uact=5&oq=koh+samui+weather&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6uAED-AEBMhAQABiABBixAxiDARhGGIACMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEwgIIEAAYsQMYgwHCAggQLhiABBixA8ICCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIOEC4YgAQYsQMYxwEY0QPCAhEQLhiABBixAxiDARjHARjRA8ICCxAuGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIFEAAYsQPCAggQLhiABBjUAsICCxAuGIMBGLEDGIAEwgIFEC4YgATCAggQLhixAxiABMICCxAuGIAEGMcBGK8BwgIREC4YgAQYsQMYgwEYxwEYrwHCAgUQIRigAUi4IlAAWJghcAJ4AMgBAJABAJgBpgGgAYgOqgEEMTYuMw&sclient=gws-wiz ANd on few youtube webcams I saw raining too all the time...so if it rains you cant do anything and you have to be home lol
  21. if I go on a bus from pattaya to BKK and then fly to samui, it will cost me more I just checked the costs....where are you guys getting this info for god sake? are you even in Thailand? https://www.google.com/travel/flights/search?tfs=CBwQAhopagwIAhIIL20vMGZuMmcSCjIwMjItMTEtMTRyDQgCEgkvbS8wMzNjc3ZwAYIBCwj___________8BQAFIAZgBAg&hl=en&gl=th&curr=THB
  22. so i should search for air asia from pattaya to surat and then ferry to koh samui?
  23. so with bangkok air I pay 2400 for one way....you say i will pay 400 bht with your airplane?
  24. so i found 2400 bht with bangkok air? I need top pay now right? I cant just reserve it on their site and pay cash at the counter? How much is taxi from pattaya to airport? Is there a bus to airport?
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