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Everything posted by neeray

  1. Putin will welcome him back home and reward him with a trip to the front line, no food, no water, an old Soviet era gun but no ammunition.
  2. KINKY boy, definitely has issues. Hope they can be handled (I mean, dealt with).
  3. Reference Casinos: I went to Thailand for a change and a rest, Walking Street got the change and the Casinos got the rest. 🤣
  4. " passenger named Melba" (from the article). I'd say "she's toast".
  5. Ever considered writing fiction, maybe thrillers? You might rise to fame and fortune like the billionaire Harry Potter lady. This is much better than those posts where you used to support the junta.
  6. This is not good news for "the image of Thailand" as a vacation spot.
  7. If that's all they did, the locals got off easy.
  8. Best you take your meds or have a few more beers.
  9. "The punishment should be more severe due to the impact on the country's image." Oh come on, give it a rest!
  10. "the pontiff emphasized the destructive power of false information in creating societal division and distrust." Then the pontiff should have admonished the very one who he is seen joking with in this article picture. After all, who doesn't know that the Felon Elect represents the epitome of disinformation?
  11. I live near the shore of Lake Ontario, Toronto area. I walk my dog daily on the trails and in the many parks along the shoreline. There might be 500 people in a park, I can count the number of new Canadians on one hand, maybe two hands. I don't have a problem with that, just sayin'. But I do frown on the fact that if I order a coffee or fast food, buy gas, go to a medical centre (center), interact with our government, most often, verbal communication is very difficult, quite trying. Otherwise, except for the cold of winter, it is an awesome country. This picture accurately depicts "Canada today".
  12. Speaking as a Canadian and as one who has lived here for 7+ decades, Canadians are far from being that submissive. As for Trump. most Canadians see him as Chief Clown, or Felon Elect.
  13. This co leadership thing is becoming quite popular. And in this case, Thailand is ahead of the curve with USA following. But I expect that the Musk/Trump co presidency / bromance will fall apart before too long.
  14. Yes, in short, that's the type of thing I was talking about. But wait, we ain't seen nothin' yet.
  15. There never was any plans (as you know). That was all just election BS that his followers were gullible enough to believe.
  16. Going forward, I expect USA is heading toward some volatile times, what with nutbars galore and many in high up government positions, even one acting as a co-president.
  17. On January 21, I expect to hear an announcement that the Russian war on Ukraine has ended. Heck, I'll be generous and even give him to January 31.
  18. But wait. I recall Trump while campaigning, saying that he would end the war in something like 24 hours after taking control of the White House once again. Oh well, I guess that bold statement is akin to his now failed promise to lower food prices. Many of us knew that he was just blowing smoke out his rear to garner votes. Stinky but it seems to have worked.
  19. War Party? Washington Post? Warring Putin? What Plutonium?
  20. These two brothers should synchronize their lies (I mean stories).
  21. Interesting. I've seen reports of Putin and Trump talking over the last four years but that is contradicted here where Putin says he has not talked to Trump in 4 years. Whatever, they're both known liars.
  22. A few words come to mind after reading this article: stupidity, irresponsibility, bullying, culpability, accessory, sad, senseless, ........
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