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Everything posted by neeray

  1. Your last sentence. Right up your alley. I know you're just commenting, not complaining.
  2. I couldn't agree with you more! Trillions of dollars of damage done around the world, millions of deaths from Covid, lingering problems that will last seemingly forever, and China takes no responsibility, plus blocks investigations to determine the root cause.
  3. Kudos to Senator Pornthip. May others follow her lead. Hope she watches her back.
  4. Excellent advice. Otherwise, it's a potential mega accident waiting to happen.
  5. I shudder to think of what calamities might happen if the navy ever takes possession of the Chinese submarines.
  6. You express some interesting thoughts. The toll might have been considerably less had an adult had the opportunity (and weapon) to take this psycho down. The timeline to murder this many must have been considerable.
  7. His 8 year term is up, done, finished. It started in mid 2014 the first time he stuck his snout in the trough.
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