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Everything posted by neeray

  1. Now tell us what you really think! (I'm with you on your comment).
  2. BTW, the use of the word "expletive" was not my doing. Had you read the article, you would see it right there in grey and white. Sir, I am quite familiar with the meaning of the word "expletive". I'm also familiar with the fact that many MAGAts can't or don't read. Have a great day.
  3. Credit to Xi for being smart and perceptive. "he knows I’m [expletive] crazy," Now, why can't the MAGA crowd be this perceptive and vote for somebody who's not nuts?
  4. Perhaps what Trump considers a 'good story' about himself is actually a 'not so good' story in the eyes of others except him and MAGA. As usual, he thinks the world keeps rotating because of him. He should try speaking truth instead of lies, racism, threats and hatred and then maybe he'll get some better search results.
  5. Imbecile 1, Trump Senior, is endeavouring to establish a Kleptocracy so that as his dementia worsens, Imbecile 2, Don Junior, can take over the mess that Imbecile 1 created and Imbecile 2 will become leader of USA for life. Hmm
  6. Assuming these various alleged law suits are valid, fair to say, fame and fortune went to Diddy's head, upper and lower heads.
  7. It may be a neck and neck race at this time but with the ridiculous lies and bluster pouring out of Trump's pie hole nonstop, it's impossible to not imagine that Harris will prevail on November 5.
  8. I once employed a former cook in an unrelated business. It came out in casual one on one conversation that sometimes when food would be returned to the kitchen, depending on the customer's attitude, he or others would either spit in it or masturbate into the food that was being reworked.
  9. Salute to Taylor Swift. I've never listened to a single one of her songs but am fully aware of her success and her generous contributions to those who are less fortunate.
  10. Yes, you are correct, the "stow it" comment was by somebody else. But unlike Trump, I can admit when I'm wrong and take responsibility, thus, on this point, I give you my apologizes.
  11. FYI .... It was you who told me "to stow it" in a previous thread. Not trying to "shut you up". Actually, I get a great kick out of the rationale (or lack thereof) of die hard Trumpers.
  12. She's a common sense, experienced negotiator who will tackle a situation armed with input from her qualified staff. On the other hand, Trump is a one-man-band who shoots from the hip and frequently misses, threatens, divides and bullies. The choice is a no-brainer.
  13. Just carrying on the discussion that you initiated, After all, this is a discussion forum.
  14. Bettors can often = losers. Might as well play the slots.
  15. That's a pretty weak argument on behalf of your 'leader'. Best to just stow it if that's all you have.
  16. " Polymarket’s odds are determined by the "collective wisdom" of bettors. Enough said !
  17. " You know when — I’ve been there, and it’s rough. It’s a rough place, before the, you know, before all of the attacks and before the back and forth what’s happened over the last couple of years.” Trump just said right here that he's "been there", seeming to infer 'been to Gaza'. Although reading the rest of the garbled, word salad sentence, it's near impossible to know what he means, especially since he doesn't seem to know where he's been (or for that matter, where he's going).
  18. Mike Moore is stating the obvious. Trump has blundered too many times, both during his first failed effort as president and in the last 4 years. There are enough smart Americans to give him his walking papers (again).
  19. That speaks loudly negative for the GOP. In other words, they're all desperate lunatics.
  20. Trump doesn't care one iota about the future of the USA or its citizens. Give him 4 more years and he'll inflate the national debt to 50 trillion (or more) with a good portion of the increase going directly or indirectly to the already obscene rich. The MAGA cult followers will be cast aside presto if by some weird chance he were elected. He has no use for poor people beyond sucking them in to elect him.
  21. All for me and nothing for thee. Elect me president and help keep me out of jail, the only reason that I'm in this horserace.
  22. The Republican party needs to get back on track if they want to be a significant power against the Dems. Get rid of toxic Trump and rebuild the Grand Old Party.
  23. It has everything to do with the topic, spot on. But it's easy for a die-hard Trumper to misunderstand a comment that is not Trump-favourable.
  24. I won't be linking it for you as it's been front and centre already for a long time, too long. And I won't be stowing it either.
  25. The facts are hard to take for a Trumper. We understand.
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