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Everything posted by neeray

  1. I just checked Wikipedia and they said to spell it this way, "remember".
  2. Mum was right. I was given the same advice. But proof reading on any site is almost unheard of in today's fast moving digital world (BTW, take a look at the spelling of your second word and the failure to capitalize your second "I"). Just sayin'.
  3. It’s a comment board. Need the commenter explain why he is commenting?
  4. Either clueless or feels a sense of entitlement. Not sure which.
  5. And may I add: 1) encouragement and facilities to handle refuse (aka garbage) responsibly. 2) deal with unsightly and dangerous cables of all utilities. 3) proactive police work to reduce traffic fatalities.
  6. Why? Because little Thailand would be such a "bit player" in this partnership compared to big and technically strong China. This is merely Thailand running on China's coat tails. What does Thailand bring to the table as compared to China? Answer: Not much.
  7. "Thailand and China join forces for lunar and space research". I very much doubt that this is the way the headline would read in China.
  8. "One thing I have realised over the past few years is how stupid people are." What took you so long ???
  9. Vlad will stage a great homecoming for him and reward him with a position on the front line.
  10. She could always do like the lady did in another AN article, and just let it go in the street. But then again, that didn't end so well !
  11. So much for Good Guys in, Bad Guys Out. Perhaps From Russia With Love needs to be re-thought. Putin will welcome these two fodder-candidates back home.
  12. He'll be wishing that he'd chosen scam school in Nigeria instead of mule school. Butt it's too late now..
  13. A "hub". What a novel idea. There's nothing like fresh "new" thinking. Hub, hmm !
  14. The list of riders reads more like a mini-meeting of the UN. Probably accomplished just about the same.
  15. The unfolding of a high-level power play. Not as high level as a criminal in a long-term hospital stay but still high.
  16. A classic case of "he said, she said". Or, "there's his side, her side and the truth".
  17. I wish I could read minds, but no, I don't have that talent. But I do follow a sh*t load of news on this topic and can utilize rationale.
  18. "Tell us why o learned one". I'm not quite certain what the question is but I'll take a guess and answer (always happy to address a trumper). Trump voters only ever did comprise slightly less than half the vote and half of them were hard core MAGAts, AKA, cultists. That's 50%, but the ones that weren't cult have seen the light and won't vote Trump. That leaves only the MAGAts at 25% of the total, likely voters, but even that number is reducing as time and Trump troubles go on. Therefore, mathematically impossible. Some former Trump voters won't vote for him again, but they won't vote Biden either. They'll just stay home.
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