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  1. Yes, it's called involuntary digital rigidity, akin to what too much Viagra produces.
  2. On second thought, with him having killed a person during interrogation, the other convicts may have "helped" with his suicide. He would have been a target, no doubt.
  3. So he has been found guilty of nothing yet is dismissed without a pension. He must have really pissed someone off.
  4. "investigated by local police and prison officials" Maybe he has enough evidence on higher ups that a phony suicide was done with another poor soul as his body double. He could be out of the country now. TIT
  5. I'm waiting for the PM to declare her father a special emissary, or some such, who represents Thailand at the ASEAN meeting, thus circumventing his travel ban. Pardon my cynicism.
  6. "And robust police as well" Naw, probably the usual BIB.
  7. I edited my original post for clarity.
  8. There is a terror alert issued by the U.S. embassy in Thailand for U.S. citizens in Thailand. Since the Uyghers were sent to China, Uygher sympathizers may attack Thailand, especially areas of tourist concentrations. Maybe the Thai government is exercising a rare example of it being proactive with it's show of force at the festival. Making knowledge of a possible terrorist attack public would be too much to ask as it might hurt tourist numbers.
  9. I feel sorry for the loyal Trump supporters who are now conflicted by their love for Trump and their hatred of communism, Russia and Putin.
  10. Brake lights don't go on with the handbrake.
  11. Not in the U.S.A.. The U.S. news media makes huge efforts not report criminals' ethnicity if it is an illegal immigrant(s) who commits the crime.
  12. They are in deep doo-doo now.
  13. How did she get the ATM's PIN (Personal Identification Number)?
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