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The Big Mango

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Posts posted by The Big Mango

  1. I hope im wrong and please excuse me if i am .

    But this is becoming a regular thing , people advertising there condo under the guise of where can I find an agent / property company to do so.

    Clever if thats the case ( although many have being over the last few months ) and if not and its a genuine question good luck.

  2. Peach tailors for me , cater less to the tourists than most of the others.

    Google them and decide for yourself, but have never done me a bad turn.

  3. Well to be fair to the airline , wasn't aware of the crash so had no concerns .

    The plane itself was a 737 and looked well , very new.

    No complaints on the service or the flight itself , all went very well.

    Was pleasantly surprised at the turn up and book a flight price at the airport , 2300thb.

    They actually said if i needed to go quickly again you can check there schedule and walk into 7/11 and pay before going to the airport.

    Not sure if they understood if i could do that within an hour or two of wanting to leave though.

    Incidentally when I took the return trip from Don Muang the next flight happened to be Nok Air , 3299thb but got a free bag of nuts , lol.

    All in all no better / worse than any other domestic flight I've ever taken.

    And btw , thx to Mayweather it was , just lets say a very very good trip :-)

  4. So went up to Bkk to watch the fight with some friends .

    Flew up on Thai Lion Air , (first availiable flight after I got to the airport).

    Anyhow , at a quick headcount of around 150 people on the plane there were exacty 3 "western" as in white faces and everyone else appeared to be Asian.

    Ive flew countless times on this route and its always been pretty balanced between western and asian flyers .

    Just really surprised me with their being only 3 out of so many.

    Is this a true indicator of the changing demagraphic or perhaps was it that that particular airline ( first time ive ever flew with them ) is partnered with some other Asian airline in BKK ?

    Really just as an observation of the changing visitors to Phuket or perhaps just a "one off" ?

    Thoughts .....

  5. 69 may have a sexual connotation but all harmless fun , no real reason for it.

    Thankyou for the pms received , we have one confirmed member whos going to join in the challenge.

    We have a meeting Monday to confirm the date , and what the side orders will be , ie fries , salad etc .

    Will post the update next week for all whos interested / curious.

    One of the hopes for all is that it will be a fun night out for all concerned

  6. Oh just a side note , i will be giving bupa my full medical records so once theyve checked and accepted theres no way of anything " unexpected " cropping up.

    Went to bkkphuket that ive used exclusivey over the last 11 years and was expecting a hefty bill for them and pleasantly surpised its only 300thb

  7. Will update properly when get time.

    But just a quick hu. Me (43) mrs (33) son 8 years a tad under 8k a month.

    For those who know or maybe interested its for the platinum 5million cover policy.

    All details are on line , oh and received a 15% discount from the rate quoted on the web ( thx schlog)

    Now to get the life insurance , suggestions chaps :-)

  8. A local restaurant/bar in Rawai in conjuction with four local companies are planning to hold a steak challenge in May.

    The event will be attended by and filmed by the phuket news as part of their programming.

    We have several people interested in joining in the challenge but I was wondering if the members knew or even if a member is a celeb that would be willing to join in?

    Saying that doesnt have to be a celeb , anyone who would like to join that would bring along a few friends to cheer them on , wanting to create a good fun night out with a happy cheerfull atmosphere

    The premise of the event is three fold , promote the bar , the companies sponsoring the event and also a donation of (10k thb) to a local charity to the winning contestant.

    They need 4 people who are willing to enter the challenge which will be...

    A 69oz steak with the usual sides to be eaten within 60 minutes with the winner choosing the charity to receive the donation and of course a few cold beers being sunk by the supporters of each contestant :-).

    Comments please or pm for any more specific info.

    Cheers from a not so hungry steak eater , 5555 :-)

    Edit , of course no charge to the contestants :-)

  9. BUPA Blue Cross. Policy in English. Local office past the Phuket City Hotel (old bus station).

    For sure not the cheapest health insurance. I've never had a health issue so I can't comment, but wife has had a couple of health issues and BUPA paid the bills direct, once at International, and once at Phuket BKK. So far. no complaints, other than the premium price.

    Thanks for that , my policy with AIA was circa 60k for me ( mid 40s ) .

    Would that be circa Bupa cost for good cover ?

    I know vague but would 60k work for the blue cross policy ?

    You can choose which is the best cover for your needs.

    12k per room per day max 5 mio cover inpatient only about 30.-35k for your age.

    best go and have a look at their office.

    Thx schlog , will call by this afternoon.

    35k sounds a like a result :-)

  10. BUPA Blue Cross. Policy in English. Local office past the Phuket City Hotel (old bus station).

    For sure not the cheapest health insurance. I've never had a health issue so I can't comment, but wife has had a couple of health issues and BUPA paid the bills direct, once at International, and once at Phuket BKK. So far. no complaints, other than the premium price.

    Thanks for that , my policy with AIA was circa 60k for me ( mid 40s ) .

    Would that be circa Bupa cost for good cover ?

    I know vague but would 60k work for the blue cross policy ?

  11. My Health insurance expires this week and I want to change my provider.

    Who do you guys use ? Are you happy with the policy ?

    Id ideally like the policy to be explained to me in english with the details of cover also printed in english.

    Would like to sort asap so any reccomendations would be great.

    Happy to use a brokerage offering different provider options too if you use one and are happy with their service.

    Posted in the Phuken Forum as I want to visit the companys office based here and not deal over the internet with a company with no representation on the island.

    Thankyou in advance

  12. Devils advocate may ask ,....

    Did you not check what you were buying before ?

    A personal opinion and I HOPE IM WRONG , but seems to me your flogging a dead horse.

    They have a product that they offer for sale , you accepted there offer and they supplied there product.

    You could of spent 3x on something else or maybe even half what you paid them.

    Seems to me your wasting your time no matter have grieved you feel.

    That said all the best UK :-)

    Dont forget defamation and libel fair or not (in your opinion) is pretty god damn serious in LOS, if by chance there reading this and have saved the posts they just might bite back.

    Good Luck :-) , hope it works out well for you.

  13. Well as I write this been stuck in traffic from Tescos heading south to the underpass for 15 minutes , arrive near to the tunnel and find they have blocked the u turn heading back north and created chaos.

    Now all the cars are backing way back as theres no u turn ???

  14. Morgage 26k

    Car 17k

    health ins 5k

    Utilities 5k

    Gasoline 4k

    Im all ready pushing the 60k and havent started with all the other bills.

    Many spend alot more too

    Ok, last post on this thread , not feeding the troll anymore.


    if you still have a mortgage and are still paying off a car. = 43,000

    Then you have been not very successful so far have you.

    good day to you.

    Mr Chang... You are right, you know....if he had the money, why get a loan on a car? Or house for that matter...

    Was going to ignore chang but as its now also one more ,

    The car is the third in the mangos household , we p/x an older one and it left a small balance that could be paid in full or at 1.5% interest over 12 months.

    The morgage is choice , 30 years .

    Slightly less than we were renting for a similar house in the same development. So why rent and why shell out xx millions upfront ??

    But then i guess that wouldnt make sense to either of you guys.

    Im mid 40s with a set monthly income from capital kept in investments from selling my buisiness 7 years ago.

    Am I worthy on your opinion now , 55555

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