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The Big Mango

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Posts posted by The Big Mango

  1. Well there only saying there gonna show the main fight so if you see the undercard its a bonus and why wouldn't it be in Thai ?

    One of the few countries in the world where its shown on National TV for free.

    Nothing to complain about here is there ?

  2. So following on from Hans post saying Tablespoon was closing , called in today to ask why.

    Spoke to the owners son and according to him its not going to be for a while but , they are moving to the empty space adjacent to Starbucks and the area where they are currently located is to become an ice rink.

    Oh and as a side note the area that was set aside for smoking is no longer. Its 100% smoking free , apparantly the bib have been around enforcing it .

    Like it or not for them its become a double edged sword , all the chinese sitting on there tables smoking away not ordering anything have gone , but so has a fair chunk of their business.

    • Like 1
  3. From your post I read it to be that your willing to invest in any idea you feel has potential.

    I ask as some people may have indeed a good idea and buisiness plan in place .

    What are you willing to invest ? Do you have a max / min ?

    Say my idea requires 500,000thb is that too small or if it requires 50,000,000 is that to large ?

  4. Have just had a pop up on my facebook from a company selling pvc windows.

    90 days from hoffen.

    3650 days from Psd.?

    Must be a reason why I guess ?

    Huh... What?

    Guessing a window company :-)

  5. Have just had a pop up on my facebook from a company selling pvc windows.

    90 days from hoffen.

    3650 days from Psd.?

    Must be a reason why I guess ?

  6. Yes. They crowd the starbucks chairs but don't buy anything. Starbucks even removed PowerPoint's so they weren't loitering all day charging their phones. The tablespoon restaurant that sits in the middle of the courtyard is giving up and moving to Phuket town. They are sick and tired of Chinese using their chairs and not moving when told it's a restaurant. They just expect to relax and use it as a bus stop.

    Tablespoon is closing ?

    Dam , enjoy that place

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