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About Tarteso

  • Birthday 12/31/1959

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  • Location
    Chiang Mai

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  • Location
    Chiang Mai

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Ruby Member

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  1. I have lived in North-Chiang Mai for more than 10 years, until I came to live on the coast because of the pollution levels and to save my family from that danger. My diagnosis; Pulmonary Emphysema. (I don't drink and I don't smoke). It is not a healthy place to live and even less so at this time of year. If you are going to visit the place for a few days, try to use masks outdoors.. Good luck!. CM Today.
  2. Refused
  3. permeable
  4. He has been released on bail for the time being. He is due to appear before a judge on Monday. He said there are a "mano negra" I understand its a corrupt or sinister influence, pointing without naming… the ex-wife 🤔
  5. Halal
  6. prostate
  7. How much for these standard payments?
  8. There may be someone who does not think the same
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