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Everything posted by Tarteso

  1. Come on Thais!…This is only for Falangos. This is a bell like in every bars in Thailand. Don’t touch this thing in a traffic light. Ringing the bell means you are going to buy everyone in the road; Drivers of cars and bikes, buses, passengers and pedestrians at the zebra crossing,, a DRINK. Some places take this very seriously, DON’T TOUCH THIS BELLS or will be a very expensive situation. 🙄
  2. Poor children, living in risk of crazy Thai drivers. 👎
  3. Springsteen
  4. I saw monkeys in Lopburi doing the same technic of atack. 🤔
  5. Why not Fu*k Russians too? Does she have a boyfriend..or something?😂
  6. Pattaya; Sodom & Gomorrah & gonorrhea
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