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Posts posted by MaeJoMTB

  1. 2 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Define high class? If I had "high Class", Thailand would not be my choice of retirement! There is no class in Thailand in my eyes. There is people coming here as old time colonist, and think they have class, but I see no class. 


    However, I live in a good condo, have money for cheese and wine, stay away from bars, go to gym, I have time to care me an my gf, and have a good healty life. Thats whats matter to me, and not people who talking about class every time there is a discussion. I see no class, so please eleborate class for me. 

    I agree,

    Never understood the 'high class' 'low class' POV.

    And the people spouting this nonsense always include themselves in the 'high class' group, and ALWAYS refuse to offer their parents occupations. I guess they never think that far ahead. Not even sure why they want to include farmers in 'low class' either, in the UK the aristocracy nearly always owned large farms and appeared to be totally broke. How many Issan farmers are so broke and 'low class' they need to show paying members of the public around their homes and farms? 

  2. 9 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

    Title IX, Section 286 of the Penal Code states: “Any person, being over sixteen years of age, [sic] subsists on the earning of a prostitute, even if it is some part of her incomes [sic], shall be punished with imprisonment of seven to twenty years and fined of fourteen thousand to forty thousand Baht, or imprisonment for life.” While penalties are not specified, the same section of the act penalizes any person who (i) is found residing or habitually associating with a prostitute, (ii) receives boarding, money or other benefits arranged for by a prostitute or (iii) assists any prostitute in a quarrel with a customer.[5]

    There you go, perfectly legal as long as you only use the money to buy luxury items.

    (Unless you definition of 'subsists - support oneself at a minimal level' is different to the dictionary)

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    You have previously posted about your Wife openly having sex with other men

    (Another day, another day talking about sex with MaejoMTB)

    Does she charge money, or does she do it for love ?


    What she does in her own time is her business.

    (I suspect she would be more likely to have sex with other women, I never specified she had sex with other men)


    She knows any children will be DNA tested, so why would I care?

    • Haha 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, Justfine said:

    Come on, it's easy to spot one. You don't need to be Thai or female.

    Yes, but I try to be polite to people's faces (in other words I lie a lot, Thai way).

    And when a white guy tells me his wasn't a hooker, or his is different, I won't contradict him (even if I've shagged her).

    But I'll make damned sure I never interact socially with him again.

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

    I have 8 friends, and their partners, who I regularly socialise with in Pattaya, 6 married non bar-girls and 2 married bar-girls. The 2 ex bargirls are treated with the same respect etc as anyone else.

    Probably because the other 6 worked the same job in the past.

    One thing I have noticed, respectable Thai women can usually spot a hooker a mile off, and generally avoid socializing with them.

    That's my main reason I avoid married white guys, they say 'my women never did it for money', my wife leans over and say, 'yes, they did'.

    I don't want my wife mixing with ex-hookers, it always causes trouble.

  6. 1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

    Nobody has ever married a bar-girl/hooker, many seem to have married the "cashier' from a bar.

    I lived with one for a year when I first came out here, but she insisted on doing it 5x a day, and when I could only manage 4x, she'd be off out for another go. Lovely woman, but I left her because the strain was just too much for my tired old body.

    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Hummin said:

    The ironicle about it, they often meet men who is running from women who got to much rights in their own country, and some of these men are abusing girls and promise them as I said gold and green fields and a future before they dump them, and these girs without any security or founds or whats so ever have to start all over again and again. It is a bad loop that got them in first time, and maybe whats keeps them going.

    I think you're wrong on this one.

    Everyone lies, in Thailand they lie more (or is that lie more obviously?), nobody believes the lies (apart from some gullible white men).

    Promise then renege, women did it to me all my life (including my mom).

    Why shouldn't I lie to them? I ain't a white knight. 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Being worse than what? Before 1. WW, Before 2. WW, during the 50,60,70íes in some asian countries? Since Franco Spain have become a paradise for some! 


    Most of us in here in TV, have the best time ever on this planet, and you refer it to becoming worse? I think is is a fear question, worse than what? 


    Yes Trump, and all that, and all the muslims and all that, and all the killing and that, but still is the big Q, worse than what? 

    I was thinking more the end of traditional family life for white men, if not the end of the white race.

  9. 2 hours ago, jayboy said:

    Not the case at Oxford and Cambridge to my certain knowledge and probably not also at other elite universities (Russell Group).

    The reason for this is that at Oxbridge there are an excess of applications with A grade passes than places available.The interview is therefore seen as a critical means of assessing the candidates who would benefit from an Oxbridge education.


    Let me try and explain,

    Universities are places that make money, it's a business and nothing more.

    To make money all places need to be filled for the length of the course.

    At the universities to which I had access, they offered 3x the places they had available at impossibly high pass requirements (AAA or AAAA)

    Then after the exams were over and the results were in, they would take all the AAA students, then 'reluctantly' accept lower grades until all places +10% were filled.

    During the first year 10% of students would fail or drop out, leaving years 2/3/4 at full capacity.


    Don't really care about Oxbridge, they were different as they often had many students entering into 'preferred places', no need for good grades, mummy and daddy were important enough that their kids didn't need A grade passes to get places.

    Also to be mentioned is the places for foreign students, grades not important just money. 

  10. 3 hours ago, car720 said:

    Like many people I have spent every day of my life trying to understand the thinking of others.  So far no luck.  Poor little kids.

    Easy to understand.

    Mom uses kids as weapon against dad, denying access, parental alienation, etc.

    Kids get damaged or killed in the ensuing battle.

    Happens all the time under the current western gynocracy.


    This story is odd in that it doesn't look like dad killed the kids as an act of revenge after being denied access.

    So who killed them and why?

    Was mom such a head case that she was about to lose custody?

    Seems unlikely these days as mom always gets custody no matter what she is, if she wants it.

    In the end they'll probably find/decide dad killed them all then made it look like a murder/suicide.


  11. On 5/12/2018 at 11:29 AM, sanemax said:

    Although Thailand is still relatively cheap , things have gotton alot more expensive in the last few years .

       With inflation and currency exchange rates, some things have doubled in price in the last five years or so

    My m/c went bang yesterday, grinding sound and kickstarter jammed down (as I was riding along).

    Wheeled it to my local shop, they lent me an old Honda Dream.

    Went back today, it was fixed, 100bht.

    Not expensive IMHO.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    Hmmm sort of agree and disagree. Its the same as drug control here and elsewhere. Left to their own devices poorer people generally dont know whats good for them. No where is this more pertinent than Thailand.

    You think the rich should oppress the poor, because they know what's good for them?

    I'm sure the General agrees with you.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    They still arrive, but surely Immigration could supply the numbers, I guess most will be on retirement extensions. I do agree Expats will be squeezed out of their current areas by mass tourism catering to the changing market.  But, like me, do they have any alternative other than to move out of town or even go rural? Burned my UK bridges somewhat and it is not as if life there is getting any more attractive.

    The ones here will adapt and fade away, but I do wonder if new arrivals will be more or less.



    Don't despair, plenty of other cheap and cheerful warm Asian countries to try.

    Vietnam is my top favourite at the moment, with the Philippines a close second.

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