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Everything posted by japanese

  1. Ok. I think you are getting confused between the terms 'verdict' and 'conviction'. Perhaps this will make it easier. If a jury passes a verdict of not guilty, you don't just walk out of court. The court has to formally acquit you. It is part of the procedure. Similarly, a jury can find you guilty. But it is the court that convicts. It is a formal.procedure. My understanding is that this part of the procedure has not happened in this case. Once the conviction is entered, a date for sentencing must be immediately confirmed. A court cannot unreasonably delay sentencing.
  2. Do you know what 'other than' means?
  3. Seems the glossary was just out together to give the lay person a rough idea. NY law requires the verdict to be entered before a person is considered convicted: https://www.lawfletcher.com/criminal-defense/law/conviction/#:~:text=What is a conviction?,more counts of such instrument.
  4. Most Japanese women are over indoctrinated zombies with little self-thought with crap personalities and very controlling once in a relationship. Too many are into a very childish 'cute' and make horrible child-like screamy noises during sex. Next?
  5. Slayground had a similar line according to google. 80s movie though.
  6. Hard to take the hard left BBC seriously. Purveyors of far left conspiracy theories. Interesting that they don't directly quote anything in context, nor link to this website so people can read and come to their own conclusions, whilst this chap that apparently runs 'The Light' seems to be saying there should be free speech, and people should make their own decisions. I have never heard of 'The Light' before. I will need to check and find out what it is all about now I guess.
  7. No need tondo anything. It's just another woke liberal elite scam. Could stop burning fields to improve general air quality though.
  8. Sham show trial. Stupid to believe anything from these people.
  9. I don't see any mention of the forced vaccinations that made a lot of pilots either quit, or having been jabbed then suffering adverse effects makikg them unfit to fly.
  10. You are making an assumption that excess deaths are caused by covid, rather than the reaction to covid. There are excess deaths in many countries worldwide this year which are not being attributed to covid.
  11. The effectiveness is questionable. And you really want to keep pumping yourself with untested drugs every 4 months? Have you done any reading around regarding the problems these jabs are causing?
  12. I am looking around for a condo and found one I liked. But apparently there is no sinking fund. And the condo is still managed by the developer after around 12 years of it being built. I am new to this, but something smells off. So people with knowledge and experience out there - what is likely going on?
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