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Posts posted by TheAppletons

  1. Think I'll head down to to Fat Elvis' today to try one of their burgers and maybe look for that beggar girl in the clown pants.

    I believe you are referring to the bangmai registered phrase circus pants™.

  2. There is no such thing as "visa exempt entries" to Thailand. Everyone needs a visa.

    That is really weird seeing as I've previously entered Thailand 7 times in a row on Visa Exempt entries.

    I hope they haven't done away with the visa exempt option.

    You can still obtain a 30 day visa exempt entry upon arrival, depending upon the country of one's passport. Trujillo's comment is incorrect.

  3. There is a limit to tourist visas. You could be turned away at immigration on one of your return trips id you do not have a legitimate reason for being here. Government is cracking down on serial tourists. Unless you are legally working or retired with proper visa, don't expect to be allowed in and out too many times.

    When did this limit come in?

    There in no limit under Thai Immigration Law.

    Correct....there is no limit on actual tourist visas.

    He's probably referring to the fact that Immigration officials are "frowning upon" people who have many consecutive back-to-back visa exempt entries - the so-called "visa runners".

  4. A couple of notes on my experience to date.....

    I forgot to inform my credit union that I would be "over there", and they put a hold on my debit card. A phone call and it was resolved, but easier if I had done the notification first.

    One of my banks happily makes transfers at no charge to a Bangkok Bank branch in New York, which then transfers to, so far, my girl friends account here in Bkk. I do not know exactly what they charge, evidently some sort of fee for currency conversion. I will know more when I succeed in getting my own BB account.

    On that note I read a post a few days ago, and now cannot find it, of someone's experience of opening an account at Bangkok Bank main office in Bkk without the folderol of getting a notarized letter from the US Embassy, etc. Anybody know about this?

    I have never heard of anyone who was required to obtain a notarized letter from the US Embassy to open a bank account at Bangkok Bank. (I opened mine with a passport, visa, address, and cell phone number.)

  5. Went there the other night and had an excellent burger and fries. But I won't go back. The burgers are excellent but the owner and the drunk farang tourists as well as a few drunk Thais that get up to sing karaoke at blaring, distorted levels absolutely ruin the experience. It is absolutely impossible to have a conversation there.

    I continue to be amazed by the number of business owners here who shoot themselves in the foot with their obnoxious behavior. Seems to be prevalent in the food/beverage retail industry here.

  6. Yes, I was there, too. It was economics as entertainment. He had some interesting statistics and ways of looking at the world. Some insights I hadn't thought of before, but it didn't change my way of thinking about anything, least of all him.

    His political views were risky. Sure, the U.S. gets itself into places it probably shouldn't but his idea that the U.S. should stick to influencing North America because Russia is the "natural" leader of Europe and China the "natural" leader of Asia (I guess because of their sizes on the map, if I read his graphic correctly -- which consisted solely of a map, showing sea lanes) is something not likely to go down well with various countries in Europe and Asia that don't want to be left to fend for themselves against Russia or China.

    Also, he didn't give too many predictions about the future and stayed away from his previous signature topic of "buy gold". Instead it seems he's planning for his future by filling his swimming pool with beer and young beautiful Asian women. Again, if I understood his graphic correctly. Why beer instead of a nice sparkling wine is beyond me. At least the beer will be of more use at the end of the world than bars of gold.

    Was it Chang beer? If it was, he's filling the pool with beer because then you can pee in the pool and it won't change the flavor of the Chang beer.

  7. I have been reporting my 90 day by post for 2 years .Never had more than a 4 business day turn around.

    I posted the last 90 day report on December 24 expecting with the New Year holidays there could be a delay.

    Today, January 8, I still had not received my receipt.So drove into the re furbished Airport Office arriving at 11.30 am, plenty of parking, very few people

    Waa directed to a desk which had an officer, who has worked there for long time, and a girl sitting on the computer.

    He chose to speak to my wife in Thai and I know he speaks English as we have talked before.

    The story went like this, they will no longer accept reports by postal mail you have to do it online or go to Promenada,because they dont

    have enough staff. The girl went through a small pile of reports and mine was there attached to the return registered envelope.She processed it immediatly

    Now the clincher he told my wife I was lucky I could have been fined 4,000 baht for late report if I hadn't come in ,hang on I still had 9 days, the girl

    had no more than 20 reports to process. His parting shot was "tell your husband there is no more corruption in Immigration" not sure what that had to do

    with my visit. So you have been warned folks that is my experince today.So online or go to Promenada as at todays date,it well could change again.

    Mods please move this post if you think it should be somewhere else.

    It gets worse every day. Of course, this is what the airport office was telling people months ago....only to have the Colonel in charge tell us the complete opposite.

  8. Can one of the Americans help me out here.

    I use these figures for comparison only. I am not saying they are accurate,

    In the United States, annual deaths resulting from firearms total

    2014: 33,59920

    2013: 33,636

    2012: 33,563

    2011: 32,3512021

    2010: 31,67220

    2009: 31,347

    2008: 31,593

    2007: 31,224

    2006: 30,896


    I have seen and watched the news of Obama's tears.

    The reported firearms deaths have been rising slightly year on year, I understand that. I do not recall Obama shedding tears over this when he first came into office ( He might have and I could have missed it ) So why is he getting so emotional about it now that he is leaving office.

    The legislative process and any fallout from this will only come into effect after he has left office, so why not leave it to the next President ?

    Just asking for a rational explanation, not a full scale riot.


    I believe the term is "political legacy". Or perhaps "hypocrisy", I can't remember which.

  9. An endorsement from an Eastern European is certainly all I need.

    You forgot to mention that jimmysnuka has exactly 1 post....and he has eaten there "three times" and it's the best burger he's ever had. Lots of members with very few posts think this is the "best place in Chiang Mai".

    By the way, Snuka's daughter Tamina is an absolute Amazon. Just sayin'.

  10. If you want to encourage domestic consumption drop all duties Sales will rise dramatically

    Why should someone buy lets say a Louis Vutton bag here when they can get it 20 Per Cent cheaper in Hong Kong or Singapore

    Just one example of hundreds of thousands of items

    It's not only then 20% difference which counts.

    If a lady brings a new purse to work, the collegues will ask her where she bought it and then she can say: in Hongkong! That's double status gain.

    If she can say: in Europe while i visited my friend/family there that's even triple status gain. Then you also have a friend in Europe. Then you can show pictures of Europe on your cellphone and that will be the talk of the day.

    There are several shops in BKK who sell used LV purses but hey who wants to tell they bought it there? I also now a guy who makes a living by selling used Hermes necktie's for men on ebay. That's his sidebusiness which makes more money then the familybusiness he also does.

    "Certified, pre-owned neckties". There's a market for everything, lol.

  11. Bought some the other day for my son in Central Festival. 80 Baht - and I had to sign a book and let the Pharmacist photocopy my ID as well. For Dextromethorphan? He said it was "antarai maak" and tightly controlled in Thailand. Couldn't believe it, so I searched when I got home and was surprised to read..."A 2008 study found that one in 10 teenagers has abused products with DXM to get high, making it more popular in that age group than cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, and meth. High doses can cause hallucinogenic trips -- and pose serious risks." News to me. Cough medicine was not popular when I was a teenager.

    Yeah, it wasn't until those guys in the medicine wagons started appearing that cough medicines finally started reaching a wider audience.


  12. Getting a waiting taxi of any kind at a bus station (or train station, or hotel) will give you the worst price possible.

    Many of the yellows go past Airport Plaza but from Chang Phuak they go to the Big Market on the river first where you'll have to change.

    To be honest it makes sense to just call an (airport) taxi so you don't have to take chances with Songthaew routes, etc. Also, even at 150 Baht.. how much does your flight cost? Or a coffee at the airport? It's not the end of the world.

    There you go using common sense again. Sheesh.

    I think most people would be able to judge from my post that I am querying why there is no public transport option rather than being forced to take private hire of any kind? rolleyes.gif

    Gee, WTK, most people (cue loud sigh of disgust) would be able to judge from OP's post what he's "querying", lol. (:Eye roll, smugly convinced of own self-importance emoticon:)

  13. You think you have one ignorant and nasty? We have one nutter throwing rabbit sh#t from 13th floor balcony into the swimming pool! And we have rules against keeping pets and definitely very strict rules against sh#t throwing!

    Most popular thread of 2016 so far. Which is, unfortunately, sad.

  14. Well what ever you do...make sure... try not put yourself where you find you need to defend yourself..

    Someone is smoking in Thailand... You're Not in San Francisco.

    Find something else or another place to hang out..

    Where, like some other place with a no smoking rule?

    How about a pre-school? That way, OP could tell the teacher when Somchai goes pee-pee without asking first. WPFflags.gif

  15. Your in the center of the coffee growing area of Thailand and you are even considering Nescafe instant coffee facepalm.gif


    I agree, I am CRAZY, so I am asking for help. I am headed to Robinson's at the Airport, now, so if you have any ideas what I should buy, INSTANT, please post a comment before I again waste my Baht on substandard coffee.

    I am no expert, as I have stated, and I have no idea what instant to buy.

    OR, if I can use grounds without too much hassle, then I would.

    But I want to stay on a budget, without sacrificing too much flavor.

    And I do NOT want to drink dishwater, as mentioned in the above post.

    What he's saying - and he's right - is that all instant coffee sucks.

  16. I agree with you Les 1 even though the medical authorities/Doctors/law enforcement have totally

    misled all the general non smoking public ! Did you know that just last week the AMA American

    Medical association approved SMOKERS lungs for transplants and several leading studies indicate that second hand smoke is a myth perpetrated by people who earn big bucks with scare tactics! What you

    breathe is measured in parts per million and, even a foot away from a smokerin a reasonably well

    ventilated room or especially outdoors, the dilution of my smoke into your breathing apparatus is

    not even measurable.Why is it people don't complain about the other, far more numerous and far more dangerous fumes ? Essentially because there is no money in it -- my excess "Sin " taxes put severalpeople thru college and filled many Doctors/lawyers/authors/sign makers pockets. Second hand smoke

    is a big,very big,BUSINESS - remember when medics said bacon and eggs no good and alcohol was poisonand even cranberries and grilled meats caused cancer and now ? Only Santa claus and Brooklyn bridge sales are bigger myths !

    Love to see these "studies" can you cite them.

    Well, there's this one from 2013....published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute:

    "A large-scale study found no clear link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer, undercutting the premise of years of litigation including a Florida case that yielded a $350 million settlement.

    The article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute details a study of 76,000 women over more than a decade, which found the usual link between smoking and cancer. Lung cancer was 13 times more common in current smokers, and four times more common in former smokers, than in non-smokers.
    The study found no statistically significant relationship between lung cancer and exposure to passive smoke, however."


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