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Your Thainess

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Posts posted by Your Thainess

  1. Another absurd statement from a patently absurd man.

    How about the freaking armed forces innovate by assuming their proper role in society for once? Focus on preparations for national defense rather than business interests, stop meddling in politics, cease your pillaging of the country's financial resources, quit lecturing the rest of society on how to live their lives, and for F sake quit pretending to love institutions for personal gain. You are pathetic. World's worst armed forces. Only prepared to fight your own countrymen. F off. Thailand deserves better than you imbeciles.

  2. Gee, could he be unworried because...

    -He's already written several constitutions that have been overthrown by coups?

    -'Misunderstandings' of the content of the current draft are a result of using deliberately vague language and therefore intentional?

    -Whether the new constitution is approved by referendum or not, the outcome for the country will be the same?

  3. Meanwhile the Burmese army is preventing the destruction of the opium fields - no doubt their Thai counterparts are doing all they can to prevent the resulting heroin being brought in to the country.

    LOL. The Thai Army and Police have been warring over drug profits ever since a certain family was forcefully stopped from profiting from the trade.

  4. Thank you both for your comments.

    sumrit, I'll definitely consider the Android box option. I clearly didn't do my homework when I assumed that WebOS would support as many apps in the Thailand market as it does in Western markets.

    fasteddie, could you please elaborate? Do you mean connecting the PC to the TV directly through HDMI adapters?

  5. Hello, I'm a true novice with smart TVs and have just purchased an LG set with WebOS. I would like to stream Adobe Flash videos (mostly sport) from my PC and occasionally my Android phone and am considering buying a 2nd generation Google Chromecast dongle. Do these devices work well together in your experience or as far as you know? I would appreciate any advice before I buy an item that is significantly more expensive here than in the West. Are there perhaps any better alternatives? Thank you-

  6. It doesn't matter what the next constitution says. The military will seize power again whenever it feels like it. What an absolutely pathetic military Thailand has. Doesn't know its proper role in society, sucks at protecting the country, poor moral and ethical example in every conceivable way, wastes massive amounts of money, corrupt to the bone, led by imbeciles with no self control, tact or education. Jeez.

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