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Your Thainess

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Posts posted by Your Thainess

  1. My point exactly, man. Why attribute these judgmental decisions to the Buddha when he never made mention of them?

    For my part, I am an atheist bordering on anti-theist.

    It makes me sick when people interpret ancient teachings to suit their own agenda.

    Disgraceful prejudice and bigotry.

    Do the Buddhists in Thailand truly understand their own faith? I think rather not. Gautama Buddha taught us to improve ourselves, not police others' behavior.

    I know what I believe and will leave it at that. I have never spoken to Gautama Buddha in person and view what man has written about his teachings with skepticism. From my limited viewpoint, some people seem to pick and choose what is convenient and self-serving from organized beliefs.

  2. Khrusapah are a bunch of idiots, no matter who's in charge. That's indisputable.

    What's next? Probably an Indonesia-style language requirement, or more likely a BS compulsory course that makes the Teachers' Council people gain face and foreign teachers hand over more cash.

    I'm so glad that I got my teacher's license as soon as possible when I arrived in LOS. I did it the old-fashioned way, taking nonsensical tests and waiting for an eternity. Now it seems that they are just taking the piss, whilst already legendary piss-takers.

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  3. I don't give a toss about France, frankly. No reason to.

    Disgraceful prejudice and bigotry.

    Do the Buddhists in Thailand truly understand their own faith? I think rather not. Gautama Buddha taught us to improve ourselves, not police others' behavior.

    I trust you've already written to the French PM and government admonishing them for taking a much more extreme stance?

  4. Wow, that is an epic false analogy. Well played, man.

    Disgraceful prejudice and bigotry.

    Do the Buddhists in Thailand truly understand their own faith? I think rather not. Gautama Buddha taught us to improve ourselves, not police others' behavior.

    He who turns the other cheek gets hit with the other fist.

  5. My, my. You have certainly made an ass of yourself.

    I will grant that you are unaware there are two spellings of the word 'rigor/rigour'. As for the possessive determiner 'one's', I'm not sure what you're getting at, man. If you want to be grammar police, at least know your ass from your elbow.

    As a person who has graduated from a major Thai university, one with far more academic rigor and reputation, I can assure you that it is no real accomplishment nor validation of one's educational acumen.

    <deleted> does an admiral know about running the Education Ministry? My guess is that, much like Prayuth, he has little to no proper education.

    You guess too much, and know too little!

    They are both graduates from Chulachongklao military academy which is very academically demanding.

    But don't let the truth spoil your silly prejudices..
    How would you know, ever been there?

    How were your English lessons?

    Try "rigour" and "ones" or "ones'", depending on which grammar expert you wish to believe; not "one's"!

  6. This comes from your self appointed PM who has everyone looking down someone elses back. Now these idiots are just looking for anyone who is doing anything out of the Thai way and want to report it to the authorities. Read 1984.

    "This comes from your self appointed PM......"

    What is this? I fail to see how the government is involved in a story about a disgruntled Thai posting a complaint, about 4 Chinese tourists playing cards at the airport, on social network.

    The AOT had to say something in response and did.

    Eric Blair's book doesn't cover everything mate.

    Don't mind Bob

    The other day he was blaming a pizza on a self appointed chef.

    I understand the point, though.

    A few days ago, it was reported:

    "Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-ocha has called on all Thais to help make their country worth knowing and visiting, during his announcement of the governments performance over the past six months.

    PM Prayut has asked all sectors, including the general public to do their best to strengthen society while the government strives to reform the country and solve deep-rooted problems.

    To build a peaceful society, Gen. Prayut stressed that it was important that all citizens were aware of their role and mobilized their efforts to do their duty to the best of their ability."

    These calls to the "general public" and "all citizens" seem harmless enough, but when the PM with supreme authority does so, everyone is free to interpret what he means, and overzealous morons will certainly make wrong interpretations.

    We're not that far in Thailand from a "Cult of Personality" surrounding the PM. Certainly, the PM feels compelled to get in the news just about every day. We will know we have arrived when giant posters start appearing. w00t.gif

    :"...when giant posters start appearing. w00t.gif"

    Don't hold your breath. There are many more giant posters of far more important and respected people around the country..

    History, man. It's worth your time to be aware of it.

  7. I lived in Rayong for several years. Work is the only good reason to settle down there. Mae Phim and parts of Samed are nice for short holidays, but expensive and inconvenient to live on. There's also quite a bit of industrial pollution and not much in the way of culture. And perhaps it's just me, but being close to Pattaya is hardly a plus.

    Hua Hin, on the other hand, is one of the most cultured, classy,clean, hospitable, safe and pleasant destinations in the entire country. I've never heard anyone say a bad thing about the place (who wasn't a sexpat).

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