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Your Thainess

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Posts posted by Your Thainess

  1. I have also noticed that 7-11 charges for X amount of satang but gives change as though it were a half-baht more. For instance, a bottle of milk that is B24.50 and they provide B5 change when given B30. Doesn't bother me much, but it would be nice if they did provide the change. I can't be bothered to deal with satang, but I would surely drop it in a box for just about any cause. That 50 satang multiplied among millions of people every day could make a difference.

  2. I can tell you that an enormous amount of school money is wasted on junkets for administrators, 'training' and 'educational' trips around the country and abroad for teachers which amount to nothing but paid-for holidays, parties and social events, ridiculous uniforms and more nonsense.

    One school I know spend B4.5 mil on a trip to a resort in another province where 130 teachers/staff did SFA for three days but drink and eat on the school's dime. Another sent 40 teachers to Japan for some unclear reason. Another bought B3,500 custom-tailored gaudy uniforms for teachers to be worn once a month...and the school had over 200 staff. Yet another built a huge multimedia lecture hall, had a royal inaugurate it, and then only uses it for huge parties, with no student ever having stepped into it for the purpose of study.

    The administrators are corrupt and rubbish at the tasks that don't involve personal gain.

    The teachers are poorly trained in pedagogy and never want to learn anything new.

    The students are led to believe that they are fulfilling patriotic duty 'learning' they way they do.

    The parents don't give a shit because they grew up with the same thing and at least the kids are out of the house.

    Everybody smile, wai, repeat.

    Utterly ridiculous.

  3. Abhisit's cub scout badges cheesy.gifclap2.gif

    But seriously, isn't it obvious the Privy Council was one of the main driving forces behind the coup? Has anyone even denied it? How is that even remotely offensive to anyone (besides people with common sense, of course)? Do they expect people to seriously believe that Prayuth just decided to do it all on his own, spur of the moment? gigglem.gif

  4. Unfortunately for foreigners to openly own land you will have to change the national anthem as a section of it is rendered variously as saying:

    Nation of the people; belonging to the Thais in every respect. Land of Thailand belongs to the Thais. Every inch of Thailand belongs to the Thais.

    Many Thai people consider it is their nationalistic duty not to cede the land of Thailand either to foreign nations or to foreigners.

    The main reason for not allowing foreign land ownership--and I agree with it--is that if it were possible, Thais wouldn't be able to restrain themselves from selling off every last square meter of the country. Some people just find cash irresistible.

  5. "Thailand is non-partisan" in this matter...What the hell does THAT mean? The Thai junta will do whatever suits them best, it's certainly not acting objectively.

    Military, police, local authorities and civilians profiting from human trafficking. Sounds pretty damn partisan to me.

    That the plight of the victims originated in another country does not excuse the misdeeds of Thais.

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