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Posts posted by Nick167

  1. I am not linked or favour any politically side as I am in the opinion that all, whether the Red Shirts, Yellow Shirts, Pheu Thai, Democrats, etc are all a bunch of hopeless self-interests garbage. Neither do i support the army who has too many dinosaurs that are not attuned to modern day ways....but I really hate that recounciliation cannot be achieved as its not fair to always blame the red shirts for everything...so far since the bombings, many groups...including many TV members are implying that the red shirts are behind it....what about the PRDC Yellow shorts then> Funny that someone comes out from the temple and then so many problems start? Common....stop accussing anyone till the facts are properly gathered. There can be a ton of possibilities....a US /CIA linked conspiracy, The Israelis conspiracy, the various muslims groups, etc etc or even just some stupid farang or luk kreung youth with a messed up brain.......just stop being so biase.

    THis is a time for all to unite and catch the culprits before more such things happen in Bangkok or Thailand. we, our loved ones and people we know are still at risk till these culprits are caught. In the meanwhile, tel all your friedns, relations to boycott thailand till its safe.

  2. I really think that we all have to be worried as unless these animals are caught, it means that Thailand is still in danger, at anytime and anywhere. We and our loved ones and people we know can be in danger. This is no laughing matter. I really hope that these people are caught fast if not, we are all in a serious limbo. I am advising all my friends to stay away from thailand at the moment.

  3. If the muslims or Islam related organisations wanted to do this, they would have done it on Sunday, while the bike for mum programme was taking place and the Rajprasong area was not so guarded but then whoever did this respected the Royal event and instead did it in Monday.....so it must be a thai who did this.....from one of the politically motivated groups. By the way, strange that all this trouble is starting again after someone came out from monkhood! Makes one wonder. Just my thoughts, I can be wrong about it all. But most of all my condolneces to the victims and their families. Its really tragic that froeigners are the victims of these thai politics. Most of the thai victims were the local mafia that were operating garland and souvenir stands in front of the shrine and charging exorbitant rates to foreigners.

  4. This is simply terrible. My sympathies to the families and loved ones of the victims and RIP to the victims. This is simply horrid...any one of us living in Bangko or our loved ones could have been victims. I was earlier at Paragon about 4 pm and normally I would have walked to the shrine to pray. But was not feeling good today strangely.

    I hope that the cowrds who did this get caught and may they and their familes face bad karma.

    I really think that the Muslims or the Southerners ahd nothing to do with this as they could have done it yesterday....but this smells like waht some foreign media are saying. Disgraceful if true.

  5. AEC can only be successful if Thailand is omitted out from the grouping. The way Thailand treats migrant workers from Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos and the xenophobic nature of the country towrads all migrant workers and foreigners plus that the fact that "Thailand is allowing China to have unnatural sexual relations with it", might to the anger to countries like Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia that does not like China. Also Thialnd is trying to impose its own Nationalistic and Protective rules in the AEC grouping and free trade, hence no reason to include Thailand which cannot even communicate in English into the grouping. Let them be with China.

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