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  1. Maybe if Trump had a blankie along with Sean or Laura or Jesse he would do better. But you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
  2. Trump whines about the ABC moderators and then suggests the most partisan moderators for a new FOX debate. The moderators weren't the reason for Trump's whacko performance. It was the candidate.
  3. She baited him and then she spanked him. Give us more debates!
  4. Here's the original Washington Post article. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2024/08/02/trump-campaign-egypt-investigation/
  5. Bottom line: 4 years later and no evidence has emerged to prove cheating or a rigged election. I suppose we could wait another hundred years without any evidence showing up to prove MAGA's conspiracy theory.
  6. Yes, those are mail-in ballots. Some states mandate that mail-in ballots can't be counted until the day of the election (so there were a lot of votes to count). Trump scared his followers into not voting by mail so most of those mail-in ballots were for Biden. It's just the normal election process of counting votes.
  7. I could draw random lines on a graph but I wouldn't call it evidence. Where's the data that show people voted illegally? And not just one or two people but enough people to swing the election. I think I'll be waiting a long long time for any proof.
  8. Please send me your evidence of "the cheated election results." I'd be so happy to declare Trump our real president if you would so kindly provide the evidence.
  9. Of all the days on the calendar, why do you think he called his supporters to gather at the capital on January 6? Was it just a coincidence that it happened to be the last day to stop the official election of Biden? In calling his mob to come to D.C. on January 6 why did Trump say: ‘Be There. Will Be Wild!'
  10. You forgot to mention these lines in Trump's speech: 'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore.' 'We won this election, and we won it by a landslide. 'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen.' 'We will stop the steal.'
  11. Federal investigators received classified intelligence that suggested the president of Egypt gave Trump a $10 million 'cash bribe,' but William Blair blocked the probe, according to the Washington Post. I wonder if James Comer will look into this? https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2024/09/03/trump-egypt-investigation-menendez/
  12. But she conceded the election to Trump and didn't call her supporters to storm the Capitol because her ego was bruised.
  13. I suppose his congratulations to Biden will be coming soon? And his apology for telling lies for the last 4 years?
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