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  • Birthday February 14

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  1. 555 I love the confusion over 12am and 12pm....12am is midnight....12pm is noon. The funniest sign I saw in Pattaya was for a massage shop that had a huge sign saying they were open at 11am and closed 12pm. I guess they were only open for one hour! If they are closing for 24 hours I'm guessing that means from midnight Tuesday night until midnight Wednesday night.
  2. As I was taught in Finance, you want to own an appreciating asset and you want to rent a depreciating asset.
  3. If Trump indeed wins his crazy sh@t won't affect me too much since I'm a wealthy white dude living in a foreign country. But I feel sorry for women, people of color and Europeans (with the hungry bear at the door).
  4. Thanks for your concern but I think I'll be feeling pretty good tomorrow. So good in fact that I'll be able to stop taking my <removed> pills.
  5. Trump is polishing up his big speech for the night of November 5th.
  6. Frank -- you're a little behind on your news. From The Economist magazine -- "America’s economy is bigger and better than ever" https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/10/17/americas-economy-is-bigger-and-better-than-ever
  7. His stunts my turn out to bite him. It seems real workers don't like to be mocked. "First slinging fries at McD's now this!" said the Durham, North Carolina branch of the Southern Workers Assembly, which aims to organize the unorganized working class in the U.S. South and coordinate actions across the region. "A billionaire sleazeball acting like he is a worker is beyond gross, and slap in the face to all working-class people," the group declared on social media. "Workers must organize and raise up to smash MAGA fascism!" https://www.alternet.org/trump-dump-truck/
  8. The positives are out there if you look outside of FOX. And this comes from The Wall Street Journal -- a right-wing newspaper. "The Next President Inherits a Remarkable Economy." "Whoever wins the White House next week will take office with no shortage of challenges, but at least one huge asset: an economy that is putting its peers to shame. With another solid performance in the third quarter, the U.S. has grown 2.7% over the past year. It is outrunning every other major developed economy, not to mention its own historical growth rate." https://www.wsj.com/economy/the-next-president-inherits-a-remarkable-economy-7be2d059
  9. If you don't think that's what he was doing then watch the reaction from the young men behind him. They got it.
  10. Most of us don't simulate oral sex when the microphone is too low. https://www.the-express.com/news/politics/153411/trump-meltdown-mic-chanting-rally https://www.alternet.org/trump-get-so-angry/
  11. Get out of your right-wing bubble. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/
  12. Others have a different opinion than you. https://www.the-express.com/news/politics/153411/trump-meltdown-mic-chanting-rally
  13. You're being laughable now. Trump told 30,000 documented lies or untruths while in office.
  14. Stop lying? And you're a Trump supporter? 555
  15. 555 Why don't you watch the full clip that was posted earlier?
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