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Everything posted by Mazungu
Please post the source of your claim. I guess you caught me. Most likely a few illegal Trumpsters voting.
Trump is already polishing up his speech for November 5 when he loses.
Yes facts can be darn foolish.
Illegal voting by noncitizens is rare. Where is your evidence that says there are illegal aliens on the voter rolls? And it matters if it's a dozen or a thousand or 10 thousand. Please post your evidence or source. https://www.ap.org/news-highlights/elections/2024/illegal-voting-by-noncitizens-is-rare-yet-republicans-are-making-it-a-major-issue-this-election/
You have no brains if you think someone in the country illegally is going to risk prison and deportation to cast one solitary vote in an election.
Protect Democracy released what it terms a guide to determining whether the federal charges against Mr. Trump represent politicized justice or accountability. Boiled down, the guide asks three questions. First, is there evidence suggesting political interference with the Justice Department investigation? Second, is there evidence to support the indictment, and is Mr. Trump being treated as others in a similar situation would be? Third, are courts and judges upholding Justice Department actions? The analysis argues that all these criteria have been met – that President Biden has insulated himself from the federal cases, the cases are solid, and the legal system is working. “Based on what we currently know, the answers to these key questions support the conclusion that an independent Justice Department is properly seeking to hold Trump accountable,” says Protect Democracy in its guide. https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2023/0809/Trump-indictments-How-to-tell-if-they-re-political
FOX was sued by a private entity not the government.
If Trump supporters aren't being deluded by lies & propaganda why did FOX pay $787.5 million for telling election lies?
Nothing new about dissatisfaction. It's been 20 years since more people were satisfied than dissatisfied. But I didn't hear the right-wing media telling us how dissatisfied people were under Trump even though they were. https://news.gallup.com/poll/1669/general-mood-country.aspx
He was much better than you give him credit for.
You're right. Trump was a lousy Fascist last time. Only because he had patriots like Generals Kelly and Mattis and Milley keeping him from his worst instincts. They won't be around next time. He'll have only sycophants around next time. Though not a smart man even Trump can be dangerous because he aspires to be a dictator like his idols Putin and Kim.
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They do but when they lose they say they won and then try to steal the election.
Glad the truth finally dawned on you.
To all Trumpsters crying about Trump being called a Fascist, cry me a river. Are you so uninformed that you don't know Trump has been calling the Dems derogatory names for the last 10 years? Do you not pay any attention? He even loves to call the Dems Fascists. So suck it up. Trump started the name calling and took away all civility in politics. He must reap the whirlwind.
Au contraire. The term "fascism" was first used in 1915 by members of Mussolini's movement, the Fasces of Revolutionary Action. The word fascism comes from the Latin fasces, which denotes a bundle of wooden rods that typically included a protruding axe blade. In ancient Rome, lictors (attendants to magistrates) would hold the fasces as a symbol of the penal power of their magistrate. The first European fascist, Benito Mussolini, adopted this symbol both to recall the greatness of the Roman Empire and to reinforce his authority as the eventual dictator of Italy. Fascist regimes like his required their citizens to be as unified as the tightly bound fasces.
Fascist -- a person who believes in or sympathizes with Fascism. A person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views. Fascism -- a governmental led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
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My evidence? He tried to steal a free and fair election.
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Do you want to know how a Fascist Dictator acts? Just watch this clip of a wanna-be dictator saying he won an election days before all the votes were counted.
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You must be Russian. We don't have Kangaroo courts in the US. Trump was charged and convicted through the US judicial system. He was convicted by a jury of his peers just like every other convicted felon. If you don't like that then you must hate law and order.
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Why don't you refute the arguments instead of just saying "another left rant?" I guess you find facts hard to argue against.
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Good article. It has a paywall but here are some snippets. And if some of these thoughts sting you it's because the truth hurts. https://www.alternet.org/alternet-exclusives/trump-voters-2669489685/ "I have heard way more than enough of this grotesque garbage that perhaps we should try to understand what makes the Trump voter tick, and somehow sympathize with their support of an unapologetic loudmouth who is so vile he sees “good people” on both sides of a violent white supremacist rally." "Have you seen or heard this absolute low-grade nonsense that we should work to lower the temperature in this country, and maybe not take it so personally when one party has gone completely in the tank for a hideous man who told the people who attacked America on January 6, 2021 that he 'loves them?'" "Do not allow yourselves to be gaslit during this the most important election since the Civil War. Understand: If you support the Democratic Party, it does not make you perfect, but it does put you squarely on the right side of human decency and history." "You have told me you don’t really believe in “law in order” because in fact you support a convicted felon, who is currently facing scores of other felony charges for all manner of crimes, instead of supporting the career prosecutor who locked cheating lowlifes like Trump away behind bars ..." "You have told me you don’t believe in democracy, because you support the traitor who helped plan and execute the first attack on our Capitol since 1812, and attempted a violent coup that was one corrupt vice president away from possibly succeeding." "You have told me you don’t believe in truth and honesty, because you support the man who told an astonishing documented 30,573 lies and mistruths during his epically awful presidency, and does nothing but lie from the time his fat little feet hit the deck in the morning until he finally passes out from overexposure at midnight." "You have told me you don’t have a shred of respect for the women in your lives, because you support the felon who physically attacks and berates them, and does not believe they should have the same rights men do." "I am only interested in making good and damn sure people know that YOU, and YOU alone, are responsible for the extreme danger that this country finds itself in right now."
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Only 9 out of 8.2 million votes cast in Georgia were noncitizens
Mazungu replied to Mazungu's topic in Political Soapbox
Because they want to cause hysteria that elections are being stolen by illegals voting. Go ahead and believe that if you want. And listen to Trump and spend time in prison for believing the hysteria too. -
After an analysis by the republican secretary of state in Georgia they found twenty noncitizens were registered in Georgia. But only nine of them voted in an election. What a huge waste of taxpayers dollars to find out. The myth of noncitizens voting is a Republican boogeyman. It does nothing but cause anti-immigrant hatred and fear among citizens to vote. Trumpsters....try to be rational for a minute. Why would an illegal person risk being prosecuted for a felony and deported to cast a SINGLE vote in an election???
WAPO the latest liberal newspaper to not endorse Harris.
Mazungu replied to Cryingdick's topic in Political Soapbox
I don't think much has changed since The Post endorsed Trump's opponents in both 2016 & 2020. Except he's threatened to terminate the Constitution and throw his political opponents in jail or have them executed. Here's what the Post said in their presidential endorsements in 2016 & 2020. This was The Post on Oct. 13, 2016: “Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is dreadful, that is true — uniquely unqualified as a presidential candidate. If we believed that Ms. Clinton were the lesser of two evils, we might well urge you to vote for her anyway — that is how strongly we feel about Mr. Trump,” the editorial board wrote in endorsing Hillary Clinton. Trump “has shown himself to be bigoted, ignorant, deceitful, narcissistic, vengeful, petty, misogynistic, fiscally reckless, intellectually lazy, contemptuous of democracy and enamored of America’s enemies. As president, he would pose a grave danger to the nation and the world.” This was The Post on Sept. 28, 2020: It called Trump “the worst president of modern times,” in endorsing Joe Biden. “Democracy is at risk, at home and around the world,” the editorial warned. “The nation desperately needs a president who will respect its public servants; stand up for the rule of law; acknowledge Congress’s constitutional role; and work for the public good, not his private benefit.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/10/25/post-editorial-board-wapo-endorsement-2024/ -
Trump again shows his contempt for the working class. Do you really think the man has worked a blue collar job in his life? His only interaction with a working man is to tell him he's fired. Harris wants to raise the minimum wage while Trump refuses to support raising it. Harris has walked a picket line in support of unions. Do you think Trump has ever walked a picket line? https://www.uswvoices.org/vice-president-kamala-harris-top-ten-victories-for-workers https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/donald-trumps-mcdonalds-day-job-was-staged-redditors-expose-photoop-101729480394604.html