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    khon kaen

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  1. still don't understand anything about this topic lol
  2. took 4 to 5 week in france to apply not so easy for french lol
  3. whatever 30 days or 60 if people want work illegally they will do immigration should go to koh tao koh samui lot of foreigner work here without permit lol
  4. if they change the visa policy that will be after songkran , in may i think
  5. this kind of people don't need life in jail but a small injection
  6. if they change the visa policy , will be after songkran i think , in May
  7. in france for non O thai child or marriage they ask for 12 000e financial requirement , such a fool
  8. easy and cheap in france they say 3 or 4 working week to get a tr visa so i dont call it easy lol
  9. have some review about laos now ?? or no one make a visa there 😞
  10. laos say 10 15 working day for a visa , that a big problem really ; i would like to make a new non o there too but with that visa policy change don't know 🙂
  11. don't make 30 days back before i landing here on 3 april lol actually i can have 90 days for a 30 days entry because i have thai child , but make the visa easier in laos you need spend 10 15 working day for a visa , sound insane
  12. you pay 2000 b to who ? the IO at the entry point ? or use an agent
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