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    khon kaen

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  1. Don't understand why you need to show a flight ticket for your home country Thailand is not the center of the universe , if you Want to go to Vietnam or the Philippines after what the matter for them, some thai immigration abuse of them power. I saw that at nong khai border last time
  2. Found them and deport them far away
  3. They're a lot of laos ATM around the border or they have an exchange corner too after you pass laos arrival I think you can't get laos kip outside the country lol
  4. In ventiane you can pay everything with Thai baht but better take some lao kip
  5. I was stuck in laos for 2 days if you want new 60 days visa exempt
  6. Really stay 2 days in ventiane is not to bad but the mistake I done is I should ask the IO on the departure if I can go and back same day like before
  7. Finally I get in Thailand without hassle, 2 minute a himigration. The guy didn't ask any questions just stamp me 60 days So now people need to know you need stay 2 days at nong khai border if you want have another 60 days on arrival
  8. On my way to the border wish me good luck
  9. Yeah right they send me back to laos on 29 and say the rules are change. I need stay 2 3 days in laos before come back
  10. Unbelievable how this guy think he is so powerful I try to explain him my family children is waiting for me in nong khai he don't want know anything. Just go back to laos and come back in 2 days ,that the land of smile really ? Lol
  11. Really I don't care to spend 2 days in laos but I hope on 31 they will not say anything just crosss finger
  12. My wife call the himigration in nong khai they say the new government of Shinawatra they don't want people do go and back same as before
  13. Ventiane border run is 2 3 days there. I be stuck there now until the 31 of December
  14. I will stay until 31 to laos and hope everything will going well that guy treat me like a criminal took picture of myself and so rude ,he didn't want to know anything just go back to laos I stay in Thailand for 16 year and I never been treating like this
  15. My wife just call himigration they say I need to fly to Thailand and I can't going back by friendship bridge what a story really

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