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Posts posted by thai006

  1. hello guys i just move from chiang mai and i need to do 60 day extension at khon kaen immigration , and i would like to know if  it s the same like in chiang mai need to go there a 4 am in the morning or is more quiet than there


     thank you guys 

  2. hey guys   do you know a good website for  rend condo because i will move there for 6 month and i would like to rend something 

    so i would like to see condo before i come

    thank you 



  3. hey guys  i have a question


    i break my screen of my iphone 7 plus  not the lcd but the  front  and i would like to know how much i need to pay in bkk  because  here in france they ask for  6000 B more the new one


    thank you

  4. give some news ,


    we all do the same get drunk party and meet someone  and sometime  we did not care of the condom  but after when the alcool gone , we think what we done last nite ?



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