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Posts posted by thai006

  1. 1 hour ago, Diplomatico said:


      Yes, you can check your rating as a passenger.


      Open the Uber app.  Open the menu (top left corner).  Click on "help".  


      Scroll down to "account and payment".  Click it.  


      Scroll down to "account settings and rating".  Click it.  


      Scroll down to "I'd like to know my rating".  Click it.  Hit submit.  




     yeah and me after 20 trip i got 4.96 star :P not far from 5 ahahha 

  2. last time at maya want back around chang puak  at 7 pm  a tuk tuk come and ask   where u go , he say 150 i say  No lol 120 no 100 no  he ask  me how much  i say uber ride me there for 50 b can  you ? and he gone without say anything hahahah  finish mafia  taxi 

  3. 2 hours ago, gemguy said:

    Your right...naturally there are far more that do not speak than those that do speak.......

    Meantime, those that do learn to speak will confirm that it really helps to makes things go much smoother when you do learn to speak Thai language while yes it does take a considerable amount of effort to learn the language.

    Most struggle a lot trying to learn the language.

    Some aspects are simple but all too often certain aspects of the Thai language make it seemingly difficult to learn and a high percentage of people just give up on it and decide to get by while not learning and they do well enough....but certainly there are all too many times that they struggle with numerous issues from lack of communication and misunderstandings.

    Plus you will always be at somewhat of a disadvantage.

    Anyhow, better to learn of course and from a mans point of view, the best thing to do if you want to meet Thai women.....lol



     thai is very easy  just  learn only ; i   come here  in 2009 and i was 19 y now 27 and can speak thai  just learn by myself, listen music,  tv , try to speak with  people and now i can  speak :) 

  4. On 31/08/2016 at 2:08 PM, eyecatcher said:

    I needed a crown and root canal so I shopped around like the thrifty person I am.


    After several recommendations on here, the same 2, Elite and Empress were on the list.

    both places were coming in at circa 25k.

    These were the most expensive places.

    I was recommended by a Thai to go to the place opposite chiang mai gate market, lots of Thais go there and its run by the professor from the dentistry faculty at the uni. that sounded promising.


    Went there,it was like stepping back in time....1980s, the place was a hovel, 3 or 4 chairs in bright blue all in the same room, with just one or two strip lights on the ceiling.


    The price for the same treatment would be circa 16k; however the wait is 5 weeks to get the first procedure (of 5) underway.


    The thing about the expensive places is they are now almost uniquely running for farangs, no one else can afford them and as such you can get any procedure started the next day.


    I ended up with the Empress. The first time I went a farang came out and was asked to pay 50k baht for his crown works "but I already paid 50k three weeks ago"

    "solly sir, but that was only for the gum surgery and root canal, not the crown"


    He was floored, both me and the lady beside me just looked at each other in amazement.


    Over 5 visits of mine, they added on bits and pieces to suit themselves....a difficult root canal or simple, up to them to decide, I pressed for it to be simple.

    my root canal work was a pain; I had to cancel the following appointment becasue the dentist had trapped my gums with his clamps. they gave me some medecine of course and I refused to pay for that.

    The final fitting of the crown procedure at the end was I think 14k, the cash in my pocket; yet the girl wanted to charge me 200bt for the xray for the benefit of the dentist checking he had fitted it correctly.


    I refused, I created a scene, and told them how petty they were being after I had paid 25k.

    In reply they tried to fob me off with a free tube of sensodyne toothpaste.


    sensodyne...i ask you, I just had a root canal, why the hell do i need thier sensodyne

    my experience was terrible, I think 4 different specialists carried out work on my tooth. in the uk it was one dentist to do the lot, its like everything else here, they always need at least two people to do every job.



    i will not be going back there in future.......the staircase is nice though.

    i make a  crown in france this year and i pay 1000e but with my insurance  they give me back 1000e so was free, sometime we dont know how we lucky to live in a good place for medical 

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