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Posts posted by goreme

  1. Why is it that in almost all of these mass shootings in the US, the perpetrator is a white American male? And every time it happens it's written off - mainly by other whites, as being an anomaly and primarily due to mental issues. Never any self-reflection nor acknowledgement of the prevalance of dysfunctional upbringing common in white families which often encourage violence and confrontational behavior. Yet when a non-white person commits an act of crime, its open season on poor upbringing, skin color religion, etc.

    Contrary to what many Thai bashers on TV would have everyone believe, Thailand pales in comparison to the dysfunctional, often violent/confrontational behavior of farangs from the US/UK/AUS.

    It's interesting that you accuse White people of "dysfunctional upbringing" and then lament "open season by skin color." Do you see the contradiction there?

    But since we're having an honest discussion, let's use facts.

    First let's look at the numbers of black and white people in the United States. This is from the 2010 to 2011 US Census. https://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/asrh/2011/

    Black: 40,750,746

    White: 243,470,497

    Total (Black+White): 284,221,243

    By percentage of Total (Black+White people)

    Black: 14.34%

    White: 85.67%

    Here is the racial breakdown of total murders committed by race from the FBIs own crime statistics (2011). https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-3

    White 4,729 Black 5,486 Other 256 Unknown 4,077

    From this we can find the percentage when the assailant is known and was either White or Black,

    Black 53.7%

    White 46.3%

    The numbers do not support your White "dysfunctional upbringing" hypothesis, but do support alternative hypothesis based on skin color. Like you however, I detest conversations based on race and you should interpret this as merely a repudiation of your race based assertions.

    While I like your exuberant, good, but misleading argument, nemrut--great name by the way--did say, "mass shootings."

    Try researching the race of perpetrators of mass shootings in the US and see if nemrut has a point.

    Because "mass shooter" is a term invented and defined by the media and has no meaning in criminology.

    "Broadly speaking, the term refers to an incident involving multiple victims of gun violence, but there is no official set of criteria or definition for a mass shooting, according to criminology experts and FBI officials." http://www.nationofchange.org/defining-mass-shooting-1345908412

    Therefore simple "murder" statistics from the FBI should suffice. Nevertheless, despite a few unsubstantiated accusations by a website called "Mother Jones," mass shooters seem to have the same demographics as the rest of the United States.

    You seem to mean well, albeit misguided and in denial. Here's an informative article shedding light on the matter:


  2. That depends on your definition of liveable. Rain is nice, you may have noticed a drop in temp. during the rainy spell and when the clouds break the air will be clear, the plants washed and growing. It is a lovely time of year.

    Enjoy rain as well in moderation but when it's continuous day in/day out like it is in Seattle much of the year, it gets old pretty quick. Also, it seems scooters are pretty useless in this weather and probably much safer to drive a car.

  3. My wife uses the horn like a crazy woman and I love her for it. She really goes mental at idiot drivers sometimes pushing it for 30 seconds or more. If I'm driving and someone does something stupid she makes a video of it with her phone and post it on line. I think it's partly because I taught her to drive with all the proper rules and courtesies we learn in the UK. That and she has a really short fuse.

    That's pretty laughable given the number of road rage incidents posted to Youtube from the UK, which is probably only the tip of the iceburg.

  4. Given the fact that no cars or motorbikes are ever checked for roadworthiness, functioning brakes, lights, etc. except the superficial pat down when a vehicle is sold and bought, it is an absolute miracle that there aren't several thousand road deaths per day in Thailand. I also believe a lot of drivers are half blind and actually would need glasses or contacts, bit eyesight is check - if - then only when a driving license is made or renewed. A million factors make up this explosive road mayhem cocktail of Thailand... where to start???

    That's the flipside to having a high amount of freedom and little regulation that attract so many farang to Thailand. Yet those same people endlessly complain about the deficiencies of a developing country barely emerging from 3rd world status.

  5. The usual apologies for the racist actions of a heavily armed society. One wonders what would happen if a white couple had a few too many beers and didn't stop when hailed by a chasing police car. Would the same officer have climbed onto the bonnet and shot them eighty-something times? The mind boggles. sad.png

    We know such lethal force would not have been administered had the occupants been white. If it had, and as frequently the case with black victims, you can be sure it would be all over the media and constituents of largely white congress would be in an uproar.

  6. Pretty easy to stay fit without collapsing due heat exhaustion - workout during the times of day when it's coolest, mornings and late afternoons. Mix it up with swimming and avoid the sun between 11am-2pm and you will be fine.

    Most farang experiencing heat exhaustion as result of exercising during hottest part of the day, in direct sunlight with little to no clothing on.

  7. Neither Goreme, but it is obvious by your posts, you know woefully little about police in America.

    Yes, all the documented evidence of intentional police brutality, coverups and killings are fabricated by the media and those know-nothing liberals.

    OMG! What is wrong with you? America's law enforcement are dedicated professionals that stand between law abiding citizens and anarchy. I didn't imply you were a "know-nothing liberal" but if you want to align with this group it's up to you.

    This is about the biker shootout in Texas, where law enforcement did a good job it containing their violence and arresting the people involved. Get a life dude.

    Many in law enforcement behave professionally and many dont, hence the ample evidence proving such. Given the legal right to possess a firearm and detain others over 'probable cause' instills a sense of power that is easily abused.

    You can live in denial but the reality is that the biker shootout is just one of many examples of increasing lawlessness and gun violence in the US. Whether the situation was handled properly is still pending investigation.

  8. Are you speaking from experience, just making this up, or you saw this in a movie?

    Are you woefully naive or genuinely ignorant?

    Neither Goreme, but it is obvious by your posts, you know woefully little about police in America.

    Yes, all the documented evidence of intentional police brutality, coverups and killings are fabricated by the media and those know-nothing liberals.

  9. You act as if you are not aware of probable cause. Police in America, can't just stop a vehicle unless they have probable cause nor can they just walk up to a person and search them. It doesn't make any difference if the person is wearing a jacket will a biker gang logo on it or if they are dressed in a bunny suit.

    Yes, police in America are known to come up with their own probable cause when it suits them, and quite often if the person is black.

    Are you speaking from experience, just making this up, or you saw this in a movie?

    Are you woefully naive or genuinely ignorant?

  10. You act as if you are not aware of probable cause. Police in America, can't just stop a vehicle unless they have probable cause nor can they just walk up to a person and search them. It doesn't make any difference if the person is wearing a jacket will a biker gang logo on it or if they are dressed in a bunny suit.

    Yes, police in America are known to come up with their own probable cause when it suits them, and quite often if the person is black.

    I don't see a lot of black faces in that group. Do you?

    Do you think this single incident is indicative of police behavior in US?

  11. You act as if you are not aware of probable cause. Police in America, can't just stop a vehicle unless they have probable cause nor can they just walk up to a person and search them. It doesn't make any difference if the person is wearing a jacket will a biker gang logo on it or if they are dressed in a bunny suit.

    Yes, police in America are known to come up with their own probable cause when it suits them, and quite often if the person is black.

  12. You forgot to scroll down your page to get more granularity. Most of those were accidents and suicides. 11,000 of those were homicides.

    for comparison there were 34,000 highway fatalities in the US.

    It's easy to forget just how big the US is with the world's 3rd largest population, and to mentally exaggerate a statistic, say per 100,000 people.


    ...and yet the countries holding the 1st and 2nd position have nearly 3-4x population of US but the fraction of gun fatalities and homicides. Why is that?

    Do you want to live in China or India where people are lacking in freedoms and are dirt poor? You don't understand how the freedoms and personal initiatives in the US have made the country different. You don't understand self reliance and independent thinking.

    I believe that if you were given the choice to be born in India or the US you'd choose the US. I know you would if you had actually tried both alternatives.

    When you understand why and how the US kicked out the King of England and his occupying, colonizing redcoat army and built a country based on individual power and initiative you'll start to get it. In the meantime if you happen to be from the UK your government over which you have no power has sold the store in so many ways while you weren't paying attention.

    That won't happen in the US. I have 100 million very close friends who are armed and who say it won't happen.

    The saddest thing about the US is that a significant portion of the population holds such uneducated, narrow-minded views. Your presumption that the 2 most populated countries in the world are dirt poor is evidence of that.

    The right-wing's constant parroting of freedom has resulted in the highest gun homicides rates of any developing country. What good is your freedom when children in the US have easy access to guns - often with fatal results.

  13. Firearms killed 32,251 people in the United States in 2011, the most recent year for which the Centers for Disease Control has data

    and they want to regulate firearms, what a bunch of loons........ guns dont kill people, criminals do!w00t.gif

    You forgot to scroll down your page to get more granularity. Most of those were accidents and suicides. 11,000 of those were homicides.

    for comparison there were 34,000 highway fatalities in the US.

    It's easy to forget just how big the US is with the world's 3rd largest population, and to mentally exaggerate a statistic, say per 100,000 people.


    ...and yet the countries holding the 1st and 2nd position have nearly 3-4x population of US but the fraction of gun fatalities and homicides. Why is that?

  14. You donot mess with Texas and these guys exemplify that.

    It's this thuggish, knuckle dragging mentality that perpetuates the 'shoot now, ask questions later' gun violence in the US.

    I amnot American and donot go there it is just entertainment and reading to me. I donot participate sorry.

    ...yet parroting the oft promoted sentiment of many, if not most Texans who proudly perpetuate such an image.

  15. I think most people's concern over road rage in the UK or USA would be better expressed as commendation of news reporting in those countries

    ..or perhaps evidence of dysfunctional and overly aggressive culture as evidenced by the plethora of road rage videos posted on Youtube from the US/UK/AUS -- all taken by average citizens and probably just the tip of the iceberg.

  16. Is that why there is a fraction of road rage incidents in Thailand compared to US/UK/Australia and many parts of EU, not to mention lack of aggressive honking.

    That's because honking and flashing your lights is likely to get you shot dead. As many people find out. whistling.gif Be careful - Thailand: 23,000 gun homicides every year, 4th highest in the World. sad.png

    ..yes, because unlike Americans manyThais have guns in their cars and look for any excuse to use them</sarcasm>

    Projecting the shortcomings of your own country on others with that chip on your shoulder is not going to make your time in Thailand any easier.

  17. The emotional regression that Thai culture demands upon its servants results in some nasty venting. On the roads, when they are pretty much a blank face among strangers, is where they can vent and let out their aggression and frustrations, they can also bully, force people to move for them and act in all sorts of ways that gives them an extra inch or two, that they cannot do in their daily life and society.

    Quite ugly, isn't it. sad.png

    ...and this is unique to Thailand compared to many countries in the west...how? Is that why there is a fraction of road rage incidents in Thailand compared to US/UK/Australia and many parts of EU, not to mention lack of aggressive honking.

    Quite ugly isnt it...behavior of farangs from rich countries projecting their own poor behavior and incivility on a developing country.

  18. If you think Thai public toilets are bad, try them in France or - God forbid! - Greece. I have nightmares of some that were so disgusting that even flies wouldn't patronise them.

    Most of the Thai people I know are extremely fastidious about their personal hygiene and cleanliness, compared with their equivalents in many far more affluent countries in the West.

    Thai women, in particular, are streets ahead of their European and US counterparts in this regard, relying far more on washing and less on sprays which simply mask perspiration and other odours.

    Irony here is that most farang can't be bothered with taking off their shoes before entering the house in their home country, yet become hygiene conscious once in Thailand.

  19. never ceases to amaze me on TV.that anyone dare criticize thai society is branded a thai basher!....anyone that does this should apply for a position in the latest gvt....perfect job for you PC brigade!

    Because the criticism is often veiled racism laced with malicious intent(ie, bad mouthing an entire country, its people and culture). Note how many posts exclaiming '..what a sick society it is'.
    If the same were done about the US, you can bet there would be plenty of TV posts coming to its defense and proclaiming US bashing.
    That being said, isnt the US a pretty sick society given the high level of violence, road rage and gun deaths that occur in such a *developed and prosperous* country?
    Maybe all of you farang who complain so much about Thais and their country should reflect on why you have such a negative outlook and poor attitude - you often get as good as you give.
  20. I'm arriving in BKK next month on the first of a 3 entry tourist visa, from Melbourne flying Malaysia Airlines transit through KL. Will I require an outward ticket from BKK, or will a one way ticket be ok?

    If you plan to do a 60 day entry and then a 30 day extension at immigrations for each of the three entries, ,make sure you keep an eye on the expiry date printed on the visa sticker. I assume it expires 6 months after it is issued (not 6 months from your first entry).

    The first two entries could net you almost 6 months ( 60+30+60+30 days) and the second extension may give you permission to stay in Thailand past the visa expiration, but you still need to do the third entry before the actual visa expires.

    Also keep in mind, youre no longer allowed to take a bus to do border visa runs and return on the same day.

    You will need to fly out of the country, spend at least few days outside of Thailand, before returning.

    I don't believe this is true. It is my understanding that you can certainly do a border run to activate another entry on a multi-entry tourist visa. And you can do it the same day as well. Perhaps you are thinking about back-to-back visa exempt entries?

    Definately b2b visa exempts wont be allowed but it's a gray area in terms of activating another entry on multi-entry tourist visa. Depending on the border personnel, there is room for interpretation.

    Here's the Thai immigration info and subsequent thread:


  21. I'm arriving in BKK next month on the first of a 3 entry tourist visa, from Melbourne flying Malaysia Airlines transit through KL. Will I require an outward ticket from BKK, or will a one way ticket be ok?

    If you plan to do a 60 day entry and then a 30 day extension at immigrations for each of the three entries, ,make sure you keep an eye on the expiry date printed on the visa sticker. I assume it expires 6 months after it is issued (not 6 months from your first entry).

    The first two entries could net you almost 6 months ( 60+30+60+30 days) and the second extension may give you permission to stay in Thailand past the visa expiration, but you still need to do the third entry before the actual visa expires.

    Also keep in mind, youre no longer allowed to take a bus to do border visa runs and return on the same day.

    You will need to fly out of the country, spend at least few days outside of Thailand, before returning.

  22. I'm arriving in BKK next month on the first of a 3 entry tourist visa, from Melbourne flying Malaysia Airlines transit through KL. Will I require an outward ticket from BKK, or will a one way ticket be ok?

    If you plan to do a 60 day entry and then a 30 day extension at immigrations for each of the three entries, ,make sure you keep an eye on the expiry date printed on the visa sticker. I assume it expires 6 months after it is issued (not 6 months from your first entry).

    The first two entries could net you almost 6 months ( 60+30+60+30 days) and the second extension may give you permission to stay in Thailand past the visa expiration, but you still need to do the third entry before the actual visa expires.

    Also keep in mind, youre no longer allowed to take a bus to do border visa runs and return on the same day.

    You will need to fly out of the country, spend at least few days outside of Thailand, before returning.

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