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Happy Grumpy

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Posts posted by Happy Grumpy

  1. 7 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    I am having a problem with it,the page to register is all in Thai,

    Perhaps order some language books.


    You've been a member on here for over 11 years and cannot read a basic registration form in Thai?  

  2. Yes. Absolutely.


    All modern science and technology is wrong.


    Iron Age farmers got it right 2 thousand years ago.




    As humans developed, they needed answers to their questions. Before science and technology, deities were their answers.


    Thank child indoctrination before the age of reason and the fear of burning for eternity for how it has continued.

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, CGW said:

    I very rarely stop at pedestrian crossings! I found that it was far more dangerous to stop

    Yes, unfortunately this is true.


    I learned pretty quickly that no one is expecting you to stop. The pedestrians who look at you perplexed and the driver behind that plows into you, equally. 



    They're simply places for people to cross the road when it is safe to do so. 

  4. Was driving behind a BMW on a long highway last week, middle lane, I thought that's unusual, they aren't driving like a <deleted>. 


    Then an ambulance came along in the outer lane, he pulled out in front of it, slowed down a bit and wouldn't move, after about 5km the ambo could undertake it, he then moved back into the middle lane and moved back up to his previous cruising speed.



    It's quite bizarre.


    I can only attribute it to wanting to spite people that are doing good/positive things. 

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