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Posts posted by masquerade

  1. There is and will be many more accusations by the authorities, more people will be interrogated and more than likely someone eventually fitted for the crime. However, it is starting to look more like a false flag event than anything else. The timing of the attack, the strange comments and the actions by the administration, the reluctance to except the expertise offered by other countries or agencies and no results in solving the recent bombings before this is testament to this.

    We live in a time which could be called the Grand Deception. A time when government, media and law enforcement work in unison to deceive the citizen masses through means of false flags, blatant lies and just good old fashion treachery.

    " It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain.

    And all from your own imagination.

    It's o k for you to make a false flag accusation without a shred of evidence, other than wishful thinking.

    What strange childish comments you make, if you read my post in its entirety instead of trolling, you would see I have given reasons why it could be a false flag. On the other hand, neither you, the authorities or administration have offered anything other than conflicting,misleading and dumb quotes.Here is a classic example by the PM - Police working on the Erawan shrine blast should watch the American crime series Blue Bloods for leads, says Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha. "Police investigators, especially the national police chiefs... He went on to say, "Though our officers may not be as capable as those in the series, we are good in our own league,"

    If you cannot be more constructive in your comments and show a little mature intellect, I suggest you crawl back under your rock.

    I try to communicate in a way receptive to the receiver - in your case a child like intellect coupled with a political bias that permeates all your comments.

    It's looks like a false flag to you because that what you want to believe, and hopefully persuade others. Supported by your own surmises and silly comments. The world is totally dishonest, all governments lie and use media co-conspirators to feed us deception. What next - "thankfully there are honest men of the people like Jatuporn and Thaksin who can see through all this and tell us the truth?". Grow up. Jatuporn and Thaksin have shown on many occasions they are just as capable as lying when it suits or instigating violence.

    Whether they are involved isn't known, and neither is whether it's a false flag, ISIS, or any one else yet.

    If you can't help but post crude anti Junta pro-Thaksin comments supported by nothing substantial then you must expect responses.

    Now run off like a good little boy and play with your friends. Don't forget your tin hat now.

    Do you have more than one personality? You make the following statement - "thankfully there are honest men of the people like Jatuporn and Thaksin who can see through all this and tell us the truth?" you then tell yourself to grow up and validate it with - Jatuporn and Thaksin have shown on many occasions they are just as capable as lying when it suits or instigating violence. Whether they are involved isn't known. These comments cannot be directed at me as I never ever mentioned or indicated these two gentlemen or any one else other than Prayuth. Please point out to where I have posted crude anti Junta pro - Thaksin comments otherwise you are seen to be an unbalanced troll.

    In reference to your curt tin hat comment, I encourage you to learn what Albert Einstein once said; "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance"

    I will also leave you with the following -

    Conspiracy Theory: It’s a term used by many to brush off something that clashes with what they believe in, or have believed in for a long period of time. Taking in new information that runs counter to a current belief system is not easy and can cause the feeling of cognitive dissonance – a term used in modern psychology to describe the feeling of discomfort that arises from being confronted with two or more conflicting ideas, beliefs, or values. It suggests that we have an inner drive to hold onto all of our beliefs and attitudes, avoiding the feelings of discomfort and instability that accompany new ideas, regardless of whether those ideas are backed by evidence and sound logic.

    Why do we always believe, without consideration, what is presented to us through mainstream sources? Why do we hold it to be true, without question? Why is it so common for many of us to not even acknowledge, listen, or look at evidence which runs counter to the accepted ideology? To ignore available information which presents an alternative to what is so commonly believed by many – or what we ourselves believe can place the human race in a very vulnerable, gullible state. Even if there is an overwhelming amount of evidence, many find it easy to dismiss.

    It’s unfortunate that our world has been riddled with lies, misinformation, and fraud. It’s no secret that if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth.

  2. Because the fire fighters were responding to the fire from the first and a minor blast, not knowing that the mother of all blasts was about to take them out. There is no evidence as yet that what if any chemicals were involved, but there is conjecture from outside of China that it could have been a nuclear strike. This conjecture is backed up with scientific theories, due to the size of the crater and how the land around the crater appeared after the blast. Also, containers lying in the first crater nearby had the tell tale effects of extreme heat stripping them back to bare metal, something that could not have been caused through the first blast and highly unlikely from a chemical reaction. At this stage, bodies of the fire fighters have not been found and are believed to have perished, of which also is unlikely from a chemical blast.

  3. There is and will be many more accusations by the authorities, more people will be interrogated and more than likely someone eventually fitted for the crime. However, it is starting to look more like a false flag event than anything else. The timing of the attack, the strange comments and the actions by the administration, the reluctance to except the expertise offered by other countries or agencies and no results in solving the recent bombings before this is testament to this.

    We live in a time which could be called the Grand Deception. A time when government, media and law enforcement work in unison to deceive the citizen masses through means of false flags, blatant lies and just good old fashion treachery.

    " It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" - Mark Twain.

  4. While Thailand possesses several key advantages over Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, primarily the fact that the US and Shinawatra are incapable of fielding military forces capable of challenging Thailand’s territorial integrity, the prospect of a protracted and viscous terrorist campaign aimed at disrupting Thailand’s capital, including tourism and commuting is seen as a point of viable leverage the US can use against the Thai government.

    In addition to ousting and uprooting a loyal US proxy, the current Thai government has been gravitating ever closer to China, disrupting long-laid plans to use Southeast Asia as a united front with which the US can encircle and contain Beijing.

    Thailand now faces two choices. It can choose like Libya, Syria, and Ukraine did, and allow increasing violence to threaten the peace, stability, and even survival of Thailand as a functioning nation-state, or it can choose as Egypt has done, rounding up all senior and mid-level leaders left in Shinawatra’s political front, as well as those working throughout US-funded NGOs backing them, try and sentence them – forever removing them from Thailand political landscape once and for all.

    The terrorism may still continue, but in vain – and while Thailand will certainly become “unpopular” among the so-called “international community” – a term perceived widely to actually mean “the West,” it will at least survive. The current government is already “unpopular” with the West and the prospects of restoring beneficial ties with them have already diminished irreparably.

    You have to admire it when someone actually comes up with a plausible comment.

  5. Guess this means we'll have Prayut's smiling dial on the TV for the next 5 - 10 years while he brings peace, order and happiness to the people. It's kind of like his responsibility now, isn't it, This heinous attack "legitimizes" his "tenure" does it not. Seriously where would we be without his integrity, empathy and intelligence? My heart breaks for Thailand.

    How so true, is everybody blaming all and sundry but omitting to mention it could be an inside job. It always worries met when politicians in Thailand immediately start making accusations; is it because they know something we don't? Remember - It's not alcohol, it's my ear Chalerm, he was a classic for having all the answers before the investigation.] and sometime before the event.

  6. The crazy speculation. The low grade hack Veronica Pedrosa on Al Jazeera , who is very anti military government , suggested possibility of Military planting bomb itself!

    Not only Al Jazeera, more so called 'reputed' agencies stoop lower to satisfy their masters.

    I believe her comments must be given some consideration due to the current political climate in Thailand. At the very least it should not be automatically bagged because it is the unthinkable.

  7. Good bless and R.I.P. to those that have been killed and speedy recovery to the injured.

    But is anyone really surprised by this ?

    You can not take control of a country by false and then tell people they are happy.

    I completely agree and have previously posted my sentiments to that fact. I will repeat, this giving back the happiness to the people crap is just a diversion, a cover up for something terribly sinister with this current Administration. Corruption is still rampant, the police force is not to be reformed, the military are digging in for the long haul of running this country and the elite are pulling strings. So what is this tonight, false flag, political or religious, will we ever know? In short the answer is no, but you can rest assured it is just the beginning, the ante has been raised....R.I.P!

    You and Chingmai331 just can't help yourselves can you?

    You have to layer your political views on a tragic event such as this.

    Let the facts unfold before shooting your mouth off.

    RIP the dead and may the injured recover quickly.

    Where have you been living for the last 20 years, under a rock? The very reason I made the comments is because we will not get the true facts and that people should wake up and discard their security blankets. Of course it is political, everything in this country is political. Maybe you should stock up on tissues, because the worst is yet to come. Do you honestly believe this was because someone had a bad hair day or lost some money on the Chinese exchange rates, grow up and keep your bigoted opinions to yourself.

  8. Good bless and R.I.P. to those that have been killed and speedy recovery to the injured.

    But is anyone really surprised by this ?

    You can not take control of a country by false and then tell people they are happy.

    I completely agree and have previously posted my sentiments to that fact. I will repeat, this giving back the happiness to the people crap is just a diversion, a cover up for something terribly sinister with this current Administration. Corruption is still rampant, the police force is not to be reformed, the military are digging in for the long haul of running this country and the elite are pulling strings. So what is this tonight, false flag, political or religious, will we ever know? In short the answer is no, but you can rest assured it is just the beginning, the ante has been raised....R.I.P!

  9. To celebrate the Queens Birthday any which way is surely a delight and appropriate, but what saddens me is using this event as a self imposed PR stunt (world record). Many questions could be asked of this government and those past in relation of them conveniently stepping over the boundary. I will not elaborate further as I hold all of the Royal family in high esteem and am aware of the element within this forum who would only be too happy to push the envelope in causing mischief.

  10. Got to hand it to you General / PM, done a great job with all those taxi drivers, maybe TAT can spin the photo to get another couple of million tourists next month. Yep, things are far better under the Junta, not.

    A bit pathetic to comment and blame the PM for everything wrong in the world.....grow up!!

    Slow down there big boy, in too much of a hurry to give me a broadside, you didn't even read my comment correctly. Firstly, please point out where I said I blame him for everything in the world and secondly, it is the the PM himself who is on record for saying he would clean up the taxi service. Criticism is due where criticism is warranted. May I quietly suggest that if you are going to censure somebody, please check your facts first as it appears you are way out of your league with your arrogance.

  11. Too many plastic bags is a problem agreed

    Massive traffic congestion with cars crawling along at a few miles an hour burning fuel is a bigger problem.

    The PM introduced cycle lanes around the ratanakosin area. He single handedly reduced two lanes of traffic to one . As a result it takes twice the time to travel, congestion is obviously worse but the motorbikes and street vendors can use the cycle lane, as can a few cycles, as the people he is restoring happiness to sit on the bus for double the time

    I like the boy man, he says it as it is.

  12. Well it was a toss up whether this topic was going to become a PM bashing fiesta or a Thai bashing extravaganza. Looks like the PM lucked out. clap2.gif

    Would hate to think what the comments would be like if a member of the Shin family made a similar statement. whistling.gif

    You have got it so bad, you cannot make one post without mentioning the name Shin, yet you have the audacity to accuse others of being a troll (me). Can you please try and post something of a sensible nature instead of looking for dirt. As for the this man's statement, it could only be read as arrogant and condescending.

    Actually I can post a comment without mentioning "that name", in fact I do it quite often. Would you like me to pm you every time I do so, just to prove a point ?

    I don't agree with everything the PM says, he usually makes a mess of it, unless it is the translation from Thai to English. But I doubt it, I just don't think he knows how to govern a country. But I have to agree with this latest statement, although I think it is a waste of time telling a Thai to be fiscally responsible.

    You may say the statement was arrogant and condescending, and let's face it, if it was you would know. But what was he supposed to say ?

    Go out and have fun, blow all your money on crap you don't need, borrow as much as you can and forget about having to repay the money ?

    If he did you and your ilk would be all over him like a cheap suit. biggrin.png

    Okay, I will agree to disagree, be it you and not me that you continually back the wrong horse, your money.

  13. Well it was a toss up whether this topic was going to become a PM bashing fiesta or a Thai bashing extravaganza. Looks like the PM lucked out. clap2.gif

    Would hate to think what the comments would be like if a member of the Shin family made a similar statement. whistling.gif

    You have got it so bad, you cannot make one post without mentioning the name Shin, yet you have the audacity to accuse others of being a troll (me). Can you please try and post something of a sensible nature instead of looking for dirt. As for the this man's statement, it could only be read as arrogant and condescending.

  14. Got to hand it to you General / PM, done a great job with all those taxi drivers, maybe TAT can spin the photo to get another couple of million tourists next month. Yep, things are far better under the Junta, not.

    Your ignorance knows no bounds.

    The current government will never have the support of the taxi drivers because they were bought, with government money (meaning the peoples' money) by a former slimy PM.

    The worse thing about the junta taking power is not what they have done, or not done, but the fact that they have caused a spate of idiotic comments like yours.

    I cannot wait til the Shins are back in power and things are back to "normal". whistling.gif

    Geez! Get over it, time to move on, we have another inept corrupt government in power now who are fair game, the Shins were yesteryear.


  15. Got to hand it to you General / PM, done a great job with all those taxi drivers, maybe TAT can spin the photo to get another couple of million tourists next month. Yep, things are far better under the Junta, not.

    Wow! Are you trying to be a troll? This topic has absolutely nothing to Prayuth or the enforcement or taxi drivers overcharging? This taxi driver is obviously part of a growing problem with Thai adults. Violence is the only solution to a problem. I am seeing this almost daily now even in a small town. I tend to agree with another poster here that it stems from suppressed anger and I believe it also is from being raised by grandparents without the mothers or fathers.

    I also mentioned TAT which you conveniently ignored, so my understanding is you are not happy with me bringing up your precious Prayuth name. Please look up the definition of troll, you are the one that is being a troll, I merely made reference to all his rhetoric of how he was going to fix the taxi service. Oh! and thanks for helping me do exactly that. Have a nice day.

  16. The hub of downgrades. It is a humanly impossibility to get through to thick headed, arrogant alternative life forms that wholesale change is needed and that the problem is them and not the rest of the world. On the other hand maybe it's better to just let them go, withdraw all aid, businesses and expertise, black ball tourism and ban all import and export. When the country implodes, China can pick up the pieces and start again. That is what their attitude deserves.

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