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Posts posted by crutchy26

  1. Battery should be fine.

    Next time you go shopping, buy some DISTILLED water. top your battery up and go for a drive.

    Went through many a litre of distilled water in Aussie, topping up visitors cars.

    Dead give-away: slow cranking, hard-to-start.

    A squeeze tomato-suace type of dispenser is great to get the water into the top of the battery, with minimum fuss & mess.

    Happy motoring

  2. Good luck getting A Visitor Visa, for your Thai girlfriend.

    • According to the Embassy worker (Immigration Interviewer), my girlfriend is not employed as "House Duties", she is unemployed and a risk of not returning to Thailand.
    • Amazing that the interviewer could not extract the following:
    • 1. My GF (and I) own, and live in our fully-furnished, 3 bedroom ‘Western-style’ house, we built in Nongwai.

      2. My GF (and I) are major stakeholders in the 20 rai family farm.

      3. My GF (and I) own a Honda 125 (2014 model)

      4. My GF (and I) are paying over 14 000 baht in payments per month to the Thanachart Bank for our 2014 Isuzu Highlander. Which I/we paid 200 000 deposit to Khon Kaen Isuzu.

      5. My GF receives a daily allowance of 250 baht, which is transferred from my Krungthai Bank account, to her Krungthai bank account.

      6. My GF 2 school aged children who attend Mancha Kiri Christian School. I pay the school fees.

      7. My GF and I have lived together for over 2 years. She is not unemployed. She is engaged in House Duties. Ie. Cleaning our house, cooking, gardening, taking care of children, etc.

  3. Drove north from Bangkok today, almost to Khon Kaen (North, obviously)

    I have never seen so many vehicles in 1 day, ever before, in my 40+ years of driving. ALL heading south to Bangkok. Thousands & thousands of cars.

    at least some of the traffic lights had been disabled (trying to get some flow?) Well I would not call that amount of traffic flowing...........

    But aside from that, I lost count of the white painted 'U' on the road traveling north.

    I am assuming the U was the 4 wheels of where a vehicle, involved in a MVA, came to rest. ALWAYS precede/followed by another 4 Us.

    If there was 1, there was a 100!!!!! That's 100 + fresh MVAs.

    If I am crystal-balling, these would be rear-end shunts.

    Not surprising given the propensity to tail-gate, travel too fast for the conditions & failure to be in SAFE control of a motor-vehicle.

    The only thing that astonishes me, I did not see any accidents, given that over a 4 day return trip over 24 hours of driving and over 2000 klms. Maybe, I am lucky. Or very careful. Some drivers you can second-guess what they are going to do. But, not in Thailand.

  4. get some good quality ear-plugs. I have HAD to use mine when this small Issan Village goes off-tap. Replete with a 1kW sound system and speaker stacks. Those same speakers are scraping because of the Bass Boost. (VERY typical of any 'loud' music system here in Thailand).

    Not uncommon for kids to be within touching distance of the speaker stacks. The deafness will last a very long, long time.

    The adults just smile.................... Ignorance is bliss.

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