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Everything posted by Dewey

  1. Got my PR last year (with work not marriage) and yes, they will try to discourage you as much as possible (officer rude AF, asking different documents every time you go) but after almost 2 years process I got it without paying a single bribe (you can secure your PR with an agent but it will cost you double). There is 2 way you can lose your PR, if you commit a crime or if you go out of the country without the re-entry stamp (4.5k a year for multiple) in your passport (200k down the drain).
  2. Which other areas are you talking about. Asking for a friend 😅
  3. Just grow a pair and ask her out !
  4. Send him an anonymous text !
  5. And what consequences are you talking about ? That my action lead to other owners to request EV charger as well ? That 2 weeks after I did it 2 companies came to audit how to install chargers in our parking ? I think my move was good and it makes things going forward and in the good direction.
  6. Once again, look at the original date of the post. A bit early to start drinking bro..
  7. True. But look at the date of my original post...
  8. Yeah I don't think they share the accounts. I will have a look if they do. we became aware about this because they use this problem as a way to raise the fee last year. Thanks for the reply.
  9. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a lot.
  10. Annual fee was changed from 32THB per sqm to 45THB, they justify the raise because it never went up since condo exists (2009) Location is sukhumvit50. Why no money, tbh I'm not so sure, they talked about it at last year co-owner meeting but I did not understand all of it.
  11. Tbh I don't know. The whole team changed 3 times in 6 years, I don't think the management company change, only the staff and manager.
  12. Good afternoon, quick post to ask about condo management (or juristic office). I've been living in the same condo for the last 12 years and I'm an owner since 6 years. Today, other owners (Thai) reach out to me because they are sick of the condo management and they are gathering all the complains they can find. They know I had a few problems with the management in the past and they want me to join their crusade (probably because I was the only one asking questions management didn't want to hear at the last year co-owner meeting). Anyway, I'm thrilled about this and for once it's started from Thai owners so I will not be the bad "farang" who complain about everything 🙂 However, before joining them I have a few questions about condo management and hopefully someone here will have a few answers : - Since the new management took over the condo, new rules appears and if we don't respect those new rules we can get a fine (from 1000 to 5000 THB) Is there a general law in Thailand about rules in condos ? Can they add new rules without the approval of the majority of owner ? Can they fine condo resident ? On which authority ? What can happened if an owner refuse to pay a fine ? - Last year they raised the annual fee for owner (which we vote yes for) because they didn't have enough cash to pay the staff and condo upkeep), they also had a debt of 200K THB. They complained about not having enough money to pay the staff but they still let them do overtime on weekends, during next co-owner meeting can we ask to see the cost of management (salaries, overtime paid etc.) ? Can we request to have the total spending per month for maintenance, external contractor and other type of spending ? Thanks for the help.
  13. I have 330e, I use 95 or higher if I can find.
  14. Could you please share the name of the company ? Thanks.
  15. It might not but I was thinking the same about weed, they prove me wrong.
  16. You can't compare filling a car with petrol (5mn) with charging a car (multiple hours). I agree with you that it may not be a condo problem at the moment but it may be in the future if the government update the law.
  17. If you read the entire topic you would have notice that I told the condo manager that I will refund the 120THB electricity I used (I have the exact amount I used on the app). The only point of doing that was to get a reaction from the condo management that did nothing from last year co-owner meeting where multiple owners asked for charging option in our parking. And I got what I wanted, 2 companies will come audit the condo next week and suggest/propose solutions so maybe a smarter move than you think. And again, if there is no possibility to put chargers in our condo, so be it, but at least the management considered it. I will keep charging at work or at the nearest Tesco.
  18. Alright, let say EV is not dangerous, only me then. But I'm still interested to know how dangerous I am when plugging a charger on compatible outlet. Please come to my condo, inspect the charger and the outlet and then prove to me how dangerous it was. I'll be happy to offer you the coffee.
  19. I would agree with you if you had number to back up your theory. You state that EV charging is dangerous, prove it to us. Where are your numbers ? Statistics, articles, anything ? How many burned EV car in Thailand in 2023 ? How many interventions from firefighters regarding fires in condo because of EV charging station ? Once again I'm not pro EV, I'm just asking some question here. You seem to have no trust in EV charger but how did you come to that conclusion ? I'm not trolling you, I just want to know how did you come to that conclusion. I don't believe in god but do you see my in the "god" topic on the forum telling everyone one who believe that they are wrong ?
  20. No it doesn't, hybrid is just the first step, I know a few Thai people that would buy full EV if we had chargers in the condo. If tomorrow the condo can't have chargers because of structural issues so be it, my car will still work very well without being able to charge it every day, I will charge once in a while at the Tesco near the condo or at work. I chose hybrid for performance improvement on the car and EV driving in the city only, not to save money (considering the price of the car I'm not saving money with the 45km range of the battery). As stated by someone else, it's just for convenience and for the future (unless they find a fossil fuel that doesn't pollute or they find a way to make hydrogen more efficiently, like it or not EV will be the norm). Believe it or not, I'm not a big fan of EV cars but at some point we will have to switch over it.
  21. Thank you for that.
  22. Solar panel example was just to make a point, you chose to ignore it. Please enlighten me regarding annual increase fee, you seem to know how condo are managed so please share you knowledge. Now you had no idea what the rating of the wiring was from that socket. or the state of it. but you just plugged it in and went off to bed. What a dangerous entitled person you were to do that. I didn't know I was such a dangerous person, using a charger that is made to be used on standard Thai electrical outlet. Please give a lecture on how it could catch fire I'm very interested. On a less sarcastic note, I knew perfectly that I was using common area electricity and record exactly how much KW I used so I can pay back the condo for the 2 charges I did.
  23. Yeah that's exactly what I'm asking. I'm glad someone finally understand. I'm using data to reply to your useless post, could you please pay for that too if you don't mind ?
  24. Totally agree on all that Chinese low quality equipment (kid scooters, hoverboard and other toys). However, regarding the car industry, is there any statistics about EV car burning in Thailand ?
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