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Everything posted by Dewey

  1. You started it buddy. Anyway, once again you are wrong. Nothing is free in Thailand, if you are talking about companionship, you are probably right 🙂 However, let's take solar panels example, the company I worked for just signed a contract to install solar panel on our 9000SQM roof. Cost of the installation: 0THB Cost of the maintenance and replacement of deflective panels: 0THB How do they money ? Well they sell us the KW that they produce with the panels at a cheaper rate than the country grid and they still make money, we save money, everybody win. Don't you think they do the same with chargers ? They install for free and then they invoice you according to what you consume (obviously more expensive than if it was on your common electrical outlet but it's totally normal, nobody works for free). So since you are an expert, please explain me in deep detail how doing a partnership with a EV charging company would be bad for the condo ?
  2. Yeah, that was this information I was really looking for here. Anybody knows if the government plan a law regarding EV ? Because, if it goes as fast as weed legislation, it can come very quick.
  3. Let me guess, you are one of those people who think global warming is a myth ? And why would people without car care about having EV chargers in their condo if they don't have to pay a penny for it ?
  4. Once again, you don't understand and don't want to understand the topic. I don't care about troll or captain obvious, some are funny. Anyway, I got what I wanted, their attention. Surprisingly they contacted 2 EV charging company to come and assess the possibility of installing charger in our condo next week.
  5. If you guys start to compare gasoline pump and EV charging then you really don't understand the topic. Anyway, I knew from the start that such topic would be full of trolls but I though you guys had better things to do on a Monday morning.
  6. Yeah that's exactly what I'm asking, good troll 🙂
  7. Agreed, but until they find a more efficient way of making hydrogen and supplying it it to the population you'll have to use petrol or EV cars for many years 🙂
  8. Depends on the model. Some hybrids recharge themselves by driving only (such as Toyota Prius) and some can be recharged both while driving or on electrical outlet.
  9. I wonder how they decided that EV charging was too dangerous, how many charging station started a fire in the last year in Thailand ? How many fire started in condos over the last year ? It would be interesting to have the actual statistics before categorized it as "too dangerous". Once again, no judgement and I don't take side but I like to have numbers in front of this 🙂
  10. You obviously didn't get my point, I'm not asking to get free electricity, I did it (twice) to get a reaction from them. This is not a quick decision either, multiple owners raised the question a year ago (not sure if you consider that "long enough before I buy my car" and so far nothing was done or even study). "They are there to create good living circumstances" -> yeah right... You should have thought about this topic long before you bought the car -> I did, a year ago along other owners. And that is why I did not buy full EV. Once again, I'm not here to try to fight the system, I'm just pushing them to start thinking about solutions rather than doing nothing, EV is the future (like it or not, personally not a fan but that is the way the world is going).
  11. Good morning, as explained in the title there is no charging option in my condo (condo built in 2009). I recently purchased an hybrid car and I started to charge it on the regular electrical outlet in the parking. I knew from the start that they would not allowed that but I did it to see their reaction. For the background story, I'm the owner of my condo unit and multiple owners raised the question about electric chargers (including me) during annual co-owner meeting last year. So far no action from the condo. As expected, my GF received a text from juristic office to tell me to stop charging my car 2 days after my first charge (I wish they were that fast to take care of other issue in the condo...). Anyway, I understand that they ask me to stop (after all, all owners will have to share the electricity bill which is not fair) but I'm using this opportunity to put pressure on them (after all, EV is the new trend and we will need more and more chargers in the future) so they can study and propose solutions. I suggested two options myself which were ignored of course: - Since my car is hybrid, the battery is only 12KWh which cost roughly 60THB per charge, I told them that I would be happy to pay for it, they just have to add a meter on one outlet in the parking (which I would be happy to pay for) -> they refused but can't tell me the reason. - I proposed to contact and find solution with EV company to install chargers in our condo and then submit different proposal during co-owner meeting later this year -> no answer so far. Do you guys have any advice for me ? Is there anything I can do to force them to move forward on the topic ? Is there any law in Thailand (existing law or in process to be released) regarding EV charging in condos ? Thanks in advance.
  12. Took weed many time in local flight (last time was in a Samui flight in November), strong smell coming out of my bag every time I remove my laptop for security, no problem so far. If you are uncomfortable bringing your weed with you there is plenty of weed seller in Samui (I did not test them since I bring my own).
  13. Yes and it is the same for Japanese brand, take the Mazda 3 for example, in France you can chose between 4 or 5 engines, here you have 3 different model of mazda 3, engine are all the same, just a few different options between the 3 models (lights, parking camera) and that's it.. When I ask to pay for the Bose speaker option (which is the most premium model) on my model they refused...
  14. Yeah, don't get me wrong, Mazda is still ok, I'm probably unlucky and got terrible after sale service from Mazda Bang Chak.. Agree as well for the price of German brands, it bugs me so much so it will be a second hand car for me. If I had charging station in my condo I would buy a ByD Seal but I'll wait a few years before switching to full electric.
  15. What do you mean, you can bring back your car if you studied in the west ? I don't have kids anyway so will not work for me :) I have a Mazda 3 for the last 4 years, I will not go back with this brand, car looks good but I have so many issues since I pass the 50k mark so I will not go back to this brand. And to be honest I'm looking for a 300+HP to have fun while we still can and then I will switch to full electric car.
  16. Thanks for the informative link.
  17. Same as many people here, used foodpanda in the past, had many issues with them, switch to Grab -> 0 problems. Only thing that bother me recently is the raise of the delivery prices.
  18. well 35% is huge and explain most of the price difference. Thanks can you share any link about new car taxes ?
  19. you are right, I got mistaken on the price, 70/75k EUR seems to be the correct one for this model. It is still 30K more expensive in Thailand.. So for you it would be a big tax on the type of motorization ?
  20. Good morning, There is something that bugs me about prices from BMW and Mercedes (probably same for Audi). Let's take an example, BMW M340i, really great car (basically a cheap M3): - USA price : 56K USD - Thailand price: 4M THB (115k USD) I thought for a long time that it was because of those stupid import tax but recently a team from BMW Rayong factory visited the company I worked for because they are looking for new suppliers so I asked them is they assembly this model in Rayong and they confirmed. Then I asked why was it twice the price then ? They seemed embarrassed and changed the subject. Anyone know if there is some other taxes that might apply on this type of cars ? Or do they just try to make as much as they can out rich Thai people because it a "luxury" brand ? Rant over..
  21. Anyone have an idea of PS5 slim release date in Thailand ?
  22. I forgot to inform in my original post that there is no-one on the balcony above or below my unit when I smoke. Balconies in our condo are just really a space to put the AC unit, barely enough space to put a chair...
  23. Same here I consider Bangkok my home, left my (previous) home country on last year of college, never worked there, only in Thailand. Live and worked here for the last 12 years and will get permanent resident in a few month.
  24. Is it cheating if I already had one and reply to the poll ?
  25. Agreed. Especially for non-smoker and first time users. I would recommend CBD first and if it doesn't work enough continue with THC (edibles).
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