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Inn Between

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Posts posted by Inn Between

  1. After a very long time living in the Pattaya area (Na Jomtien), I am leaving Thailand for a variety of reasons (but mostly to do with a situation in my home country).



    I was hoping to place an ad in the Thaivisa classifieds, but I guess that part of the site isn't functional yet. I'm out of touch with other free classified opportunities and would  appreciate any advice on the best place to advertise these items for sale. Pattaya Mail offers classifieds at 10 baht a word, but I don't think their site gets enough traffic to warrant paying them 


  2. 3 hours ago, the donger said:

    My bad, it want meant to sound insulting to anyone. I just mean the fact there are photos, it makes the paper trying to report it as an "unnamed mall" seem very silly.


    LOL   I wasn't at all insulted. I was just amused at your assumption that everybody who reads this forum would have knowledge of Bangkok's finest shopping venues, and I thought your wording about being mentally deficient if that wasn't the case was funny.


    I was also (sarcastically) making the same point in my first post about the silliness of them not mentioning the mall, especially when in these days of viral social media everybody would quickly know.  

  3. 36 minutes ago, the donger said:

    It's all over other papers as Emquartier, which anyone with half a brain can identify from the photos anyway. What's with the wierd self censorship?


    Also it was caused by a jammed pedal, according to a site more detailedr than sanook.com.


    Last I checked, I still have at least half a brain left, but as I don't live in Bangkok and never go shopping there, even if I had 2 brains the photo wouldn't have helped one iota. But thanks for sharing the cause. 



  4. 5 hours ago, BKKdreaming said:

    any tips on cooking Uncle Bens in a rice cooker or microwave ?  how much rice / water ?


    I am sure my Mom just cooked it in a pot on an oven , but that was decades ago and I do not have a stove :)


    I was taught here in Thailand to put your rice in the rice cooker and even it out. Then touch the top of the rice with your (averaged-sized) index finger and pour water in until it reaches the first joint. That's for white rice, but for brown you need to add a little more. I find this method works well.  

  5. 3 hours ago, Merylhighground said:

    I can sympathise with the OP here. We all grew up with different produce, many of which become comfort foods to us in later life, more so in expat life.

    Thankfully, personally speaking, my wife having lived away from Thailand and had/has similar cravings for authentic Thai food while in the UK, now doesn't go on too much at me when I go 'splurging' at Villa Market and the like, nor even when I 'go big' on Expat Supermarket, British Corner Store and the like.

    Most of these seem aimed mostly at British expats, however I am sure there must be equivalents aimed at the US expat. This is the direction I'd point the OP at, though certainly the most expensive option these sites are also the most certain way to get the goods to your door you simply can't find in Thailand. This is the only surefire way of ensuring you satisfy those urges even if it is (at times) ludicrously expensive.

    Failing that, if you are lucky enough to have people visiting from home regularly, you could always put in a shopping list with them for goods to bring along and drop with you upon arrival. I am fortunate in this way that I have a reciprocal agreement with British pals who live in the UK with Thai spouses that when we visit the UK we bring Thai goods for their spouses and in turn when they visit the Kingdom they come bearing goods from the UK for me.


    I also have a niggling recollection that while in one or other of the import supermarkets, (either Villa or TOPS) before we left in March, I read a blurb in, if I recall correctly, one of those advertising sheets they hand out, which offered a service where you can ask for specific items to be imported. Whether or not they choose to import your specific desired item might be a totally arbitrary decision, especially given the nature of your wishes - would they import rice to Thailand on the whim of a 'crazy Farang?'*

    Apologies for being so vague but those last few weeks were so hectic they are somewhat of a blur now. Also apologies for rambling like an senile old man but the kids have fried my brain with various homework today...


    * - I am in no way suggesting you may be a 'crazy farang' merely hypothesising as to what a Thai Supermarket manager's thought may be to seeing such a request, given that, as mentioned elsewhere, Thai rice is (yet another) source of Thai national pride.

    Good luck. Hope you find some Uncle Ben's soon.


    Thanks for the info. Now that you mention it, I can also recall something about Villa or one of the more western food oriented markets importing certain goods on request.  I have to agree that people handling such a request would be quite confused about the need to order rice (that's mainly popular in North America) into Thailand. But Makro imports Japanese style and Indian (basmati) rice, so who knows? 


    The US grows lot of rice and the parboiling method of processing is very popular. I ran across some info a long time ago that seemed to suggest Thailand processed some of its rice that way, so I assumed with enough searching, I'd find a bag to buy, but that hasn't happened. Any parboiled rice would be nice -- doesn't have to be Uncle Ben's. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Barefoot said:

    To the OP, I also grew up with Uncle Ben's rice.  I have lived in Pattaya for ten years and have never found it for sale.  I have tried dozens of other types of rice and nothing comes close to the taste of Uncle Ben's converted rice.  It's spectacular, and everything else is just rice.

     I always ask my visiting friends if they have room in their luggage for a couple of 5-pound bags of the stuff, and I bring about 20 pounds back when I travel to the U.S.  If that does not work, simply ask a friend back home to send you some.


    Don't let the imbeciles in this thread throw you off your mission:  Uncle Ben's rocks!


    It's nice to hear from someone who understands Uncle Ben's Converted Rice enough to be sympathetic and know that nothing here is quite the same as good parboiled rice. Unfortunately, nobody I know from the land of Uncle Ben's has been traveling lately, so I'll just have to wait until my next visit home. Thanks for the encouragement. 


  7. 34 minutes ago, imagex said:

    Hi guys. Bit of an urgent one here. Need to find a shop selling bottle corks / bottle caps / rubber bottle stops for beer bottles.


    Ive looked all around china town aswell as hopme pro / baan and beyond / makro / big c / index living mall... nothing!


    Anyone know or have any ideas?


    Here's a Thai company that I've used if bottle caps will work for you. They delivered when and as promised.



  8. 4 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


    1) If that's not enough evidence what else are you expecting to see? The camera footage was found way after the victims realized that they missed their stuff.


      They wouldn't contact the monk from the temple if it wasn't something expensive. 


    Enough time for the freak to make it to Bangkok. Hopefully some Bangkok Hilton time involved. 


     2) Please look at the photo with the gold and amulets. One baht is already 23 K, so a necklace with three baht's almost 70 K worth. Do you think that the victims were lying? 


    3) Google it, please. no need for pointing cops here. 


    4) Maybe because the report was in Thai and the person who wrote the article didn't see the "gentleman"s" passport? 


    5) If you were a Thai judge, wouldn't you say that he's guilty?  Enough evidence, don't you think?


    LMAO    A little aggressive, aren't you? 


    They were sincere questions -- wasn't questioning the validity. As I said, it seems clear the person stole. I was just mainly and generally wondering about the quality of video being good enough for positive ID and also wondered about the process of verifying what anybody claims they've lost in situations like this, etc.... 


    And I Guess this may explain the lack of the photo op we always see. Once again, a real question about process. 


    Anyway, you try to chill, dude.  Don't get too uptight today. 



  9. On 9/2/2016 at 1:02 AM, ClutchClark said:

    One thing we have found is that laws are made to protect responsible members of society against the actions and poor choices made by the irresponsible members of society.


    Do you honestly think that's true? I think a lot of people might disagree, saying that many laws are made with little regard for protecting people, and are instead in place to protect businesses and their profits. Keeping specific to the topic, we all know that at one time hemp was invaluable to the progress of civilization, but once the DuPonts came along with nylon, and therefore a way to use millions of barrels of oil annually in its production, hemp and it's cousin marijuana were outlawed.


    Many can clearly see that the big pharmaceutical companies continue to kill thousands of people yearly because they virtually run the FDA, yet laws aren't made to put an end to it. They can't make huge profits on cannabis, so they've used their (illegal?) law-given power to keep it demonized just in case all the empirical evidence showing that it really does have powerful and sometimes superior medicinal value proves true.  


    Fortunately, more and more people are being given the choice to pop pills or intake cannabis. IMHO, laws that allow this are the ones that protect -- not the ones that prohibit. 



  10. The person in the video clearly appears to steal. The only questions I have are:


    1) Is the video evidence enough to make a unquestionable ID to convict?

    2) How is the amount of 100,000 baht verified? And who leaves that much money unattended....anywhere in public?

    3) Where is the picture with 8 cops standing behind the arrested person, the loot on display, and the victim  pointing at the perp? 

    4) Why is the person's name being transcribed from Thai rather than just supplied to the media directly from his passport? 

  11. Wouldn't it have been easier and less confusing to just make a legal exception for yaa baa rather than "downgrade" it? Making it available for addiction treatment is good and progressive, but anything that might give the public the impression that it's less harmful or less illegal is bad.


    I couldn't understand the approach of lumping it together with cannabis and kratom when announcing any possible changes to the legal aspects of these substances. The plants are very different in affect and social issues. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, jamesbrock said:


    Praytell, how many more examples do I need to post before you accept that Thai people occasionally beat to death drivers who have accidents where people are severely injured? 2? 3? 4? Is there a specific frequency that you also require for multiple events to be accurately termed occasionally?


    More than one would be a good start. And you also admit yourself that there were extreme circumstances where "people are severely injured". I'm talking about the regularity of drivers fleeing the scene here. 


    I've made my point and will do nothing further to convince anyone away from what they want to think. 

  13. 15 minutes ago, impulse said:



    That's why posting examples here on TVF is a fools errand.  Even when you do, it's not the exact same situation under the exact same conditions.  It never will be.  But it's close enough for me.


    Tell us, what, exactly would you do if you were in an accident and the guy you just hit jumped up on your car and started trying to get at you?  What is the responsible thing?  Not your responsibility to the lunatic on your bonnet, but responsible to your family that wants you home alive.  Because that's the responsibility I care about.  


    There's nothing I can or care to do about your choice to think that road rage and accidents are the same. I think many would disagree, though.


    The guy jumped on his car ONLY because the driver was fleeing the scene. Belittle the guy by calling him a lunatic if it makes you feel better, but I feel sympathy for him and can understand his impulse to jump on the car, probably pissed off at being another one of the many hit and run victims. So, I can't answer your question because I'd do the responsible thing and stop to face accountability for my actions. 

  14. 17 minutes ago, jamesbrock said:






    I didn't say it never happens. In this weird world, anything can happen once or twice, but I maintain my stance that to say it occasionally happens is wrong. Certainly by anybody's definition, occasional means it's not common but also not terribly uncommon. 

  15. 18 minutes ago, stupidfarang said:

    It happens, three years ago in Bangkok thai man gets out of a car and stabs to death man because he was cut off and more

    <<<< Link to PhuketWan removed >>>>


    and this one last year 



    But those are instances of road rage -- not the after-effect of an accident. Road rage deaths happen everywhere. We're talking about stopping after being involved in an accident and doing the responsible thing -- very different from impulses assertion that fleeing an accident is sensible for fear of being killed in that situation. That's not a  fair comparison to road rage at all. Road rage is an emotional explosion and not at all the same as having an accident. 

  16. 8 minutes ago, impulse said:


    If you haven't found any, you're not looking very hard.  Look harder.  


    I didn't say it's not a problem.  But it's a symptom of a much deeper malaise.  Solve the deeper problem and hit and run issue will go away.


    I didn't make the claim -- you did. But I still looked to verify something i wasn't aware of. I couldn't find it and will not do your work for prove your point. Do you really think life works that way? Logically, I can only assume that you're just talking out your... until you show me evidence. 

  17. 13 minutes ago, impulse said:


    The same one that teaches people to occasionally beat to death drivers who have accidents where people are severely injured.  Seems like both phenomena are 2 edges of a sword that are well accepted in a culture where the police can't be relied on to do their jobs.  


    I'd probably try to drive away myself if someone I'd just hit jumped up on my car in what seems like an effort to beat the crap out of me.  I'm accustomed to people walking up calmly and pulling out ID and insurance cards...


    Can you show me those instances where people are "occasionally" beat to death by drivers involved in accidents in Thailand. I can't find them.


    So, you apparently don't think hit and run is a problem here. Interesting. 

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