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Posts posted by mesquite

  1. 14 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

    The beginning of the end!  Where have we heard that before?   LOL


  2. 1 hour ago, selftaopath said:

    Those politicians who turn their backs on U.S. democracy, rule of law, decency in favor of wealthy individuals and corporations ought not be surprised. Do they think their actions will not spark some reaction from Americans?  



    Even Bernie Sanders denounced this act of violence, but you seem to blame the victim and intended victims.


    I call on Thaivisa resistance supporters to denounce this act of violence!


    And of course, to be clear, I denounce it vehemently.

  3. The shooter was a member of the resistance, a Bernie Sanders supporter, a Rachel Maddow fan, and a Trump hater who never got over the fact that Trump won the presidency.


    The lesson to be learned from this is clear:  Trump won the presidency, GET OVER IT!


    Had the shooter followed this advice, he would be alive today, and four innocent people would not have been injured.  BTW, the Congressman Scalise is in critical condition. 

  4. 3 hours ago, cmsally said:

    If it was Starbucks et al I would say go for it, as big international company and profits and all that.

    However if a smaller privately owned place, I would exercise that "old fashioned concept" of etiquette. This would involve engaging the owner in conversation and asking their permission and being upfront about what you need. You may find that as business is quiet at the moment some people would be happy as having patrons in their shop often draws in others. It would of course be polite to offer them something extra if you need to use electricity.



    8 minutes ago, mesquite said:

    Why shouldn't he exercise the same etiquette in Starbucks?


    5 minutes ago, mikebike said:

    Economies of scale?

    Sounds like the same kind of reasoning some bank employees use to justify stealing money from their employer. 

  5. 3 hours ago, cmsally said:

    If it was Starbucks et al I would say go for it, as big international company and profits and all that.

    However if a smaller privately owned place, I would exercise that "old fashioned concept" of etiquette. This would involve engaging the owner in conversation and asking their permission and being upfront about what you need. You may find that as business is quiet at the moment some people would be happy as having patrons in their shop often draws in others. It would of course be polite to offer them something extra if you need to use electricity.


    Why shouldn't he exercise the same etiquette in Starbucks?

  6. 3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    No they didn't. These are national polls and national polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote by an average of 3 percent. She won by 2 percent. So if you think it's meaningful to subtract a percentage point from those polls, go right ahead.

    I think it's meaningful to point out the polls are pure propaganda.  Get used to Trump as he will be your president until January 20, 2025.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Chou Anou said:

    Yes, you CAN make this stuff up, and you just did.  Nobody claimed that Trump "sexually harassed Comey."  


    They claimed that the way Comey was treated by the Republicans when he testified was very similar to the way that women who report instances of sexual harassment and assault are treated (disbelief, "why didn't you say NO louder?" "why did you allow yourself to be alone with him," that kind of <deleted>, etc.).  Which is absolutely true.

    Trump to Comey, "You look just like a hog."  LOL!



  8. 8 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

    And who, with an ounce of sense, would ever expect Trump to follow through on his word? That would require some level of honor, dignity, and moral character. Putting Trump together with those words in the same sentence would be the height of naivete. Or stupidity. Take your choice.

    Actually Trump is playing 3-D chess while his opponents (and the "resistance") are playing checkers.  They will figure it out sometime around the end of his second term.

  9. 4 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

    Every citizen must get his pants down when it comes to taxation.
    Is now a presidency linked to a tax exemption?
    A president should be upright and a shining example for society.
    A president with corpses in the cellar?
    A sad picture for America is emerging.

    There is no legal requirement for the President to release his tax returns to the public.  Similarly, there is no legal requirement for President Trump to testify under oath simply because he said he would.

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