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Everything posted by khunjeff

  1. Will they deny entry to people who look like they want to indulge in recreational weed? No. So this is just more empty yapping. The level of idiocy is simply breathtaking.
  2. It only worked, sort of, a little bit, at the height of the pandemic, and that was ONLY because most people were staying at home. While the concept of social distancing is sound in theory, in practice it's pretty much impossible to implement as long as normal numbers of people are moving around - the available space for people to stand doesn't suddenly triple or quadruple just because that would make things safer.
  3. Yeah, I think most people would think of it as noodles with some thin curry, not as a soup.
  4. Today: "Cables on some roads in Bangkok, covering a distance of 7.2km, have so far been put underground by the BMA" In February: "In 2022, urgent work will begin on moving 456 kilometres of communication power lines underground, while the remaining 936 kilometres will be completed within three years" https://www.nationthailand.com/blogs/in-focus/40012330 So, it only took six months to abandon the project, because the telecom companies don't feel like paying to clean up their own mess. What a triumph of governance ????
  5. I've flown back to Thailand twice in the past month: from Vietnam to Don Muang, and from Malaysia to Suvarnabhumi. On both occasions, airline check-in staff asked passengers to present their vaccination certificates (either in paper or on the phone). It was just a glance, not an in-depth examination. On arrival at Don Muang, the corridor from the gate area heading to immigration was blocked by Ministry of Public Health personnel who checked everyone's vax proof as they passed (again, just a quick glance). At Suvarnabhumi, on the other hand, there was no check of health information at all on arrival. The government had said they would only be doing random spot checks, and that was indeed my experience. I have no idea how either check-in staff or arrival staff handled unvaccinated pax, because everyone I saw (only a small percentage, of course) had a vaccine certificate.
  6. According to this Facebook post from several months ago: "LEO Columbus hops are imported from USA, and have a strong bitterness and a slight citrus scent. "LEO Yellow Sub hops are imported from Europe, with the scent of tropical fruits, oranges, apricots, and blackberries predominating. "LEO Galaxy hops are imported from Australia and have the aroma of sour fruits, fresh and juicy"
  7. It's not their tracks or their trains - those all belong to the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA). BTSC just has a concession from the BMA to operate the system (BTSC also built the original part of the network, but that's irrelevant at this point).
  8. Maldives, then Singapore, and now Thailand - he's making the circuit. No, perhaps because the new president is from the same faction.
  9. According to the stamps in my passport, I've been admitted for 90 days every single time I've entered Singapore. That would indeed make the most sense, which is why it will never happen.
  10. That's about long enough for everyone to forget there was ever an accident and move onto something new...
  11. 60-65 baht for a meter taxi each time I've done it.
  12. "Earlier the parks opened between 5am and 9pm." Lumpini Park always opened at 4:30am, did that really change? That was certainly the opening time when I lived near the park for many years. (Yes, I was once young and ambitious enough to go there before sunrise...)
  13. So something that is otherwise not legally forbidden can become a crime just because some obscure government medical department sends a letter to the police? Good to know how much respect the rule of law has.
  14. Neither Prawit nor the Thai government has any authority to introduce new sports into the Olympics, so the headline is pretty misleading - "plans to request the introduction of Muay Thai" would be more accurate, if less bombastic.
  15. In the 80s, visa exempt entries were only 15 days - they were increased to 30 days in 1992 or 93. So these days, 95+% of tourists never have to deal with immigration at all other than at the arrival and departure counters. The many folks on this forum who say "Thai tourism is dead because foreigners can't buy land or work or stay ten months a year" seem to be using a different definition of "tourist" than most of the world uses. The vast majority of tourists - to Thailand and other countries - come during their holidays from work or school, stay for a few days up to a few weeks, and then go home. Those people typically aren't affected at all by changes in immigration policy, and aren't even aware of those changes.
  16. Sure, might as well wait until October. They've been promising a crackdown on smoke-belching vehicles regularly for almost 30 years now, so a few more months shouldn't matter ????
  17. It's more like they saw advertising for Grab, put a million baht into a Grab wallet, and then the company wouldn't let them take out the money or use it for any goods or services. Big difference.
  18. I just arrived in Vietnam two days ago, and there is no longer any insurance requirement. It's still listed on some websites which haven't been updated, but wasn't requested either at check-in or on arrival.
  19. I flew out of DMK yesterday. A bit of a queue at Nok Air, since I arrived before check-in for my flight had started, but after that I walked right up to an empty immigration counter and right up to a security belt, with no waiting at all. This was around 10:15am. Arriving in Vietnam was totally different - I stood in line for over an hour to get through arrival immigration ☹️
  20. You can be sure that anything he said in his hearing came from briefing books written for him by the State Department and represents official policy - a career professional would never "wing it" or inject his own opinions. It's also the case that whenever a Senator in a confirmation hearing tells an ambassadorial nominees that a particular issue is important to him personally - even if that issue is only tangentially connected to the country in question - the correct reply is always "Senator, I can assure you that that will be my top priority." Once the nominee has been confirmed, he or she is free to never think about or mention the issue again.
  21. ...and that there's an intersection called Huay Khwang (beginning with ห) on that thoroughfare, and there just happen to be thousands of Chinese living nearby.
  22. There's no way that these people just got there on their own. And as long as Thailand keeps treating trafficking victims like criminals, their fever dream of getting a better ranking in the US TIP report is never going to come true.
  23. Yes, I normally look to soil scientists for advice about social policy.
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