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Everything posted by khunjeff

  1. From what I can gather, the last prisoner executed in Thailand was 26-year old Theerasak Longji, who was killed by lethal injection on June 18, 2018, for aggravated murder.
  2. So it took months of debate and votes and actions by the Cabinet and legislature to un-restrict cannabis, but one person in one ministry can re-restrict it with no discussion?
  3. Have you tried the new online reporting system? It no longer asks for your TM6 number.
  4. It's interesting that the entire lengthy article never mentions even once that the subject is a convicted heroin trafficker and ex-convict.
  5. It's interesting to me that they actually told you the reason for the rejection. My first two attempts (earlier this year) were rejected with no explanation, which seems to have been the experience of others as well. (I ended up doing the report in person at CW, and the next time around my online report was accepted.)
  6. I enjoyed his live streams from Seattle, where he was attending his son's graduation and chatting with Thai students - he seems very down to earth. Where he came up with the name "Traffy Fondue" for his app, though, is a mystery to me...
  7. "BTS Customer Number Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Levels" So in other words, the headline is completely false.
  8. What is he blathering on about? The number of counters being used by each carrier, and the number of check-in staff assigned, are determined by each airline, not by airport management. He only controls security and maintenance staff, plus some of the baggage handling personnel.
  9. They're automated check-in kiosks. Usually airlines use their own proprietary machines, but there also (mostly unpopular) versions that serve multiple carriers.
  10. Or we could try a system of half-broken claptrap vehicles driven by lunatics on routes that make no sense and don't connect with anything else. Oh, and add in a seemingly random, uncoordinated fare structure. Wait, you mean they already tried that??
  11. Certainly the big brewers hate competition of any kind, but craft beers would probably have an insignificant effect on their sales - the vast majority of their output is bought by people who are just looking for the cheapest way to get drunk.
  12. Of course, you'll be cited and fined if you choose to remove it, but hey! Up to you!
  13. And yet the PM is quoted in this report as saying that "The use of cannabis flowers and floral clusters must be controlled by law because they contained narcotic substances", which is why there's so much confusion.
  14. ...and this is why Thailand is perpetually watchlisted in the US's Trafficking in Persons report.
  15. Absolutely not - compliance is close to 100%, other than among foreign men.
  16. The rules on power banks in checked luggage (forbidden) and carry on bags (restricted) have been in effect since years before the pandemic ever came along, but you might never have noticed if you don't usually carry one yourself.
  17. The Royal Thai Police - which includes Immigration - was taken from the Interior Ministry in 1998, and has been directly under the Prime Minister ever since.
  18. I suspect that the bank employee misunderstood what you were talking about, and that your gf wasn't really charged (since you haven't seen the actual transaction record yet). Yes, there is a charge for receiving transfers from overseas, but Wise transactions are processed as local transfers in baht, so the fee doesn't apply.
  19. That's certainly true, but this particular situation was worsened by the fact that the government made the change in rules so convoluted and confusing - "it's legal! It's still illegal! It's legal but not yet! It's legal but you need to follow rules that haven't been written yet!" - that no one could possibly understand what "the law" actually was.
  20. "After his meeting with pubic health executives, Mr Anutin said that...the ministry supported the reopening of pubs, bars, karaoke shops and massage parlors" Indeed, monitoring "pubic" health will be important once the massage parlors reopen ????
  21. "Proceed as Planned" is an odd term to use, considering that there have been unresolved arguments for several years as to exactly which plan to use - the original master plan for the airport, or the revised plan dreamed up by the current government. Though (as usual) there is no diagram to explain or illustrate what they're really talking about, it sounds as though they're going through with the "revised" plan, a decision that will end up having effects that cascade down onto things like transit planning (since some planned/proposed rail lines were going to serve the southern terminal that would have been built under the airport master plan).
  22. The article says that the passenger was "in Bangkok for about two hours prior to transiting onto a flight to Australia, where he later developed symptoms". So, no case has been discovered in Thailand at all - it was discovered in Oz, and authorities there presumably notified the Thai government that the person had passed through Bangkok.
  23. I don't get this. There's no way they can actually check everyone's documents using AI - there's just too much variation - so how will the codes be "immediately auto-generated"? And if the code is automatically produced without actually checking the documents, what is the point of the Thailand Pass at all, as opposed to just having airlines screen passengers at check-in?
  24. Yes, people struck by vehicles do indeed have a tendency to "fall" ????
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