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Posts posted by khunmarc

  1. my wife has been here (uk) for 1 month. (she is here on a 2 year settlement visa) we had a massive argument today over various things and as far as i am concerned enough is enough. I want to send her back. I want to book a flight for her to go back but she is refusing to leave. WHAT CAN I DO???

    How stupid can you be??/ if its like canada we sign a contract when they come here... and welll we stuck !!!!!!!!!!!! should have tought of your move outside of a bar :o

    guess if you were looking for a little Asian slave didnt work out too good hheheheh I bet she gonna take you to the cleaners s sorry no sympathy here

  2. No one has any right to kill these magnificent creatures.

    I don't see what is magnificent about this thing. They are very ugly. I have no intention of killing them unless they attack family. but still they harrass my newborn at night with the sudden and very loud beeping sound making him to cry.

    I will do whatever I can to protect my family against this thing.

    so you scared of a little beast..........just move back to whereever u from LOl problem solve !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

  3. Police ready to arrest breakers of smoking ban

    :D well another cash grab for the police.... I bet they gonna cash in heavy in between paychecks LOL


    BANGKOK: -- Responding to the Public Health Ministry's regulation to ban smoking in air-conditioned pubs, discos and clubs from February 11, Metropolitan Police Friday had all of Bangkok's 88 police stations ready to arrest and fine any rule breakers.

    City deputy police commissioner MajGeneral Suporn Phanseua said all officers were ready to reinforce the new rule by fining smokers Bt2,000 and venue operators Bt20,000.

    Police will act upon public complaints or the Public Health Ministry's request for inspection of entertainment establishments, rather than pressuring the establishments themselves, he said, adding that he believed all venues would give full cooperation.

    Smoking is already prohibited in airconditioned restaurants but the ministry's regulation to include airconditioned pubs, discos, bars and parts of outdoor public venues such as Chatuchak Weekend Market will take effect as of February 17.

    However, those frequenting pubs, clubs and discos have objected to the ban, claiming they pay money to go out so they should be able to do as they please - including smoking cigarettes.

    One 20-year-old man said he disagreed with the new rule because it limited people's rights to entertain themselves when they actually pay money to be at a club or a bar. He said most people who drank also smoked, and pubs and clubs kept their business because of them.

    "If you don't want to get exposed to smoke, stay home or go somewhere else that is smokefree. Leave us partygoers to smoke as we please," he said.

    A 30-year-old office worker who frequents night venues said he did not smoke, and felt irritated by the cigarette smoke and that his clothes reeked after visiting pubs.

    Some places do not have good ventilation systems and are so filled with smoke that he sometimes feels dizzy in them, he said.

    Some partygoers, especially nonsmoking women, also spend money to go out but have to put their health at risk when visiting such venues, he said, adding that he welcomed the new rule.

    -- The Nation 2008-02-08


  4. doesnt look good to me when they cant even spell canadian properly !!!!!!

    send me more details Ill forward it here to the RCMP they dont like scammers that use our good name !!!!!!!!

    I think I got it from the internet. In one of the known classified ads on the net. I did check the organization on the internet just that I can't find them. I don't know why. I also checked them out via BBB online still nothing. Here is there website http://wns.ltd.tripod.com/index.html.

    They have sent me loads of emails but I will show you the one from the so called immigration officer:

    --/ BEGIN EMAIL---/


    From: Canadian Imm Office home (*********@doramail.com)

    Add contact Add contact


    Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:03:13 PM


    Citizenship and Immigration Canada - Government of Canada








    Passport booklet

    THIS IS A HOW YOU CAN SCAN IT, EXAMPLE----Identification page of the passport booklet









    ----/END EMAIL----/

    I have asked the nursing home about the requirements and they said they will give it all to me and that I should not worry about the cost.

    Phone the Embassy. You might be waiting forever for the email response.

    Make sure you get some real contact info for the place they want to send you, and then check out the organization in Canada by internet.

    BTW the Canadian job market is quite hot so I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be real.

    Very hard to find workers in some areas.

    How did you get the info about this job in the first place. Did you look it up or did you get an email?

  5. Mid December is high season here in Thailand and you might find that you are not alone on the beach(es).

    The closest place from Bangkok Airport (Suvarnaphum) is probably Pattaya (about 2 hours drive) and there is always a lot of activity going on. There is even a beach, but IMO the ocean is not as clean as I would wish it to be.

    The really nice, blue to emerald green ocean is on the other side, i.e. on the Andaman Sea. Try Phuket (1 hour flight) or Kao Lak (North of Phuket, but on the main land), or Krabi.

    Since it is high season, reservation is recommended but you might as well just walk in and ask for a room. Rooms are usually charged per room (not per person).

    There are so many places all around Thailand, some more developed for tourists, some less. Depends what you like. You might want to read a book about Thailand, such as "The Culture Shock" for some tips and Dos and Donts.

    Have fun!

    jesus why would you send a newbee to the wolves in paattaya??LOl

    stay the hel_l out of that hole unless you justt one more perv that cant get laid wherever you come from LOl

  6. BMA asks Thai Hotels Association to reinforce safety measures in old hotels

    more 'regulations" = more cash bribes for officials :o

    there is probably all the needed rules in place as always its the implementation thats the problem as its usually confused with wage subsidies like when the toll booth operators were pocketting the cash and driving mercedez on 120 baht a day salary

    one issue no one talks is BKK is STILL on a volunteer fire department !

    thats unreal for a city that size!!!!!!!!!!

    oh and I love that picture of the farang with bar girl ready to jump... if thais see that one they gonna be laughing for weeks !!!!!!

  7. Gen. Sonthi welcomes voters' decision

    Council for National Security chairman Sonthi Boonyaratkalin welcomed the majority of voters’ decision to accept the military-backed draft charter in Sunday’s national referendum.

    He praised voters for being able to make their own political decision and not allowing their votes to be influenced.

    “Most of them knew what they wanted. That can be considered as a new chapter for our democratic country,” he said.

    More from the Bangkok Post here.

    new constitution article # 1 right to get the tanks out of the barracks anytime the old guard doesnt like whoever was elected..... wait a minute ......sounds just like the OLD one LOL

  8. Last night I had a massive hypo.

    i went to bed late - about 2.a.m (no alcohol,) and took my overnight insulin without checking my blood sugars.

    Around 4 a.m woke feeling terrible and knew I had a hypo coming on. There were no glucose tablets in my bedroom - nor any Coke, which is usually kept there for such emergencies. The wife had buggered off and no one around to help.

    I struggled downstairs and grabbed 2 cans of coke (the last 2!!) some glucose tabs and some Kit kat chocolate biscuits. By this time I was nearly out of it. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would break through my chest.

    I managed to swallow all my stuff in double quick time, but still felt awful. Usually this amount of stuff would be enough to raise my sugar levels within minutes, but when I finally took a test, it was still under 50 (that's 2.7 in UK measurement). I've had hypos this low before - but that's at the start - before I've taken all this sugar - not after I've taken it. I found some more sugar, and the next reading was finally a bit better.

    I reckon my blood sugars must have been very close to 18 (or 1). If I hadn't woken I would surely have passed out and died.

    After a while I fell back to sleep, only to be continually woken with cramps in my calf muscles, which were excruciatingly painful and made me jump out of bed.

    Today I don't feel great.

    My diabetic specialist is out of the country.

    Do you reckon I should see a doctor for a check up, or just be more careful with testing my sugars and adjusting the insulin. I was at the hospital last week and everything was fine.

    Does anyone know if a really low blood sugar level can do any permanent harm?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    thanks :o


    reading your post here Im a medic by trade not a doc LOL

    but about the cramping its related to the hypo attack causing dehydration /depletion of the salt/ mineral balance in your body Id say use stuff like gatorade instead of coke for a quick fix if anythung your specialist must have stress diet to help control the symptoms ... if not get another doc !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and your drinking days are over... unless you like to be comatose!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck

  9. Are you proud to have a Thai gf?

    In the UK, to have a smart, attractive girlfriend is an achievement to be proud of. Other people who see you with such a prize automatically give you respect. It means one or all of these things: you have a good personality, you are good-looking, you have money.

    What's the reaction when you see a farang guy here with a Thai woman? For me my first thought is sad loser. I know i'm being both terribly unfair and hypocritical, but i just can't seem to stop myself. Why do i think like this?

    Im proud of my Thai wife she is the kindest person I ever met and Im even prouder to say I didnt find her hanging out at a bar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you probably think like this out of guilt from praying on povrety and buy sex !!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Recently I bussed into Bangkok from Bang Na on to Sukhumvit, and EVERY TIME the abysmal Third World appearance strikes me. This allegedly is multi-billion baht property-area, but you see one sad dirty dilapidated slab of black crumbling concrete after another. Sure on street level are bright glass & chromium facades, shops that you'd think ARE making enough money to buy a bucket of TOA paint occasionally?

    What are they thinking?

    Why doesn't the city care? Like: " If you want to have a shophouse: PAINT IT and keep it tidy or else we remove it for you! "

    I'm relatively fortunate to not actually live in Bangkok, but it does seem strange to me that Bangkok is actually WORSE than other places in Thailand even though for sure more money gets made in Bangkok. Why are 10 million people (or actually, the x00,000 who own very valuable street front property) content to live in such an armpit?

    GO BUY PAINT! It's not even expensive.

    Rant over. :o

    I think its just a thing Thais have : meaning I am not sure if they have a word for"maintenance" in Thai !! just like no one chnage burned signal lights on their motorbikes or change oil etc.... part of it is rooted in low cash flow the other is no one ever mentionned it to them maybe I am not quite sure

    gee had to just plain ignore the familly when i decided to repaint our house LOL no one could see the need for doing it actually or putting new tires on the bikes BEFORE we have flats every 10 kms LOL

    their attitude is WHY?? there is air in them LOL but thats part of why we all love thailand isnt it???:D

  11. Recently I began assisting someone in the groundwork of what will be a major investment of both time and money. This project will not likely be profitable for many years. This has started me to imagine what Thailand might be like ten years from now.

    I am certainly just a punter, but I can still make a guess. Here is what I think will happen; barring any major shift in world politics or in Thai philosophy.

    -Mainstream Media will remain the pawn of government, but underground media and upstart media will begin to take prominence.

    -Government will continue to approximate a democratic system but the power will remain with the elite. Business interests will eventually dictate the direction of government once again.

    -The gap between upper and lower class will widen, with no substantial changes in middle class.

    -Thailand will have fallen behind Vietnam in international trade and will be struggling to regain its Asian tiger status.

    -Tourism will have shifted to primarily Asian customers, China, Korea, Russia, and Japan. Thailand will become a destination for the elite traveler. Sorry cheap Charlie, Cambodia is calling.

    -The current sex trade as it looks today will almost vanish. What is left will become something more corporate and organized (out of the pan and into the fire).

    -The southern conflict will continue despite various attempts to settle the dispute. Some regions will be handed special status (self governance) in an attempt to reduce the violence.

    -Education will improve through the globalization of information.

    This is just an opinion. I put it here so I could hear your opinions.

    Maybe Thailand is heading for a renaissance or perhaps a crushing dictatorship.

    What do you say?

    some good possibilities there...

    but one you miss is thailand maybe burried under garbage is high on my list since they keep assuming plastic goes away the same way bananna leaves do

    pollution ,industrial,noise car fumes will be even worst then now and they talking about going nuclear !!!! :D Thailand could become a nuclear by-products free market in a hurry

    I can see tourism moving to other area with the ever climbing visa cost to go to the LOS unfortunatly the back packers usually spend their little cash closer to the base then the high end suitcases packers

    the southern troubles will have long moved outside of their home area to the rest of Thailand therefore keeping the military closer to power

    corruption will still be florishing as a main income source for the powers at be...

    your prediction about the sex trade ...... I have to laugh about that one LOL :D

    as long as there is men in Thailand it will only get bigger :o

    education.... same thing there as long as you can sleep or buy your grade you will get graduates that dont know anything but I guess this just tie in with corruption

    Democracy as we understand it in the West will never happen in a society that obey to a class system

    food for tought I hope eh :D


  12. I'd just tell them you want to take a holiday together to Canada. Her previous trips outside Thailand will act as a good reference providing she hasn't overstayed. Be sure to have letters from her employer stating that she is employed, and that she is expected to return to work. Have a rough trip itinerary in mind just in case they ask what your plans are.

    As for your visa for Canada, you don't need one. A valid drivers licence and birth certificate are all that's required but a passport will make everyone feel better. :o

    I believe the rule is changed here since we now need passport ourselves to go to the US

    I vaguely remember reading something about that kinna of a tit 4 tat thing

  13. I am Canadian and wanted to take a vacation with my Thai gf through Canada, US and Mexico. We had previously travelled together to Russia, China, Australia, Myanmar, Singapore, Indonesia and more (we like to travel).

    At first I wasn't even going to bother bringing her to Canada, because I don't like it there much so we applied first at the US embassy... they turned her down, saying that we should get the Canadian visa first.

    We then applied for the Canadian... the Canadian people at the embassy in BKK are total a**holes... they interviewed her for like an hour... the big problem they had was that she didn't have a job (she is just kinda going to school right now... english school)... they said because she didn't have a job to come back to they were worried she wouldn't come back. My reasoning with them was, sure, she could have some job at a 7-11, making $10/day, or even a fairly high paying Thai job, paying $30-40/day, but how are those things any incentive for her to come back? If our intention was to go there and have her stay there and work illegally, then we/she wouldn't care much about these relatively low paying jobs here anyway...

    I am fairly well off (I don't need to work) and pointed that out but it didn't matter to them...

    They were total jerks... they told me that I should apply to have her partially immigrate to Canada (and acted like I was lying about why I wanted to take her there)... I told them that I have no interest in ever living in Canada and neither does she (seriously, who would want to live in cold, communist Canada? but anyway...), but they just kept acting like I was lying.

    So, anyway, my advice is to make sure you have everything (job letters, etc) all as good as possible and even possibly talk to them beforehand to get a sense for what you will need to show them.

    It is by far the hardest place I have gone to get a visa for my gf... and I found that bizarre, considering Canada is my home country... I thought it'd be the easiest... looks like I was wrong.

    Good luck.

    Well then stay away from here jack A** I got my thai gal and kids here and actually the canadian embassy was very helpfull to us so you talking through your hat Herr Jerbwitz

    Might be cold here but at least we care so I recommand you stay where you are or move to the fascist USA sounds like your style!!!!!!!!!!! and for the yanks that is looking into moving here... hum give us one good reason to help you !!

  14. 437 users now reading this topic. Including one angry retired Yank....

    well canadian $$ is raising so why would i care if the yanks get less padthai for their buck???LOL

    I think thats what happens when you elect/let win a moron for president

    he hehehe just dawn on me might not be too long before he is called el presidente LOL

  15. Scorpion sting on my leg whilst asleep in my house on Samui.Bloody hurt and I was hungover from the previous nights escapades.The only thing that relieved the pain was a cold beer at noon.

    Damm, I thought those buggars could kill you? Nothing other than a hurt leg?

    got bit by them little brown ones a couple times was like a MEGA bee sting on the upper arm.. nothing else was gone by morning too unfortunatly the scorpions (to the disapproval of my wife) didnt survive the attack LOL

    THEY started it !!!!!!!! :o

  16. Abhisit warns CNS leaders to steer clear of superstition

    BANGKOK: -- Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday warned key members of the Council for National Security (CNS) not to base any of their political decisions on superstitious beliefs. Mr Abhisit said people could not be expected to accept key decisions made by the ruling military council if they were based on such irrationality.

    His comments were in response to reports that CNS chairman Gen Sonthi Boonyaratkalin and other members of the military were heading to Chiang Mai today to consult renowned fortune teller Varin Buaviratlert. They reportedly want the fortune teller to perform magical rites to change the country's destiny following rising political tensions.

    Hopefully he will tell the thai military mini-nazies to go back to their barracks !!!!

    I see the future here..... Thai generals make bad prime ministers!!!!!!

    :o the stars and the Gods are angry !!!!!!

    maybe he can tell them where to find the insurgents in the South ... since they cant seem to find anything other then the road side bombs after they blow up !!!!! :D

    unfu*(&^ real and they talking about building nuclear plants??? gee they couldnt even build proper bathrooms at their show case airport !!!!! better go see the fortune teller !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  17. jsut because you dont believe in fortune telling doesnt mean that it doesnt work or isnt valid. i have based many life decisions on fortune tellers. i actually gave up my second child for adoption because it was going to be unlucky. my next two children were both predicted to be very great people and that has turned out correct so far. the one who went to adoption has had problems ever since, which goes to show you.

    where the hel_l are you from?? India or another of them places that straddle the modern world and the old world at the same time?? I bet you one of them that "own" his wife !!!!

    Fortune telling is nothing but mumbo jumbo and if the Thai government base its decicions on that crap shows they not too smart !!! I can see issan villagers stuck in the stuff but people who are supposetly educated and qualified to run the place !!!! :D

    and I am sure glad I am not one of your kids !!! What if the sooth sayer tells you I am evil and got to be disposed of ?:o:D

  18. Maybe someone or group should start some farang social meeting clubs in the cities. There is an organisation called the expats club in Chiang Mai but this is mostly a meeting place for people trying to sell you things and guest speakers for some company or other. Not really for a club for meeting new friends or social gatherings

    why go to Rome to hang out with the barbarians??? I rather hang out with the Romans !!!! :D

    I did meet interesting farangs in Thailand but lots of them were just plain dumm and only tought with their drunken part of their brain !!!!!


  19. That's easy, its just factored into the price of the finished product, which for you "the consumer" or "the ignornant socialist crusader" ends up being more expensive than without all those benefits. :D

    This thread was started to point out how hard Thai workers work, & I'm refuting that (as a generalisation), by saying whilst they work long hours, they aren't necessarliy working hard or being productive.



    Headline from somewhere else :


    In a Thai border town, Burmese workers toil in penury

    well thats life isnt it?? all them people in the rest of the world work for peanuts so we can have cheap goods at wallmart or its brit version tesco.....

    why do you think bananas are $0.50 a pound??? if everyone in the world would get fair wages we could not afford opur life style in the West... no more trip to the sun and your thai gals would cost you ... well the same as you pay home !!!!!! that would at leat end the perverts from preying on poverty !!!! :o

  20. [i have a great respect for thai doctors. spent some time in a hospital out in the sticks, and got really good medical care at a ridiculously low price. BUT!

    But Ill never forget having dinner in a Mae Sot restaurant and look across the street at the medical clinic.... with 2 people with their dogs waiting in line ( I guess he also did Vet work!!!! according to his sign !!!) on another note I got good care in our local hospital when I got bit by a dog in the lower calf and sure was cheap!!!!

    But do not try to question the Thai Gods of medecine or you will get a wall for an answer I got totally ignore by the big guy in the CM hospital when i ask about my mother inlaw's medicine that maybe be conflicting..... until I told the doc I heard if they cant speak english they NOT good doctors LOL

    then I got the ICY treament but still not much for answers :o

    guess the ask your doctor about it didnt make it to thailand yet and forget about getting the "get a second opinion" that would amount to "loose face" in the old Thai ways

  21. Will there be any problem? Ive heard that people sometimes get stopped before going on the flight if they have one way ticket unless they have a visa. If I get a tourist visa, the 60 days plus 30 one, does that mean I am completely safe or is it possible I will not be allowed to board the flight? I am flying from Copenhagen with SAS.

    you just dont know for sure i got in twice on one way tickets ( but class O visa) and they never ask for a return ticket but if you get a picky immigration dude that day he may ask for to see a ticket the travel agent here didnt want to sell me a one way saying thais rules state you need a return or a ticket out of there to enter but like i told the agent its my problem i know they never askked me before to see my ticket .....

    but maybe i like to play with fire LOl

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