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Posts posted by Supaluke

  1. This is turning ugly as in dirty ugly, it's less a competition and more a play thing for JT to pass his time and stroke his ego. The least you could do JT is declare yourself impartial even if you aren't, but to flaunt the fact that you're not, in the face of the other candidates and the audience, is several levels down from tacky.

    You guys need to appoint someone else to manage the final.

    JT has been a disaster.

    I recommend this new chap, Supaluke.

    Thanks, and you are very kind, but I have to decline.

    I'd simply just let the contest run without the entertainment factor.

  2. On-line AND VFS are still available.

    Even direct to the Embassy is possible, though they strongly suggest you apply through VFS.

    Good Luck getting it before Christmas. Might be doable if everything is in order and your wife has applied and been granted an Australian Visa before, and complied with it's provisions.


    From my experiences you can't lodge an application at the embassy. I was there this morning to apply for passport, asked if I could lodge a visa application while there for my partner and the said no you need to go to VFS.

    It does look like they have changed it a bit.


    They used to say a weeks turn-a-round if submitted through VFS and a month if through the Embassy (subtle facepalm.gif ) but it's been reworded now and the direction is for all to go to the VFS.

    Thanks for highlighting that to me - thumbsup.gif

  3. Inappropriate remarks removed.

    Can a separate thread be set up for these remarks, sort of like a bloopers thread.

    Sadly, I missed them all - took the extended family to the Zoo today.

    Sort of like this Zoo, but less colourful.

    BTW, I was amazed at how close you could get to the Rhinos, I actually touched one, amazing experience for me, but the beast seemed non-plussed.

    Oh, and the Giraffes prefer bananas and tree branches (leaves) to those long string beans. I'm not a Zoologist, just a casual observation.

    Great day out.

    Now for a great night in, catching up wit the days POTY Gossip !

  4. The short term planning might be something like this.

    You have issues as you have mentioned in the OP and subsequent posts.

    Most likely, you have a routine, and the first thing you need to do is break that routine, and that's, most likely the biggest challenge you will face. Restting yourself.

    My example is, I used to smoke (in the West), not a lot, maybe 2 packs a week.

    When I stepped through the Airport, I stopped, easy as for me. Never desired it. Coming to Thailand was my re-set button.

    Maybe 3 or 4 months later, I'd go back West, through the Duty-Free, I'd pick up a carton, there were so cheap in the Duty-Free as compared to the Supermarket. Just 1 carton, I thought. When that ran out, just one packet, I'll stop again next week, on Monday.

    My Monday never came, and I would keep smoking till I left the West again, touched down @ Swampy and stopped ... re-set button pushed.

    Return to the West, pick up a carton on the self promise of 'just one'. That promise was never fullfilled.

    One day, I got a tinge in the heart, then another, then a few regularly, every couple of days.

    Luckily I was returning to Thailand in a week. Arrived @ Swampy, stopped smoking, left Thailand, went back through the Duty-Free (home city), had the self conviction NOT to buy that carton ... haven't had a ciggie again. I don't begrudge someone else having one, their choice. Doesn't worry me either way.

    I was desperate enough to change.

    I 're-set' myself, broke a long standing bad habit.

    It takes a long time to break bad habits, change routines. If you are putting the key in the same door everyday, it's easy to maintain, rather then change your routine/habits.

    As the fameous say goes:- 'If you always do, what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got'.

    Simply put, change what you do to get the new you

    My suggestion is, if the finances allow. Go travelling. You said you love Asia, go see more of it. Maybe, as one poster mentioned above, go see more of Thailand.

    Don't worry about food or drink, no need to count calories or any of that BS.

    Break the habit of drinking a fizzy drink with lunch/dinner, just have water. Increase your water intake.

    Don't 'eat/drink on the run'. Sit down, enjoy a meal, take your time, food should be savoured, tasted, not just consumed.

    Thai food usually won't make you fat, unless you make consistently poor choices.

    When you travel, you usually walk more, exercise issue taken care of.

    Maybe, when you are waiting that 1 or 2 hours for the bus to the next destination, turn the i-Pad off, tune into yourself, have a think about what is important in your life.

    Make some plans for the short and long term. Find the conviction inside to carry those through.

    If you stumble along the way (break a few self-promises) don't be too hard on yourself, just recover the best as you can.

    Don't wait till 'Monday' to start again ... in life, 'Mondays' rarely come.

    I hope it works out for you. Maybe, in a few months, revisit this thread. Come back and tell your story.

    Good Luke with it.


  5. Couple of things to come out of your responses.

    Retired at 30 but concerned about the cost of spear fishing.

    The 30's - 45/50 is a period in your life when you should be most productive, working hardest to get some coin and quality assets behind you.

    You need some planning for the future, a few decades ahead.

    If you have heaps of coin and just being stingy with it, the above doesn't apply.

    That's the long term planning.

  6. So I'm out of the race. Oh well, as then former Vice President Richard M. Nixon put it upon losing the California Governor's race in 1962:

    "As I leave you I want you to know -- just think how much you're going to be losing--you won't have Nixon to kick around anymore, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."

    I didn't vote for you just so you could quit at this early stage in the game, pull yourself together man.

    That's like going home before closing time. In the words of Gordon the Big Blue Engine "It's not wrong; we just don't do it"

    A true Railwayman shines through.

    Not be confused with a spotter, different breed altogether.

  7. It's a controversial policy. I don't know if it will stand. It raises the chance of a winner that doesn't want to win but sorry, this has been already going on for several days now and plenty of time to quit BEFORE.

    The reluctant winner could always send Sacheen Littlefeather to collect the POTY and deliver a speech.

    UTO, man that was an obscure reference.

    Sacheen Littlefeather hey, I learnt something there.

  8. thanks for the help guys especially the police clearance that was the thing that really through me, i thought i was on the right track and then came across another site with a whole other list of requirements but i think i am on the right track again

    Just one question on the 1419 form where it asks if you received any assistance in completing the form , obviously i will be helping her, do i answer yes or is it best to say no

    No, don't bother stating that help was received.

    BTW, despite the advice above, it doesn't only have to be done to the VFS, that advice is probably well intended, but mis-informed.

    You can do it on-line. Cambodia is on the applicable list.

  9. Thanks for everyone's suggestions very much appreciated ,I shall look at taking a holiday around Hau Hin. <snip>

    My impression of Hau Hin is that it felt a bit like God's Waiting Room.

    Granted, I didn't spend that much time there, just an observation rather then an analysis.

    OH, as a nice place to reside, removing the Money issue, Rayong does appear to appeal to many.


    About the same travelling time to Bangkok as HuaHin, maybe a little less, plus close to Pattaya, if you need some facilities based there (no, I don't mean Walking St)

    Beaches cleaner there also?

    The islands down near the boarder with Cambodia also appear scenic and a shorter distance from Rayong.

    Good Luck with the search, tell us where you eventually decide to reside.


  10. Get your gf to apply on-line, details below.

    A lot of the stuff you think you need to supply as you have outlined in your OP is not required.

    The Visa is about her, not you.

    Good luck with it.


    For a tourist visit a police certificate is not required.


    Also, available to do on-line now-a-days ... so much simpler then before.

    Click - http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/600-/Visitor-e600-visa-online-applications#

    Good luck with the application.


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