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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. To Paul's parents, family and loved ones I offer my sympathy for your loss and wish you continued strength year by year.

    To other readers here let me say this. I was once married to a Thai lady who appeared to be the loving wife and mother. But after the 3rd failed knife attack I decided my luck was going to run out one day and divorced her. Some will be wondering why I hung around after the first attempt. Let's just say that our feelings can impair our judgment. Be careful, it can happen to you.

  2. Confidential ? New rules on how to divide up the bribes between the heirachy and which people to lean on. Not that I'm implying such a conversation ever took place. But if it did it would surely be confidential. Why is Pattaya the first place newly promoted high up police seem to go to ? Something to do with the crime rate or the earnings potential ?

  3. I had heard that early on in his business career that he received some lucrative contracts for computers from the police. Can anybody verify this information.

    It's in her testimony - establishment of Shinawatra computers. Her father was the police general and the company got a contract supplying all police stations in Thailand.

    Should that not read "a" police general? I think there are nearly 400 of them?

    Wasn't just "a" police general. Was "the" police general. Shin Computer was an IBM dealer at the time so could have rightly won the tender to computerise the Police Dept with that kind of backing and expertise. Whether it did or not is another question.

    However, it doesn't take much imagination to consider that with father-in-law as the head of the police and foreknowledge of a coming tender worth millions that there might have been discussion around the family dinner table something like:

    "Son, I see a lot of future in this computer thing. Suggest you get yourself a dealership with a reputable company".

    "Oh yes sir. That sounds like a good idea. By the way, has that computer contract for the Police Dept. been awarded yet."

    "Not yet son. Seems none of the current bidders are qualified. But we're sure one will come along soon."


  4. I don't think you'll learn much about sailing if you're sailing a Laser by yourself unless you already know the basics and they don't have much room for two people. Also, Lasers can be a bit tricky to sail for the inexperienced.

    Why not go down to the marina and try to get a crew position on a yacht. Normally there's a number of experienced sailors on board willing to teach you the ropes. once you understand the basics then a Laser will be a very enjoyable teacher.

  5. The Chinese have so many US$ (and other countries too: Middle East, Japan) that they need to convert into something tangible which will hold value better. Gold, platinum, silver are the obvious choices, but so are investments in non-US resource companies, investments in which are essentially investments in future supplies of resources for continued Chinese economic growth after the dust settles from the financial crisis.

    Once the US$ implodes there may support for a move away from fiat-money back to a gold standard which will further increase demand for gold so it seems like a good each-way bet to increase gold holdings as a long term strategy. Over the long term the potential up-side looks more favourable than the potential down-side.

  6. Similar to what a surprising number of people may have experienced during the 60s and 70s. Only then, the consequences weren't as dire as now.

    Compared to those who come to Asia later in life and "loose it" I think this person is better off to have it happen at a younger age when recovery can be effective. Those who are later in life are usually not so fortunate.

  7. btw, why do people call it "Swampy Airport " anyway? i know the name is hella hard to pronounce, hel_l i rather call it new bangkok airport. Thai people don't understand the airport should be name so that it is easy to read and short, sigh.....

    AFAIK, it was built on an area of land whose name translated in English to "Cobra Swamp".

  8. No hope for this country that is riddled with cancerous corruption and with passive citizens who tolerate it and admire the criminals who rip them off.

    That just about sums it up. Having just been through Hong Kong again there is absolutely no chance that Swampy Airport will ever be anything more than a hub of corruption. It's arguably the worst airport in SE Asia and nowhere near world class.

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