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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. With the number of soi dogs around it becomes difficult to walk a bitch when she is in heat. Such is the extent of the problem that a specific product has been developed to mask her odour to other dogs. Anybody know where it can be bought in BKK ? Or suggest a comprehensive pet shop or veterinarian I might try ?



  2. The fare was agreed. End of story. Passenger initiated the dispute. The driver should have an alternative way of settling fare disputes. Why not simply hand the passenger a ticket with the agreed fare written on it at the start ? Few tourists would bother to argue with something in writing.

    TAT, next problem please.

  3. All good information, thanks.

    I found my most rcent poblem was solved by copying the files from the external USB HDD (Seagate 750mb) to the internal SATA drive after which Nero burned the files successfully. Seems like in this case the problem was a data transfer rate issue. But not always so easy to fix.

    I currently use Princo DVDs but have had similar problems with TDK and Sony. I agree that burning at 8x is better than letting the software burn at maximum, but don't know if it has any effect on longevity.

    And CDs were promoted as indestructible when they were first introduced. Compared to vinyl I supposed they seemed so.

    lothda, how to polish the surface of a disc and how successful is it in recovering a damaged disk ?

  4. Is it just me or is CD/DVD technology one of the biggest scams perpetrated in history ?

    First came CDs. The music industry touted them as virtually indestructible. Yet the number of times I've had to replace damaged CDs is contributing nicely to record industry profits and artist's royalties. And at the prices charged I'm not particularly careless with them.

    Then came VCDs/DVDs. I regularly find discs won't play on multiple devices: PCs and disc players.

    Then there's software: Windows Movie Maker, Nero, in fact, any number regularly fail when trying to burn individual files or whole images. Possible 1 in 10 attempts is successful, if that. If I can copy 4gb of image files from one disk to another why can't I write them to a DVD as individual files or as a disk image ? There's nothing wrong with the files.

    So what is wrong here ? Is it just me who has these problems (hard to believe) or is the whole CD/DVD technology, from the media itself to the hardware and software hopelessly inadequate for the task.

    Ideas, opinions anyone ?

  5. At least they'll both have a great travel story to tell when they eventually get back home.

    Can see King Power pushing this to the limit of the law after all the bad press they had recently.

    Custodial sentences in Thailand the likely outcome notwithstanding the girl's age.

    If she's got her head screwed on after her gaol time she'll write a book, sell the movie rights and walk away a rich young woman.

  6. I suspect the Chinese will be taking a lot of interest in this given that they are 1. cashed up, and 2. need oil. The current economic problem in the world are nothing but opportunity for countries like China.

    Dear Sibey,

    China's daily crude consumption exceeds 6 million barrels. Dubai is pumping approximately 160,000 barrels daily equivalent to 45 minutes of chinese demand. therefore ah sez... "China case closed".

    next! :)

    Dear Naam,

    Dubai is simply the lever by which China can invest in the Middle East and access more than Dubai's oil. Of course they can do that now on the open market, but by having a greater stake in the Middle East they can do it on more favourable terms and access more of the Middle East's wealth. It's called "strategy".

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