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Posts posted by Usernames

  1. Again, FWIW, a variety of news reports says that a mob of over 100 crashed the "pool party." The housing estate's policy clearly states that there should be no more than 20 people at a pool party. https://secure.associationvoice.com/ResourceCenter/DocViewer/10389?doc_filename=Amenity%20Rental%20Usage%20Policy.pdf&find=pool&doc_id=59648&print=1

    There is a question whether the organizers, Tatyana Rhodes and her mother, Lasagna Burkes actually went through the process of formally asking to use the facility. They did apparently employ a DJ outside the area from which people crashed the pool and Tatyana was using the event to sell tickets to some musical promotion. All this from Dallas radio and TV.

  2. FWIW, about five years ago in Carrollton, another Dallas suburb, a group of black teenagers mobbed and took over an apartment complex's pool. They congregated outside and when a white resident asked them to make way so he could get to his apartment, the "children" shot him dead. If these kids were invading and mobbing a residential community's pool, there is ample precedent for it being a highly dangerous situation. If I was a cop and someone like that black guy with the cigarette dangling out of his mouth tried to come up around me, I would react just the same. Might get fired, but at least I would still be alive.

  3. Obama's press conference last night (Bangkok time) was embarrassing. The fumbling on Iraq, health care and everything else he addressed showed a man without a clue. And the stammering and stuttering, clipped sentences, verbal hiccups and such? He actually sounded more inarticulate than George W. Bush. Strategy for Iraq? It's lucky he has a strategy to be able to get back home safely.

  4. Apparently, according to CNN, this young woman was going there to "save the animals." I don't know if she carried the same attitude, but others engaged in similar affairs tend to anthropomorphize dangerous animals. Not to speak of her, in particular, but you put these people together with the privileged background they come from, their feeling that they are good and on a mission to save nature, and they just don't think anything will happen to them. They are special. So they can roll down the window on a safari van and no wild beast will do anything but wag its tail in gratitude. Poor, silly girl, I think.

  5. Lets take an "average" somalian "refugee"...

    How come instead of traveling a few hundred kilometers (i don't know the distance but yeah...) north to "Somaliland" they absolutely want to or have to come to northern Europe which is several thousand kilometers away from their own country? Could it be that a single mother of three children get more benefits and other "aid" per month than a "normal" man or woman working in Sweden gets after taxes? Naahh.... no way that could be it...

    How come four persons took a taxi, yes a taxi, from Italy to Sweden so they can stay in Sweden instead of Italy[1]? Could it be that if you get "asylum" status and study SFI (swedish for immigrants) you basicly have lifetime money coming each month to your bank account? Because if you never pass the tests in SFI (even deliberately) you can still start the same beginners course next term until you get pension.

    About 50-55% of immigrants have a job after about a decade in Sweden. Just this single fact merits that the only thing we should do with the "Mediterranean issue" is to help people so they do not drown, transport them to secured facilities in southren Europe where they wait to get deported to their home country or where ever they came from.

    [1] http://www.dt.se/dalarna/alvdalen/forsta-flyktingarna-pa-plats

    This will never happen, because your political leaders, like those in the US, have decided you have too much. And they intend to take it away from you and render "economic justice" until you have just as little or even less than the most squalid peasant in Somalia. The political leaders, of course, will not suffer from these same deprivations, because they are better than average folks and need to be enshrined on their feudal thrones, while everyone around them prostrates themselves in eternal thanks for their wisdom.

  6. In 1980, there was just over 20 million people in California. Today, it's nearing 40 million. Droughts and semi-arid landscapes are the very nature of the American West, and that is not going to change just because some state is stupid enough to double its population without planning. Oh, and the elephant in the room for this discussion: immigration, illegal and legal but especially illegal. A garden state turned into a hell hole.

  7. Maybe the USA is feeling left out of the economic party going on between Thailand, Japan and more importantly China, relating to the recent discussions about improvements to the transport infrastructure and aviation servicing.

    But I would beg a couple of questions.

    Which would you rather impress your neighbours with. A sleek looking bullet train system or a great big lumbering looking old loco system???

    Does the USA have anything like a bullet train system to offer?

    Tofu bridges, tofu buildings, and, now, tofu trains. If you trust Chinese safety standards, you're welcome to live in the brand new built apartments that collapse, or drive on their brand new expressway bridges that fall over, or perhaps these sleek new trains--made by the same people who make the falling down apartments and bridges. And, btw, who poison their own infant formula for profit and dump mercury directly into their rivers.

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