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Posts posted by Stevemercer

  1. I agree with the above posts. You can buy the bike advertised as a way of dipping your toe in the market. The cheap battery will only be good for 5 - 10 km range and will die within 6 months.


    After that, you can decide if you want to spend the money to get a decent scooter of that style that will last.


    A decent battery powered bike of that type will start at 20,000 Baht, but a good one will be 30,000 Baht. This will have a range of 40 - 50 km and the battery should last for years. The battery will weigh up to 10 kg and be removable. The supplied charger and electronics will have cut-offs etc. to avid overcharging. The risk of fire is minimal.


    I have had a King Song electric wheel for 8 years and the battery is still going strong (range of 75 km and speed up to 40 km/hr) after some 8000 km.

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  2. As people have noted, the legality seems to be a grey area. However, your neighbour will not respond to any attempts at mediation. There is not really anything you can do, especially if your construction will eventually block his view. If he repositions his cameras to intrude on your privacy, once you are living there, that will be a different matter.


    We have a neighbour with a similar attitude. He filled his land nearly a metre above ours, and then pushed the fill against the concrete wall we had built (effectively turning it into a retaining wall). It was obvious it would cause problems once the rainy season came. It ws certainly not legal and my wife pursued a complaint with council against him. They tried to mediate, but he never responded to any requests.


    In the meantime, the rainy season came and our concrete wall acted like a dam once the heavy rains came. Fortunately a 2 metre wall he had constructed along his perpendicular boundary (to us) collapsed before ours did and relieved the pressure.


    After that, I went onto his property for an hour or so, every day, and dug out the fill on his property, along our wall, and put a drainage pipe at the end to direct the run-off onto the street. He didn't object, but didn't help either. That fixed that problem and he hasn't tried to move the fill again.

  3. 14 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    There is no why. There is no reason. It just is.

    You will never find a reason because there is no reason - not just for dogs.

    Accept this little truth and life becomes so much easier in Thailand. 

    Most Thais think puppies are adorable and will get one on the spur of the moment. When it is grown, they will get another. Someone else in the family can look after it when it is grown. It's just 'living in the moment' with little thought of the consequences or responsibility of dog 'ownership'.


  4. 6 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Probably just me, but I have had the same general impression.   I sometimes think that some here do not value human life.  Seem unemotional about death.  

    I think Thai people value life, the same as we do in the West. It's just that Thai's (and most Asian cultures) are more used to death then we are. Death is a part of life and Thais are constantly exposed to it through funerals and other reminders of our mortality. So Thais can more readily accept death as a normal part of life. Funerals can be social occasions to meet old friends and celebrate life with family, whilst ensuring the departed has a good send-off in accordance with traditions.


    In western countries, we tend to be more isolated from death. It is not a routine and regular part of our lives, and it therefore comes as a shock. We are not prepared for it and may be at a loss as to how to properly mourn and honour the departed.


    I think the Thai approach to death is probably the better way to go. But sometimes I think if we lavished the same attention and money on the elderly (before they passed away) maybe it would be better. Why not give the same sort of 'funeral party' for the elderly, before they pass away, and while they can still enjoy it.



  5. The original article is correct in saying that the reason why 'Big Joke' was removed from Immigration has never been officially explained.


    It may have something to do with the IB's then purchase of a biometric system, signed off by the then police chief. 'Big Joke' is on the public record as saying the IB spent over 300 million baht per unit although the same brand and model of machine can be purchased for 36 million baht.


    Whatever, that police chief has retired and it seems 'Big Joke' has the support of the current chief. Or maybe the powers-in-charge reckon it's better to have 'Big Joke' on their side where they might be able to better control him.

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  6. 9 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    I agree. A doll would be of no interest. A well made android would be amazing. I sense Western woman will have a very hard time competing with them, when the time comes. Likely not in our lifetimes. Likely not for a another century. We over estimate ourselves as a species. 

    I think maybe 10 - 15 years. Of course, human women will be able to get their own male 'well made' android that will never tire of her and can pleasure her endlessly. Maybe us blokes will have no choice, but to fall back on an android woman.

  7. I'd pay the 15,000Baht and let the shop worry about ordering etc. They should provide 6 - 12 months warranty and you can go back if there is a problem.


    As suggested by another poster, check the tyre pressure. I remember buying a Suzuki GS450 once. The owner hadn't ridden it in a while and apologised for the poor handling. My test ride confirmed the poor handling, but I stopped at a garage to check/inflate the tyres. They were less than 50% the recommended pressure. This dramatically restored the handling. I got the bike cheap because no one had wanted it after a test ride, and no one had thought to check the tire pressure.

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  8. It is usual for these things to take time (12 months). The police probably know the guilty parties (assuming they are local). They are waiting to see what develops. Maybe the situation will turn to their advantage, particularly if their are other complaints against the party.


    The police may need a 'bribe' to finalise an investigation. However, even with good Thai, it is not a good idea for you (as a farang) to discuss with the police. The police may think you have plenty of money and misunderstandings may arise.


    Almost certainly the guilty party has conned other people. The police may want to wait for other people to come forward. The police may have already approached the guilty party and he has paid them off.


    Can you find a Thai person of good repute to ask questions on your behalf? They might be told more, particularly if police want money before taking action. Alternatively, the police may not want to proceed with your complaint for whatever reason. At the very least, the Thai person can find out from the police whether or not it is worthwhile pursuing your complaint.


    As others have said, it is unlikely you will recover your money. The most likely outcome would be a negotiated outcome where the guilty party will repay a certain percentage. The police would act as mediators for a pre-agreed fee.

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  9. There are plenty of HiSo Thai ladies married to farang, but the farang are normally wealthy, famous or accomplished in some way.


    As other posters have said, the best way would be through introductions. You just have to be in Thailand and try and make social connections (e.g. attend costly events and hang around fashionable shops.

  10. Why would the Taiwanese lady bother making up such an allegation? The answer is that her allegation is most likely true. Do the police target drunken foreigners for a shakedown? The answer is most likely yes, they will target anyone they think has money, is vulnerable (e.g. no connections/influence in Thailand, drunk, technically breaking some law etc.) and/or in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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