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Posts posted by Taffyfromflint

  1. Wow....

    Ok Ok..What does an airlines' finances has to do with the compliance of international safety standards?

    Just because you own 2016 Toyota Camery, doesn't mean you know how to drive.

    If the airlines don't have the money or cash-flow to pay their staff the going rate they are unlikely to be paying for insignificant issues like ensuring correct qualifications or out laying for maintenance or even complying with international standards. As we all know it is all about the money.

    Maybe they want to see if the airlines are cash cows, heaven forbid they would rob peter to pay paul

  2. Why is this criminal still making the news? He should be banned. No photos of him or his utterances should be published in future. He should officially be declared persona non grata.

    That's no way to be describing General Prayuth and the charge of criminality is completely out of order.Although the coup against a democratic government might have been perceived by some as a crime or even treason, the Junta pardoned itself - so please explain how that is a crime.If you are thinking that his fortune of several million dollars based on a maximum salary of $40,000 implies criminal corruption, you are also out of line.He has explained all this very carefully already.In any case many many generals have vast fortunes and tiny salaries.Are you seriously suggesting all are on the take?

    How can there be no photos of him or public utterances when he is the country's PM.Now you are just being ridiculous.And to say he should be officially declared non grata compounds your silliness.

    But seriously show a little more respect and take a gander at the special forum warning for posts of this nature

    To take your comments one step further. The current prime minister of Australia is a multi millionaire, made off the back of the telecom / internet explosion, and further to that was the minister for communication in a previous post. On the other side of the fence labours Paul Keating was also a millionaire even though the only job he ever held was as an official of the union/labour movement. Kevin Rudd (same camp) his wife became a millionaire off the back of the employment agency scheme introduced by her husband's government. No one cried foul there, but when it's Thailand everyone thinks it smacks of corruption. Wake up people it's the same old,same old.Plus lets face it, his sister is one very good looking woman.

  3. western countries should reciprocate Thailand rules on Thais doing business , see how they like being Alienated.

    Maybe the reciprocation should also be extended to land ownership, ninety day reporting, access to passports etc etc

    Should be 100% reciprocal. Thai restaurants should require a national of the country owning 51%. No property can be bought by a Thai. Just the same as we have in Thailand. If it is good for us then it must be good for Thai's in our countries.

    In Oz the government(s) are selling the country off to the highest bidder, which at the moment is the Chinese. Do not upset Khun Chin while he holds a bucket of gold in front of you. And don't talk about the war when the then enemy rewarded Thailand with expanded boundaries. Reciprocation will never happen at least not by a western government (can't speak for the US tho').

  4. Excellent. Thailand turns to Russia which is currently facing serious economic problems and expects what? In case the Thai military administration missed it, the price of oil has crashed. Countries which depended upon oil revenues are hurting. Russia has increased its military spending in a time when it has lost much of its oil revenues. It's not like the Russians have excess money lying around, especially USD which is what the Thais want.

    I do find it a bit funny though. Thailand depends on exports to North America and the EU to drive its export economy. Much of Thailand's high value exports go to the west. Russia takes low value exports. If Thailand keeps thumbing its nose at the west with its fishing fleet, human trafficking, intellectual property theft and food safety issues, it may find itself shut out of its most lucrative export markets. facepalm.gif

    But isn't that what the ruling party want, drive down and rule

  5. Seems to be an over 40 thing, male relatives especially seem to start dropping like flies. A lot of my older male relatives are gone. I can count at least 1/2 high school buddies that are already gone, motorcycles are dangerous back home as well wink.png

    But what really did it, about 7 years ago was the first time I brought my now wife back home, she's 16 years younger and smoking hot. Off to Barbeques with my male friends and their 'sheilas' the same age and size as them...well didnt go down to well...and strangely those friends seem to disappear after that


    What really bugged me was that after working closely with a friend in Oz for a number of years, when I retired he went to great pains to insist we keep in touch and visit each other maybe every one or two years. Not a word for more than 18 months despite Facebook and emails from my end. Some people have short memories.

  6. Not so hot if you are in Chiangmai trying to do a retirement visa renewal....anywhere else, yes, but Chiangmai immigration is a nightmare

    I have previously done 3 Non O myself while in Oz. This time I went for an extension (CM) I was told by three different officials what I needed to do, this was after waiting hours in the Q. One told me just do a visa run to Mae Sai.

    My decision then was to seek out various agencies and do a comparison. The one I chose checked my already completed forms and make a few changes. Later that day I got a call from the agency to report at immigration at 9 the next morning. At 9:05 I was shown escorted by the agent to a desk and the formalities were completed in less than 5 minutes. I was then asked to report back the following morning for my RE permit. Same thing 5 minutes in / 5 minutes out. 7,000 Bht plus government fee. Not back considering the run around I got before. methinks agents have the inside info with some officials. My extension and RE permit were also dated from the expiry date of my non o. In CM it pays to use a service, at least the first time.

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  7. how does one get salmonella from lettuce? usually meat products fish and fowl and icecream but I cant think of any other product perhaps someone will enlighten me.....

    Salmonella infection usually results from ingestion of the bacteria from contaminated food, water or hands. Eggs, milk, meat or poultry are particularly high risk foods. Fruit and vegetables may also be contaminated, especially if manure has been used as fertiliser.

  8. How did a 62 yo Chinaman pass a PADI diver medical ? Or was this just a one off resort dive with minimal training and health checks ? Can believe the instructor would leave a novice behind and surface while surfacing with another.

    Definition of a diving professional, someone who has been diving more than once methinks. Pity the Thais don't adopt and enforce the Australian Scuba Diving Code of Practice, which was brought in a few years ago following a spate of similar incidents. Over 50 then medical certificate for first time divers should be the norm, sorry that would interfere with revenue.

  9. Ridiculous. The warning should relate to one supplier and it should have come from the supermarkets, with brand, batch number, dates etc. The problem was highly localised, albeit serious.

    Perhaps the Australian government needs to put up warnings in supermarkets next to the billions of cans of Thai tuna warning people about the risk of scrombroid poisoning as well as the possibility that slave labour may have been used in the production.Same for prawns.

    The salads were not only sold through supermarkets, Lite and Easy diet plan foods also use the same supplier and have recalled salad meals. The supplier is not providing salad only to supermarkets. We should however ask, do our salad products have stringent controls here in LoS

  10. 22 is ridiculous. At 25 its already cool enough.

    This is quite corret plus for every degree C below 25 the extra cost in power consumptiom is staggering. If you set the Aircon to DRY at 25 it will feel like 22 but power consuption is reduced considerably. I have a 9, 12, 18 and 30 in my house. Power consumption is reasonable considering my place faces W.

  11. Where is the duty of care of the duty free shop? I presume a big one like King power, they have to scan your boarding pass.

    They once did refuse to sell me cigarettes because I was going to Singapore (where you cant import any)

    Why did you not return to the duty free store?

    Personally, I would have turned around and tipped the contents down a drain rather than hand them over like that.

    It is a scam in a way, I bet one that only the most senior were enforcing..

    This happened to me. CM via BKK from Brisbane. Brisbane duty free placed my liquor in a DF carry bag ( not the sealed security type ) which i then took on the plane as the DF shop is in the departure lounge of BNE airport. Transited at BKK to connect to CM only to have my DF goods confiscated. Next time I will ensure the DF shop puts the goods in a sealed bag with the receipt clearly visible.

  12. All these motorbike rentals that conveniently don't have any insurance for there bikes, of course they do, you cannot get a tax disk without at least the government tax which everybody has to have.

    They should make it law that all rental bikes are fully covered including theft and not try and con tourists into paying over inflated price.

    Maybe compulsory travel insurance is needed. As I recall it is mandatory if travelling to the States, or a least it used to be. Maybe the cost of drugs/booze/bar girls is more impgortant
  13. I do believe the original post is total nonsense ! People are making much more than they were years ago, easily witnessed by the fact that just about everyone is well dressed with designer jeans (why someone would pay extra for a pair of jeans covered with holes completely evades me), has an extremely flashy smartphone, and the country is as stable as it has ever been. When I first came here waitresses in Bangkok were making 35 Baht a day ! Canberra obviously hasn,t got a clue what it is talking about sad.png

    Seems to me that the yuppie population ( designer jeans with rips) have more money than ever. Note the number of new cars on the road especially high end, BMW, Merc's, 4WD suped up speed demons, Harley D's. How do they do it if not on higher incomes than a few (short) years ago.?

  14. I take it you are not in Chiang Mai. Friends house hit 9 degrees last night, mine around 10-11. That is all day long, day and night.

    Even you are not reading the posts....hmmmm. The guy was saying that his girl friend told him that it was forecast for NEXT month that another cold spell was on the cards.

    I am in CM. I got the same weather as everyone else, but didn't bolt to get a heater for the two days it was cold.

    For me, one of the reasons I moved up here from the South was because you get some semblance of "winter" up here. I actually get to wear some kinds of winter clothes, instead of shorts all year round -- day and night. And I get to wear GLOVES for a couple days a year! Whoo-hoo!

    If you are 87 and feeble, I see no reason not to go out and buy a heater; but for the rest of us, this weather is great. A nice brisk walk in weather that isn't either muggy as hell and hot as the devil's anvil (or that and rain combined) is a pure joy. I am sure many people who live here are from countries where 12 degrees C is a spring day at home.

    I mean really, 12C is 22 degrees F above freezing; so no comments about, "It's freezing outside!"

    My outdoor heater:

    Go to the 29 baht shop and buy a big wok -- I have a 50cm one -- and get a clay flowerpot and a rock/brick. But the rock/brick in the bottom of the empty pot, and put the wok on the pot. Now you have a brazier. Pull up a couple of low chairs and enjoy. Beers not optional...

    attachicon.gifWok brazier small.JPG

    This is what it looks like after you turn it on:

    attachicon.gifMark last fire Chiang Mai small.jpg

    Must be a typo, 22 degrees F in 12 above freezing, 12 degrees C is 12 degrees above zero. 0 C = 32 F. Just saying :-)

  15. When it came time to purchase air conditioners for my house a couple of years ago I tried to find reverse cycle (RC) but to no avail. What's interesting is that the RC units I had in my office in Oz were Mitsubishi (made in Thailand) Has anyone else come across the lack of RC aircons here or was it just me?

  16. I owned many Jeep Wranglers back in the states and had more fun with those cars than all of the exotic sports cars I ever owned . it was a game changer and being able to take top off seems now I'm here like perfect care for Thailand and the beach attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1453158607.059909.jpg

    Better off buying a load of lemons and you'll get more value out of lemons than Jeep

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