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Posts posted by Taffyfromflint

  1. Over the last three years I made regular trips overseas on business every month. Loyal to Thai Airlines as they offered direct and reasonable fare. Now however I find myself searching for the best fare even if it means multu stop. Try searching Chiang Mai to Brisbane, Not on the radar and when it does appear it comes in at 314000:00 Bht. Profit before efficiency. As a qualified safety auditor I shudder to think what would be uncovered and besides who will make the changes. These are recommendations made by the inspectors so no problem more Bht to be made flying within asia. If an incident should happen just cover up the logo and prtend it wasn't our plane.

  2. Tourist visa as with retirement or marriage are too restrictive. My (Thai) wife has just applied and been granted a tourist visa online for Australia. 3 month maximum stay but is multiple entry valid for 1 year. Of course criteria applies but it certainly encourages tourists to visit. Maybe Thailand could take a lesson here. In the meantime haveing our own home here and still have to do border runs or report every 90 days is archaic, but change is not going to be on the horizon anytime soon.

  3. Not sure if the info you received is 100 %. however err on the hide of caution as a friend of mine received his o'50 visa in LA (USA) and was advised that he could get it renewed in Brisbane (where he was domiciled at the time of renewal) guess what, Brisbane rejected his application. So if I were you I would try and make the effort to get it in Oz, if that is possible and fits in with your plans. If you have the time mail your application and all the relevant documents to the ACT and use the express mail. Just to give you my experience, I mailed mine from far central Qld to Brisbane on the Tuesday and it was back at my PO on the Thursday. get all your stuff in order and a bank cheque, or company cheque and send it express next day delivery with the same return postage paid envelope so you get your passport back post haste.

  4. Agreed, I used to lodge my renewal annually at Brisbane but on my last visit in January 2015 there was a real estate for sale notice on the property so I guess that there are other issues besides the resignation of the previous HC. Most consulates will process the application. I have done my by post before now within Oz and received the renewal within 72 hours. Tip, provide a self addressed express post bag for the return on your passport, plus a please sign on receipt label..

  5. Pending the appointment of the new Honorary Consul of Thailand for Queensland, the Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra will assume responsibility of all consular matters in Queensland. If you have any question, please contact the Royal Thai Embassy in Canberra directly at (02) 6206 0120 or 6206 0113 on Monday to Friday at 9.30 – 12.30 and 13.30 – 16.00 hrs.

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