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Posts posted by Taffyfromflint

  1. Bit of quick panel work and it should be on the road again very shortly.

    You may be joking ( I assume! ) but I pass a body repair yard most days, and I am constantly amazed at some of the repairs they manage Wrecks that in the west would be scrapped reappear looking as good as new.

    How well they go round corners after they are put back on the road, well I don't know.


    So, no sign of a struggle, no weapons found ( cement truck not considered a weapon, ???) too fast, too close, texting, using phone. The mind boggles. Lucky taxi driver.

  2. It amazes me how reliant Thai people are of "superstition" e.g. spending stacks on "lucky number" sim cards, changing car number plates because the numbers aren't lucky. This is just another expamle of a worm convincing Thais that he can foretell the further and supposedly bring luck and good fortune.

    I guess not unlike "faring" around the globe heaping money on dating sites only to find their "love is lost" along with their savings.

    Dump him in the sewer I say.

  3. Safety and Thailand. Just does not go together!

    My 30 + years as a safety inspector and auditor in Australia and overseas did not prepare me for the numerous events which I witness almost on a daily basis. I have read and re read the LoS safety legislation, which I may add is a close relation of a lweaky sieve, there are are there no suitably qualified (nay honest) safety inspectors out there.? and pray tell where is the duty of care. (silly question, I know)

  4. Soda tax? Ha. Just another tactic to increase tax revenue. Maybe tax the air we breathe...should be much more tax revenue there. Use Article 44 if anyone complains.

    Why stop at soda, think of all the donut stalls, yamaguzi, sweet cake shops, etc. Type 2 will be rampant here in a few years and couple that with KFC, pizza etc.etc.

    Never mind the tax, it never stopped smokers and drinkers, just get meaningful education programmes via tv (which is the most widely looked at media). But wait that may stop the fat cats getting fatter.

  5. I think an extension of stay is well worth going for but you really don't need an agent. The application process is fairly straightforward.

    You can get re-entry permits that allow you to exit and re-enter whilst keeping your stay alive. Single re-entry is 1,000 baht, Multi re-entry is 3,800 baht. So you can come and go as much as you like.

    90 day reports can be done online or by post if you don't want to report in person so shouldn't be a concern. You can even pay someone else to do the report for you.

    If you continue with the multi entry visa you can extend each of your 90 day stays by 60 days (1,900 baht) as you are married. This means it's only necessary to do a border hop every 5 months.

    If you can meet the requirements I would recommend a 1 year extension of stay.

    Thanks all for the info. Just one other ??. How long in advance can I apply for an extension?

    • Like 1
  6. For those who are not worried about cholesterol, and it appears Yorkie eaters are in that bunch, use lard or rendered down pork fat as it's temperature is greater than oils plus the flavour is better. Hot is the word, flat bottom bulbous crisp sides to the Yorkie is the bees knees.

    Top shelf, while the roast is resting. Yes imported flour is a must.

  7. I am on my third non imm o based on marriage which expires January 2016.

    In the past getting a new non imm o annually wasn't a problem as I was frequently returning to Australia. Since I am no longer travelling back and forth is it worth applying for an extension, using an agent as I am in CM, or going to the expense of returning to Australia to get another non imm o?

    Of course the 90 day run vs 90 day reporting is a consideration as well. What are the pro's and cons?

    Please no BS artists.

    thanks in advance for the advice.

  8. I was sure I read here on this forum that some Australian air safety people had been retained to help sort out the issues. What happened to them?

    The ones in my proffesional circle weren't approached and in any event the Thai "government" would not be willing to pay the going rate to be told how much of a mess the system was in. maybe if they offered a reward leading to the arrest of the incompetants who make the decisions would help.

  9. Be aware that makers ratios differ according to the oil used. Most high end makers stipulate 50:1 as their oil is more refined. 25:1 should be the norm but get the facts first. Most end users do not know how to look after these simple machines. Look at the manual and stick to the oil the maker recommends.

  10. Electrical Safety (what electrical safety?) Most GPO.s (general power outlets) aren"t even wired to an earth, Mandatory retro earthing should be applied initially on all public buildings including schools, then mandatory installation of an circuit protection RCD (residual current device), WOW, can we really see this happening when even the most basic of hazard and risk reduction methods are not employed. As for cutting the plug off, I agree in most places this would work, but how many times have we seen bared wires shoved into an outlet and held in place by another piece of wire? And yes mandatory PAT (portable appliance testing) should be done, I've got stacks of tags available, but unfortunately no one here would know what they are, or even pay attention to them. Educating the industry will be a major hurdle but it must start somewhere.

    Pity this resulted in someone losing their life. ( author:- certified workplace safety inspector)

  11. Where is Thailand heading when she climbs into bed with Pyongyang? As can be seen worldwide China is carrying buckets of money and buying eveything it can get it's hands on. Now as China is a bedmate of Pyongyang, where does this leave us?

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