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Posts posted by wealthychef

  1. 6 hours ago, h90 said:

    iTV is not defunct, they are still active and posting their revenue if you google it for 2021 and 2022.
    Yes Army and Government runs TV+Radio station. Many of not most government run radio and TV stations. Also some military...nothing wrong with it and not banned in the constitution.

    By any chance, was the constitution drafted by the army?  That would be convenient then, wouldn't it.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 10 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

    Oh please.


    Get over yourself. 


    Looks like you've been conned by a bunch of YouTube conspiracy theorists. 



    Do you have any specifics about what I'm wrong with, or are you just going to continue your personal attacks without any substance behind them?  I think any thoughtful person can see you don't have much of an argument and are just trying to say "what?  you're crazy!" over and over.  

  3. 5 hours ago, nchuckle said:

    Is that what you said when vaccines were developed by these companies from scratch in record time at a time when the world was in turmoil and they came in at about €20 per shot and 100s of millions were produced under huge logistical pressures?

    No, when Donald Trump announced Project Warp Speed I was skeptical about his motivations, and it turns out I should have listened to my instincts.  My sympathies are always with the working class, and the lockdowns never sat right with me.  If only I had followed the money...  I was quite convinced at first that masks and vaccines were the right approach.  I was incredulous that people were questioning any of it.  But now in hindsight we have more information available if you are brave enough to look.  I invite you to continue to explore your own thinking on the subject, happy to answer any questions from my global audience.  ????  Enjoy the sweet Thailand summer warmth.  

    • Like 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, Shop mak said:

    The homeless opposite Mike do create lots of disturbance, fights fuelled by alcohol and meth, daily. They use the area as toilet. Smell horrible.

    City hall should remove them once for all, and clean up this area, if they care about the city's reputation.

    Radical idea:  give them a home and provide medical care for them?  

    • Thanks 1
  5. 14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    the crackdown on beachfront prostitution followed orders from deputy police chief Surachate “Big Joke” Hakparn to be more rigorous in preventing crimes against tourists

    Somehow this doesn't add up to me.  What crime against tourists are prevented by limiting prostitution to Walking Street?  I guess ladyboy crimes are always a thing, but that doesn't seem warranted.  I feel like this is just another short-lived revenue stream idea.  

  6. 19 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    Unfortunately, those in power, who were not voted for by the people, continue to show that they have no respect at all for the voters and the people of Thailand.

    They only respect the man who put them in power and who also fills their pockets.

    Yes, I think this is a universal situation around the globe.  I feel like workers right now need to unite against their  capitalist oppressors who just want to use their labor and then throw them in a pit when they get old.  This time in Thailand, it's going to be hard to go against the will of the people, but you can see they really really want to, because they have no respect as you say... it's the way of the world, baby.  I think the real solution is just to eat more pizza.  It makes you happy and when you're done with it you just poop it out. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, ukrules said:

    That's right, it's the same with the dollar if anyone cares to check.


    The whole story is just an untruth - the markets did nothing, it's almost like nobody cares - which is probably near the truth.




    It's been ranging around this level since May 5.


    I read it differently.  Remember that markets buy on rumors and sell on the news.  So the improvement in price from Apr 24 to present might be the market reacting to the predicted outcome of a progressive blowout.  When it happened, you can see the market got ready for a disappointment and then corrected back when the results came in.  That's the way I see it.  

    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

    The people have had enough, the kids are no longer afraid.

    Let's see what unfolds in the coming weeks.

    Let's see indeed.  After watching the global Mass Formation Psychosis around CoVid measures, I'm not sure that people are less willing to accept a coup if it means their anxieties get to be pinned on a boogeyman.  All the military needs is to find a Bad Guy that's sufficiently scary.  

    • Like 1
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    • Haha 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, Dan O said:

    Social media is one way to bring it out into public view. It's the main way to get action from the various dept of the G on any issue that brings light to a problem, police included. A school in a northern province was outed for pocketing school funds for children's lunch about 2 years ago if memory serves me. That defamation law is thrown around all too often yet seldom have you seen it enforced, just threatened. Im not suggesting to give full names and details but enough info can be put out to start the ball rolling but there in lies the problem, what enforcement and punishment will occur, probably like most of these stories they will disappear into the vapor as their is no real investigative journalism and the few stories that follow up are so edited they are worthless.

    Fair enough!  Up to each individual to weigh the risk/benefits for themselves, but ultimately what will make the difference is when workers decide to work collectively together to change their conditions.  

    • Love It 1
  10. 4 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Oh, the crazy defamation law where the truth is no defence? Well yes but you would have to actually name someone or make it unmistakably clear who you were talking about.

    Yes, *that* crazy law.  :-). Ah, I didn't realize there was that loophole.  So if you only strongly imply a thing that you cannot directly say, it holds up in Thai court?  I wouldn't be surprised if this is selectively enforced. 

  11. 17 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    I simply cannot imagine a UK police officer stopping me and claiming I'd been speeding without any evidence whatsoever.

    The corruption in the West seems to me of a different sort.  It's more fascistic, corporate and militarized than here, where it seems more organic and mafia-like.  


    18 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    Thai's could make a start by refusing to take part in corruption.

    I think they need to start by publicly calling it out loudly, but there are laws against that right?  

    • Confused 1
  12. 13 hours ago, scorecard said:


    'Negotiation' of salaries is very likely not in the picture.

    They are gov't employees and like most/all governments there's a published salary scale per level etc., not negotiable. 

    Good point, but I say in response you have to start somewhere.  Awareness is the first step.  If the workers, having been informed, are unhappy with their situation, they can choose to agitate within whatever societal constraints they have to deal with.  Labor is always told "sorry, you can't do that" and constantly has to take to the streets to get their rights back. 

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, phetpeter said:

    Must have acted like a d..k, towards the officers. cause if he hadnt and spoke correctly, they would have provided him with, at his cost, food and shower, plus allowed him to access his belongings

    yes, we all know how wise and just the RTP are, universally!  That's the only explanation, it must be his own fault they mistreated him. (sarcasm alert)

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