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  1. If you want to "do something with him" ...... imitate flying a kite . 🤪
  2. Holy Moly ! One reason to live in CM is that almost everything is cheaper than Bkk area or places like Hua Hin, Phuket, Pattaya ... But also, costs will always be less if one has some experience in what is involved. Even never having done a build here (Thailand) .... one can always learn by going to sites and watching and asking, and learning the prices of things like building blocks, concrete mix ( for the foundation) , and of course how deep the posts are set in your area. I have always chosen local builders , after seeing their work elsewhere. ALSO, I buy the materials and pay for labor . Many builders do not want to do it that way... but then you had better be very sure EXACTLY what the materials and specs are ! Anyway... like LA .... experience and looking for a "reasonable price" can save a lot. My wall (3 years ago) are strong blocks, with a very large base (kahn) with strong rebar (3 hun dtem and then 2 hun plawk lek ( the smaller squares ) labor per meter : 700 baht each section aprox 50 concrete blocks at 6 baht each. Concrete mix for base (240 mix , if i remember: 1900 baht per cu meter and then of course sand and concrete for the mix to put up the blocks ok... probably too much info, as easier to let the builder do it all . BUT..... my cost all in was less than 1400 baht per meter. So, if paying for all to be done by builder, I would never go more than 2000 baht . BTW: This is my first full concrete wall ... i had others before... and its strong and keeps unwanted critters of all types on the outside looking in 😉
  3. I think the OP could be a good example of why all the previous usernames of people here on the forum 🙄should be listed .
  4. These type of threads are great ..... giving the usual suspects just another opportunity to slip in the same ignorant ad hominem attacks ( "stupid... right wing... idiots.... tin foil hatters.... anti vax nuts."... etc etc ) into their post. I guess it makes themselves feel superior . Are they ?? Well.... the world and especially forums is full of ..... all types
  5. One can always learn a lot about someone...... that always thinks that its "others" that are the stupid ones . They often use that stupid word a lot in their constant posts
  6. We are indeed the heroes ! Instead of being finally declared so , after all the abuse hurled at us......... there are still some very vocal holdouts pasting and posting the lies from 3 years ago. Top prize so far goes to the instant classic : "You were not forced . You might have been coerced... but you were not forced " . ( please raise your hand and come get your prize ) No, it was not you Too Tall . Sit down please........
  7. The next one is COMING ! WILL the sheep BE FOOLED AGAIN ? https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/ PSYOP-SCAMDEMIC RISING: "Health Emergency" Declarations, Lockdowns, Masking & Never-Ending DEATHVAX™
  8. HA HA HA .......This is why I am going to make RS my Minister of Information ! He's tougher than some of my exes when it comes to remembering some things ! Thanks to his efforts ( nicely displayed here) , I can work out the details on the Redefining of what true idiocy and fascist tendencies are, and how they love the company of others like them. So..... as my first action when i take office, all these nice posters wishing harm to others and offering sick , disgraceful remarks borne out of ignorance : SHALL BE REMANDED to an area where they are sentenced to living 24/7 with each other. Some might consider that cruel and unusual punishment , but i think they just might enjoy it . (until they turn on each other) LOL !
  9. Neither harsh nor sugar coated........ it ain't gonna break through to "those concerned here" on this forum. and honestly......... I don't give a hoot ! ( as the Night Owl would say)
  10. good thing i know that is not directed at me ..... or i'd send you some really nasty emojis
  11. hahaha thanks for a classic post ! What can anyone do.... but feel sorry and wish the troll a Happy New Year .
  12. Same thing always happened to me when i was faced with the prospect of going home with an ugly girl ...... my instincts always pushed back . But i will admit that other biological factors sometimes said ....... what the hell ! on a serious note😝: the propaganda machine that has been in force over everyone's lives has succeeded incredibly well . I was shocked how many people i knew had totally lost the critical thinking part of their brain ... (as so often displayed by a large number of our emoji and copy and paste robots , tall or otherwise ) Fortunately I have a rare genetic gene sequence which appears in a small percentage of humanoids ,e.g. class clowns , satirists, and generally those deemed dangerous to society due to refusal to conform ( to the ruling class narrative, that is ) . As the last four years has PROVED , though......... that gene has saved my life, as well as a number of others. Usually noticable by a distinctive aura which some have likened to a tin hat . I wear mine as a badge of honor .
  13. Another year coming.......... Same old Same old ??
  14. from Sasha Latypova's research : "I queried VAERS data many times over 2021-2022 using historical data from seasonal flu vaccines lot-to-lot as a comparator. Right away it was obvious that the difference was astounding: covid injections had 15-41 times more serious adverse events and 40-152 times more deaths per lot. Even more troubling was the incredibly high lot-to-lot variation for covid shots compared to the flu vaccines, even after adjusting for the lot sizes in doses. It is expected that for a product manufactured in compliance with the cGMP all manufacturing lots will have very similar rates of adverse events, very close to zero, and that held largely true for the flu vaccine data. In contrast, the covid shots varied roughly 1000% lot-to-lot. Some lots had very few reports, and some had 5000-6000 reports, including 1,000-2,000 serious reports and hundreds of deaths. The variability was not explained by the sizes of lots, nor by any normal demographic data adjustments such as age or gender of the recipients. It was clear that the manufacture was recklessly uncontrolled." Her substack > Sasha Latypova Dec 30
  15. which number did you pick ?

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