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  1. that's the best you can do ? give us your particulars. Mine have all been stated . your age and policy ? what would cost "10 million " baht here in Thailand ? how many exclusions do you have ?
  2. just to make your assertions more palatable....... please post for us to see : your current age , insurance plan you now have ( don't forget the deductables and what is not covered) , and the cost for such "product" . then I and others can decide if that works for us. MY gamble worked just fine for ME . Others will all have different scenarios . High coverage COSTS a lot . And still , the exclusions and fine print and well=documented dishonesty of the insurance industry is easy to find even on mainstreet searches such as google. If i were to need ANY procedure or care costing more than even 5 million baht I would choose to just die . Show me the cost of "insurance" for coverage of someone over 60 which pays up to 5 million baht . And what procedure here in Thailand even comes close to that at a reasonably priced hospital . Long term care is included in your policy ? The biggest gamble people of all ages take is what they eat, what drugs they take which IMO cause more harm than curing themselves naturally ( i and a small percentage of others are proof that it can be done in MANY cases ) . At 70+ the only drug i take is an eye drop . My "gamble" was backed by playing the odds . I kept myself healthy ! If one has not done that...... the catch 22 is that their health issues will be Excluded from coverage . hahaha . Not much worth to that, is there ?
  3. your comment that these drugs are not candy is a good one . all have potential side effects...... with "floxins" (often given for prostate issues) being among the black box group . NOTE: Moxifloxacin is a prescription drug used to treat bacterial infections. It belongs to a class of drugs called fluoroquinolones and can cause serious side effects, such as tendon rupture, peripheral neuropathy...........
  4. I am surely thus duly qualified to be an expert ....... in a number of fields .😉 Hey, but at least when i comment here on this site i have firsthand experience on the subjects at hand .
  5. Isn't the park at the inner SW corner of the moat? like most things ............... it depends what position one has before they comment. but... since we are such followers of "the science /s" .... southwest corner would be the answer
  6. that's true ...... bbbut ...... the problem for many is that they did not foresee the out of proportion increases in everything within the Medical Complex . Which is out of control, as are the "necessary" increases by their cohorts: insurance companies. of course our govt elites do not have to worry about the costs . they are guaranteed a very nice retirement 🙂 , which they enacted for themselves .
  7. My experience is only what i read here on this forum . The main thing i have seen is that almost everyone ( some exceptions) posts that their premium keeps going up ( a lot) , even they have no claims. Then there are the stories ( agonies) of those fighting with the companies (stressful) to get their claim paid for . Then there are guys like me. I have always saved through the years ( and i did NOT make big big bucks) ..... knowing that some day i would get old . I have also taken care of my health as best i can , though of course i have some issues. I pay for those myself , and if i ever have a "major" issue my savings over the years, not giving it to insurance "providers" , is in the bank where i can get to it . And the funniest part is ............ they either wouldn't cover me now (over 70), or if they did the cost would be huge, as well as the things they would not cover . Self insure..... it worked for me . Or, gamble that your company will "just say no "
  8. i am not surprised (at all) that you have garnered more negative emojis than the one positive .... for this viewpoint . My guess is that for every thousand "good servants" that follow the beaten path of mediocrity and conformity ..... there is maybe one or two that decide for themself what path they want to take. How many actually manage to succeed , by finding an alternative and rewarding lifestyle which they will not sacrifice for money or acceptance.... well, very few . ooops. there i go. off topic again 🙂
  9. You must be a real talent if she came three times !
  10. it is odd..... maybe just a small "error" which can sometimes lead to big confusion .
  11. OK.......... skimming through the "news report" from May 28..... the ONLY mention of interest to those who must fulfill the insurance requirement was this section , which specifically mentions the O-A visa : (1) ปรับลดเงินประกันสุขภาพสำหรับการตรวจลงตราประเภทคนอยู่ชั่วคราว (Non-Immigrant) รหัส 0-A จากเดิมจำนวน 3,000,000 บาท ให้เหลือเท่าก่อนสถานการณ์การแพร่ระบาดของโรคติดเชื้อไวรัสโคโรนา 2019 (โควิด-19) คือ 40,000 บาทสำหรับผู้ป่วยนอก และ 400,000 บาท so, i hope members will stop trying to have the same fate placed on plain Non-0 holders who are NOT required to buy insurance to extend their stays in this nice place 🙂
  12. OK ............. assumptions and most likely's are now open again . i
  13. my take from reading it ( the correct one 55 ) is : (7) Category Non-Immigrant Code O (L-A)
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