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    CM...out in the pasture

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  1. Wow...... you're DOUBLING your usual amount this year !
  2. well...if only egoman would show up, we'd have a reunion of the original Four Musketeers ( or crazy anti vaxxers to those who love us ). Wishing y'all a happy new year , and may all your DNA stay healthy and unburdened by what has been
  3. you always did ( speaking in recent times) have more empathy for the very large group we call "humanity" . me, i am much more on the G Carlin amusement team . not really caring anymore for the impossible state most are in . just watching the sheet show . the other great saying was something about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. If nothing else.... these topics definitely attest to that.
  4. You can keep posting your facts till your Red .... or is it Blue... in the face . And on this issue I and a few... few... others totally agree . And yet, the biggest FACT is that the percentage of people on this forum who refuse to accept your version ( sorry if i call it that ....) , well, the percentage here and worldwide is still lopsided in favor of the MSM version. Even on Western forums that have a majority of adament Non compliers , especially to the covid shots, I read all the comments and its like 90% saying that they cannot convince even their families and friends to really delve into the science ... or as we call it, the Real Science. Should you give up ? Of course not . I met two people just recently here in Chiangmai that feel the same as i do ! Just two . Two more than have ever told me that they now "see the light" and realize how they were/are being lied to. Do i care what happens to those who disagree. Nope. I only have interest in discussions of great importance with a few loved ones. Let's see how Kennedy and his clan proceed with the narrative regarding the Pharma cartel . Will be interesting.... to say the least .
  5. If you can even make it to page 4 , where the raw talent of modern day society rears it ugly rear .............. i am sure you can understand why I almost never engage with these humanoids . ( i could have used a similar sounding word , but doubt my humor would have been appreciated) . one would need kryptonite to break the chains ....... and now its unaffordable
  6. What have you found out so far ? I would be interested in what prices you have been getting ............ and which brands of HA is being offered. (also 1 shot or 3 shot version?) thanks, rumak
  7. business as usual on this "alternative views forum .......... "Contrary to the usual MSM narrative posts" are presented by some members. Met by derisive comments or emojis by those who present the same paid for articles of the past . Of course i knew it would be like this .............. i guess Charlie had a more optimistic outcome in mind
  8. I felt the same way ( never can forgive those warp speed remarks) for a few years ! But never did i completely close my mind to their being a reason. It was clear to me how powerful the "dark state" was .... as my posts in other forums shows: "The Swarm " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_3Nf6xjeFs After long reflections , fighting against my anger towards Trump on the vax issue, I came to give credit to the idea that he was under siege by the bad guys . Somehow he knew that he had to retreat ( serious threats ? ) , and not enough firepower to strike back . Why does he not NOW come out and tell the whole story ? Hopefully, it is coming . Maybe not just blurting out who and why ..... but getting a real team behind him this time who will help create a force with the ability to strike down the evil empire. Little by little. It seems to already have started. No ? MSM losing viewership/power. More strong personalities shoring up the command ( Kennedy, Tulsi, Musk, etc) ... and even Facebook and Google and Bezos snuggling up . Yet still the swamp is trying to keep its hold. Fear talk of pandemics.... mysterious aliens in the sky... etc . So........ lets see if Trump even makes it to the changeover . If he does, give it about 6 months and let's see if things are changing . Here at AN they seem to be 🙂 Maybe he will never come out and tell us exactly what happenned back in 2019 ... but we should know for sure if they ( the T Team ) are really playing on the side of sanity ...... or they are (as some might claim) , just a fake out for business as usual .
  9. You're right, as you have been for years on this subject . I am not tooting my horn , but for years I have given a short but imo precise reason why things haven't changed much. Namely, the state of mankind ; Stupid, impervious in regards to critical thinking, brainwashed into believing what the "authorities" dictate, blindly following orders so as not to face penalties or social rebuke...... pick your reason. They all apply . The social experiment that we call "mankind" has blown up and good luck ever putting it back together . We definitely are burdened by what has been . Its now up to each individual to enact whatever goodness and quality of life they can, by their own efforts . Even a very small percentage of people with money from working or inheritance ever seem to accomplish a healthy and "happy" trip through life . I have seen that more often in the poorer societies , though that is increasingly being destroyed by "Progress" into the new world order. hello, Facebook . goodbye human interaction. I still have to agree with GC's humorous truths...... though i am prone to forget once in a while and jump up and down when the cheerleading propaganda comes on and we all get caught up in making the world great again. Then you wake up..... and damn if the day and all the crap is still the same . Even worse when some headline says that some imaginary coin is now making some few into billionaires . By doing nothing . as usual... i don't remember what i am commenting on. What flavor ice cream do i like the most ? oh well .........
  10. I am your age and also had very good results that lasted about 7 months. I had Ostenil plus .......... one shot ! Cost in Chiangmai was 9000 baht at a clinic . From what i have read the Ostenil plus has very good reviews just some info re my experience , as there are different brands of HA check on google

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