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    CM...out in the pasture

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  1. or posting endlessly from their warrior chairs .... The "google deranged " still quoting CNN and other totally debunked mainstreet sources ( of misinformation)
  2. Just 4 serious ones. 2 where i was unconscious , 1 a motorcycle accident, and 1 a razor knife being held to my neck . the few mishaps with the opposite sex here in Thailand I will just put down to "experience gained" in the learning process . gives my answers to posts regarding relationship red flags here in LOS a bit more authenticity . 😉
  3. Are you buying the ingredients ( Cacao powder and Cacao Butter at Yok ? Or Rimping ? Please send your recipe ( which i will immediately hand to my "chef" ) thanks
  4. haahahahahahahahhahhahahhahaha all your fake leftie media propaganda sources thank you for being one of the last few to still believe their lies . everyone else has moved on,
  5. Amazingly true ! And as stubborn as the liars from mainstreet media are....... the hardcore Trump haters here just keep quoting those same old sources. The Woke groupies here are a sad bunch
  6. Would like some anecdotal references for a good local (Chiangmai or Doi Saket) computer shop where i can buy an external hard drive and they will help me transfer my data onto it . Maybe its "very easy" ..... but being first time a little help can't hurt . Any particular hard drives better or worse ? I don't need the cheapest, nor the most expensive .
  7. The Daily Mail suddenly wakes up from its journalistic coma and reports an actual factual story about Covid death shots The British tabloid the Daily Mail has for four years promoted the Covid shots and refused to criticize or investigate any of the obvious health risks they pose to the billions around the world who have received them. But in recent weeks the Daily Mail seems to have had a sudden change of heart, a jolt of journalistic inspiration, and is running articles that report the actual facts about the dangers of the Covid jabs. Almost every day the "resistance" breaks their silence to report what they wouldn't do before. Here on AN forum....... the resolute vaccine injury deniers continue to dig in to their bunker, frantically mustering another Ad hominem attack .
  8. i hope y'all realize (from the emojis) that I am just joking
  9. thanks. that's true . i forgot that. Good thing that I put the 50 million baht house in my girlfriends name ! 🤪🤪🤪
  10. Here is the most important 2 facts about FATCA : The Form 8938 must be attached to the taxpayer's annual tax return. U.S. taxpayers who do not have to file an income tax return for the tax year do not have to file Form 8938, regardless of the value of their specified foreign financial assets. You may also have to file FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) PDF. These both have been in effect for many years . I hate doing these type of "reports" ( but i hate many things us "citizens" of the world have to do. FinCEN has to be filed online.... not difficult . I do not need to file 8938 (don't ask why)...... but if you are rich enough to have to file a tax return .... then i guess you'd better look into how to do Form 8938 Note: US expats living outside of US do get all of their SS benefits.... unlike many countries that have big restrictions on payments for those living abroad
  11. well, for sure one big tall guy posting endlessly the same old stories did not know ! He was right on one thing : "all PEER ( paid for) reviewed "
  12. The MILLIONS who have been forcibly silenced/censored/ slandered over the last 10 years FINALLY are getting free !! Still a lot of work to do to undue all the horrendous acts commited. Bring on the revelations ..... Its been a long time since the good people have had some hope that justice will be done . So funny to see that the screaming left media STILL is trying... but failing !
  13. going by the "score" on this post , it's 16 in favor to 8 in denial . 3 2 2 4 6 6 1 That's not bad .... and probably in line NOW with the VAST majority of people who finally get what's happened to the US.... and world for that matter. But, still gonna be the really stubborn, dense group who watch CNN for their talking points and quotes
  14. well, i guess this is as good a place as any to give a "common sense" opinion of what we are subjected to on our daily trip through existence :
  15. On a recent visit to my local (small) tax office , they asked me a few basic questions about income. Being over 70 i informed them that i was "retired" . I can handle most of the interview without a problem ( all in Thai ) .... but was a bit stumped when they asked me what do i do in Thailand ( i have been here a long time) . Finally I came up with an answer : " I eat ..... and I sleep " Took them a while , but then they laughed.
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